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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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2 hours ago, DogofWar1 said:

The following tweets were posted 41 minutes apart by THE SAME PERSON




"GET READY! We're bombing Syria!"


"C'mon let's be friends.  Plz nakama?"



This could be Trump's way of just telling Russia to move out of the area for another fireworks show just like he warned Russia about our first missile airstrike on Syria which hit nothing of importance. 

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Tell you what,, if i was an inconsequential Syrian mulberry bush growing near a runway, or maybe an out of the way mailbox on some Syrian back road, i'd be very worried right about now.


**** Donald Trump. More smoke..  Russia gives him his marching orders, likely including 'tough tweets' so he can convince his base he is doing anything but taking it.



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1 hour ago, AJ* said:



This could be Trump's way of just telling Russia to move out of the area for another fireworks show just like he warned Russia about our first missile airstrike on Syria which hit nothing of importance. 


Was thinking the same thing. IIRC last time we did the Syria strike thing last year we called up Russia in advance and told them where we were striking so they could make sure they could get everything they needed to out of there. No clue what the **** Donnie Orangeo is doing though. Is he just reacting to what he saw on Fox and Friends and then walking it back after he realized what he'd done or did someone tell him to walk it back? Is this all just show? 


This guy is so ****ing unstable it's terrifying. We have a legitimately mentally ill person in the Oval Office.

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3 minutes ago, @SkinsGoldPants said:


What is he going to get from the tax payers annually after this? 

He has 20 years, so when he turns 50 (in 2 years?), he will start collecting a full pension for the rest of his life...which I believe is 80% of his salary, and (I think) adjusted each year for inflation.

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9 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

I hope Ryan doesn't gut Social Security and Medicare on his way out of the door.


Not enough time. He'll have to settle for punching a poor 8 year old in the face while berating his mother for not being a wealthy industrialist.

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7 hours ago, Dan T. said:

John Boehner translation:

"I'm joining the board of #AcreageHoldings to make a ****load of money because I can see which way the wind is blowing on post legalization."

Fair enough, but I don't mind that if it's done ethically and leads us to a good place.

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12 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:



She thinks there were good people on both sides of that decision.




But seriously, how do you **** up that answer? He basically just asked her "do you think segregation is good?" and she demurred.


Just now, Larry said:


And this will not cost her a single Republican vote. 


It may very well get her more.

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