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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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1 hour ago, Rskins91 said:

So that's your response? Everyone lies so it's okay to believe what I want? Your arrogance is disturbing. 


I'd be the first to get upset at a liberal news outlet who lies and gets away with it.  


I accept there's BS from both sides...I'm not sure what you want me to say.     I'm not arrogant whatsoever....the Left are the arrogant ones...always thinking they are smarter than everyone else.

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46 minutes ago, SkinsPassion4Life said:


I accept there's BS from both sides...I'm not sure what you want me to say.     I'm not arrogant whatsoever....the Left are the arrogant ones...always thinking they are smarter than everyone else.


You call it arrogant, I call it acute self-awareness, but yeah I know I'm smarter than every one of the 60+ million people that voted for Donald Trump for President of the United States of America. 


And I'm talking about really accomplished doctors, lawyers, scientists, etc included. You can be a brilliant minded person, but if you also voted for Trump, at some basic level you're also just a dumbass. 

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45 minutes ago, SkinsPassion4Life said:

I accept there's BS from both sides...I'm not sure what you want me to say.     I'm not arrogant whatsoever....the Left are the arrogant ones...always thinking they are smarter than everyone else.

There is B.S. from both sides, sure. The amount of bull**** and level of deceit coming from the right is incomparable though.


The 2nd part... This is a fun game. I like when you post things about why you hate the left. I'm not sure there is actually anything you can say bad about someone that I can't go to youtube and have a compilation of your president doing over and over and over again, proving my point that you actually don't care about that sort of thing. You just think the right is good and the left is bad because that's what you've been brainwashed to believe.


"the Left are the arrogant ones...always thinking they are smarter than everyone else."




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1 hour ago, Burgold said:

I think the fundamental difference that we should begin to get our heads around is that it's left-leaning news organizations versus right leaning propaganda outfits. That's really the difference. The Right-wing media for the most part doesn't try to be a journalistic organization. They don't hold by the ethics and standards. That's why people get fired for getting it wrong at CNN or the NYTs, but nothing ever happens to hosts, reporters, or producers who get caught getting it wrong or even worse manufacturing stories at FOX News, Breitbart, or talk radio (Hell, they usually get raises and a better time slot).


The goal of CNN, ABC, CBS, etc. is to tell the news. The goal of FOX and pretty much all Right Wing Media is to present the Right's side.


I don't think I'm exaggerating.


Nice post, Burgold. It's a sharp, and important, distinction. Sadly it helps explain why and how so many Americans (including pols who should know better) have mistaken the function of journalism. Rigor, criticism (another sorely misunderstood term), persistence, and prodding are The Job. This is all just part of the broader push to say that wet water is fake, and this is one place, at least, that us regular folks can push back a bit.

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Let me repeat, I'm not a Trump lover....geez.


And I'm def. not brainwashed....it's the left that has been brainwashed for years by media pretending to be neutral and giving us the "real news"; when in fact they are liberals spewing their left wing ideology and spreading lies about the GOP.



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2 minutes ago, SkinsPassion4Life said:

And I'm def. not brainwashed....it's the left that has been brainwashed for years by media pretending to be neutral and giving us the "real news"; when in fact they are liberals spewing their left wing ideology and spreading lies about the GOP.

This is my new favorite sentence of all time :rofl89:

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2 hours ago, Burgold said:

I think the fundamental difference that we should begin to get our heads around is that it's left-leaning news organizations versus right leaning propaganda outfits. That's really the difference. The Right-wing media for the most part doesn't try to be a journalistic organization. They don't hold by the ethics and standards. That's why people get fired for getting it wrong at CNN or the NYTs, but nothing ever happens to hosts, reporters, or producers who get caught getting it wrong or even worse manufacturing stories at FOX News, Breitbart, or talk radio (Hell, they usually get raises and a better time slot).


The goal of CNN, ABC, CBS, etc. is to tell the news. The goal of FOX and pretty much all Right Wing Media is to present the Right's side.


I don't think I'm exaggerating.


LOL....You're confusing Fox News journalists with Fox News Opinion hosts like Hannity, Tucker Carlson, etc....


The goal of the media is ratings..period....that's why this Russia story is covered everyday despite no evidence.


I'm a Republican, but I mainly watch CNN...just for the laugh...to hear what these lunatics are spewing..pretending to be fair when everyone non bias knows they're frauds.....this Trump WWE tweet is yet another example...they can't wait for someone to do something to a journalist so they can blame Trump

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21 minutes ago, SkinsPassion4Life said:


LOL....You're confusing Fox News journalists with Fox News Opinion hosts like Hannity, Tucker Carlson, etc....


The goal of the media is ratings..period....that's why this Russia story is covered everyday despite no evidence.


I'm a Republican, but I mainly watch CNN...just for the laugh...to hear what these lunatics are spewing..pretending to be fair when everyone non bias knows they're frauds.....this Trump WWE tweet is yet another example...they can't wait for someone to do something to a journalist so they can blame Trump

The WWE tape is beneath the Presidency, or at least it used to be. 

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3 minutes ago, RedskinsFan44 said:

The WWE tape is beneath the Presidency, or at least it used to be. 


 I don't disagree...but let's not get carried away...first CNN was going with the theme that Trump is inciting violence....now they are saying that the person who originally posted the video is anti-semitic and a racist......dog whistle...Trump is racist...GOP are racist, etc....so predictable.



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In his defense, cnn is really bad.


If that is what you're holding up as main stream media then it's easy to see why you'd have that opinion.


Their shows are 24/7 'trump tweeted this' 


When  trump said there were no tapes it appeared 70% of the station had a melt down

(I mean 70% of everyone involved with CNN, 100% of the on-air talent definitely melted down that night)


It's essentially what foxnews was to Obama (but with less pizazz)


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6 hours ago, nonniey said:

1) Do we - yes - the last Israeli election is probably the strongest example - and no we should not  accept it happening in our elections.


2) Not sure you used the right example as Obama killed the defense system in 2009.


So, basically, STFU. 

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3 hours ago, SkinsPassion4Life said:


 I don't disagree...but let's not get carried away...first CNN was going with the theme that Trump is inciting violence....now they are saying that the person who originally posted the video is anti-semitic and a racist......dog whistle...Trump is racist...GOP are racist, etc....so predictable.




You say this as if it is completely made up by CNN. There are RECORDINGS of Trump inciting violence in various ways at his rallies. The person who originally posted the video/gif is being called a racist and antisemite because he posted blatantly racist and antisemitic things online under the same ****ing username. 

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8 hours ago, SkinsPassion4Life said:


that's why this Russia story is covered everyday despite no evidence.

If there was no evidence why was Flynn fired? 


People are pretending there is no evidence. It's bull. When multiple people from a campaign have been paid by a foreign agent and subsequently lie about having received such payment... that is evidence. Further, when multiple people meet with Ambassador's and commit a crime in denying or omiting have met that ambassador using the same exact language... that is evidence. Lastly, when multiple people use the same exact rhetoric as a foreign power while pushing that foreign entities interests in opposition to US interests... that may be evidence.


There absolutely is evidence. There was enough evidence that to fire Flynn. There is enough evidence that Sessions offered to resign. There is evidence that Kushner and that Russian banker can't get their stories straight about A) whether they met and 2) what they talked about when they met. There is even money trail evidence.


What you are confusing is evidence with verdict. There has been no verdict yet. There is a tremendous amount of direct and circumstantial evidence.

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5 hours ago, mistertim said:


You say this as if it is completely made up by CNN. There are RECORDINGS of Trump inciting violence in various ways at his rallies. The person who originally posted the video/gif is being called a racist and antisemite because he posted blatantly racist and antisemitic things online under the same ****ing username. 

This is a fact, and it's utterly laughable that the blame is on CNN.

All this tells me is they don't even LISTEN to Trump, they just listen to the conservative propaganda Cliff's notes.

Once again, NO ONE needs CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, XYZ, or 123 to show them what Trump is. He does it all on his own, and you really have to be some kind of stupid to not hear him... and yet believe him.


Propaganda 101- Trust only me, everyone else lies. 

Ignore your eyes and ears, only i will tell you the truth.

ALL of your problems .. ALL of the nation's problems are from ONE source. ( in this case liberals.) Somehow you've been convinced that they are wrong 100% of the time, regardless, and your boys are right 100% of the time, regardless. Humanly impossible, yet this is the prevailing thinking among the indoctrinated.

You're giddy over an exposé of CNN that your dear leader and your propaganda has you convinced discredits everything they do, but ignore the fact that the exposer has been CONVICTED of fraud for falsifying news. So shut the **** up about truth. You're not interested. To you it's a game of gotcha, so long as the gotcha reinforces what you've been told.

Dehumanize; "Liberals in washington aren't even people" according to little Beavis Trump, followed by an ad a weak later with barely veiled threats.. intellectuals, and so called "elites" are the enemy of America, and will be met with the closed fist of freedom.

Let me say that to you in a bar one night. rest assured, those words are a threat. 

According to your escalating propaganda, your greatest enemies are your fellow Americans, while our TRUE greatest enemy is just being harassed after being accused of meddling. 


So while it's "funny" to watch liberals faces get red listening to you spout your stupidity,, wait until you have to shoot one.. or evade one wanting to shoot you.

Because this is what people are being goaded into. 


Better wake up.



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9 hours ago, SkinsPassion4Life said:


 I don't disagree...but let's not get carried away...first CNN was going with the theme that Trump is inciting violence....now they are saying that the person who originally posted the video is anti-semitic and a racist......dog whistle...Trump is racist...GOP are racist, etc....so predictable.



So his behavior is beneath the Presidency, but it's ok because of the damn liberals. That's how he got elected, and you will forgive him damn near anything because of your anger, likely spoon fed to you by Hannity.

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3 hours ago, Burgold said:

If there was no evidence why was Flynn fired? 


People are pretending there is no evidence. It's bull. When multiple people from a campaign have been paid by a foreign agent and subsequently lie about having received such payment... that is evidence. Further, when multiple people meet with Ambassador's and commit a crime in denying or omiting have met that ambassador using the same exact language... that is evidence. Lastly, when multiple people use the same exact rhetoric as a foreign power while pushing that foreign entities interests in opposition to US interests... that may be evidence.


There absolutely is evidence. There was enough evidence that to fire Flynn. There is enough evidence that Sessions offered to resign. There is evidence that Kushner and that Russian banker can't get their stories straight about A) whether they met and 2) what they talked about when they met. There is even money trail evidence.


What you are confusing is evidence with verdict. There has been no verdict yet. There is a tremendous amount of direct and circumstantial evidence.


You left out the President's go-to guy on, well, everything, trying to set up covert communications with Russia, via the Russian Embassy.  And firing the FBI director for failing to kill the investigation.  


However, I think what he's trying to say isn;t that there's been no verdict.  He's saying that there is no proof of Trump meeting personally with Putin for the specific purpose of detailing exactly which things Putin is buying, if he helps Trump win the election.  


You know, the goalpost which virtually nobody is accusing Trump of, and which the spin machine immediately established as the "anything short of this isn't good enough for us to admit anything" goal line.  (And which, lately, they've been trying to move further.)  


It's a standard talking point which right wing propaganda has been not brainwashing people to repeat.  

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4 hours ago, Burgold said:

If there was no evidence why was Flynn fired? 


People are pretending there is no evidence. It's bull. When multiple people from a campaign have been paid by a foreign agent and subsequently lie about having received such payment... that is evidence. Further, when multiple people meet with Ambassador's and commit a crime in denying or omiting have met that ambassador using the same exact language... that is evidence. Lastly, when multiple people use the same exact rhetoric as a foreign power while pushing that foreign entities interests in opposition to US interests... that may be evidence.


There absolutely is evidence. There was enough evidence that to fire Flynn. There is enough evidence that Sessions offered to resign. There is evidence that Kushner and that Russian banker can't get their stories straight about A) whether they met and 2) what they talked about when they met. There is even money trail evidence.


What you are confusing is evidence with verdict. There has been no verdict yet. There is a tremendous amount of direct and circumstantial evidence.


I have no clue what you're talking about, Burgold. Independent counsels are routinely set up and hire slews of prosecutorial heavyweights for things that are obvious dead ends with no evidence whatsoever.

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4 minutes ago, mistertim said:


I have no clue what you're talking about, Burgold. Independent counsels are routinely set up and hire slews of prosecutorial heavyweights for things that are obvious dead ends with no evidence whatsoever.


Yet there probably wouldn't be one if Trump hadn't fired Comey.




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21 hours ago, SkinsPassion4Life said:

two questions...


1) For all those going crazy over Russian meddling with the election....Don't we meddle in other countries elections?

So all's fair now eh? Just so long as it's your golden shower boy who was the beneficiary? 


GOP logic:

NO collusion!!

Even if there was collusion there was no effect on election

Even if there was an effect on the election it wasn't illegal

We meddle in elections so it's ok for Russia to **** with ours.


I'll never tire of their BS.

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