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The Trump Riot Aftermath (Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes found guilty of seditious conspiracy. Proud Boys join the club)

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33 minutes ago, China said:



His "let's just wait 10 days for a review of the results" sounded relatively benign at the time, until you realize he was working hand in hand with John Eastman to buy time to use those fake alternative electoral certifications from the 7 contested states.  







Edited by Dan T.
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MAGA Rioter Arrested After Bragging About Talking His Way Out Of Getting Arrested


Texas Trump supporter John Franklin Lammons, who boasted about “talking his way out” when asked online if he was arrested after the January 6 Capitol riot, was taken into custody by FBI agents last week and charged with illegal entry, disruptive and disorderly conduct and parading in the Capitol.


Lammons was arrested in his hometown of Galveston, TX, where he owns a jiu jitsu training center and an adjacent business called the “Rage Cage,” Raw Story reported.


The Capitol rioter was initially identified in a WhatsApp chat group in which he bragged about participating in the January 6 storming of the Capitol and getting away with it, according to the FBI criminal complaint.


“A screen shot that had a post from an unknown individual asking if Lammons got arrested. Lammons posted the response “No bro talked my way out” and “Kept others from getting beat up and going to.”


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Yeah. I mean, we've now reached the point where the GOP defense of 1/6 is "hey, we didn't want them to smash through and trash the Capitol building. Cause, see, we had this other plan to overthrow democracy, and we were in the act of carrying it out, when they interrupted us."  

It reminds me of the defense of Trump, Russia, and the DNC hack. 

First their line was "nobody in the campaign has ever spoken to a Russian". That lie lasted about a day. 

Then it was "well, nobody met with anybody they knew was Russian."  (And really, nobody pointed out that two of the people contacted were the Russian ambassador, and a lawyer named Natalia Vesselnyetskia?)


Then it was "well, she was Russian, but she might have been working for a non-Russian client". Until it's pointed out that Junior's email setting up the meeting stated that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Russian government's offer to help. 

And then they moved to "well, you know the reason we set up the meeting was to solicit help from Russia, but you don't have recordings of the actual meeting (do you?)"


And so their defense, for like five years, boils down to "Well, our campaign tried to solicit help from the Russian government.  But when we actually met, those damn Russians wouldn't collide with us."

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‘Possible Coverup’: White House Logs Show 7-Hour Gap in Trump’s Calls on Jan. 6


We learned last month that the Jan. 6 committee found gaps in the White House call logs on the day of the Capitol riot, as well as that those gaps include times the committee knows former President Trump was on the phone. We learned on Tuesday that those “gaps” were more like one huge gap that spans … just about the entire day.


The Washington Post and CBS News have reported that the logs turned over to the committee show a gap in Trump’s phone logs that spans seven hours and thirty-seven minutes, a period of time that includes that attack on the Capitol. The Jan. 6 committee has been intensely interested in Trump’s communications as the attack was unfolding, and is now investigating a “possibly coverup,” according to a member who spoke to the Post.


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In another bid for the “Worse than Watergate” files, it turns out there is a seven-hour gap in Donald Trump’s phone logs on the day of the insurrection attempt. According to documents obtained by The Post and CBS News, there is no record of then-President Trump’s calls on Jan. 6, 2021, from just after 11 a.m. to shortly before 7 p.m.


That means there’s a big black hole in the record when it comes to Trump’s conversations throughout the period during which the mob assaulted the U.S. Capitol and violence raged over several hours.


The documents, which were turned over to the House select committee examining Jan. 6, do show that Trump had many calls before 11 a.m. and after 6 p.m. that were apparently related to the coup effort. That suggests Trump held many calls related to the insurrection between those two times that are not officially accounted for.


Here are three big takeaways:

The noncooperation of Trump’s allies makes this story worse.


We already know Trump spoke to many key players by phone while the violence unfolded, thanks to dogged reporting and the Jan. 6 committee’s investigation thus far.


For instance, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) pleaded with Trump to call off the rioters, to no avail. White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows urged Trump to do the same and was with or near Trump throughout that period.


Calls such as these are among those that should be in the phone logs but aren’t. The Post reports that the committee is investigating whether Trump used burner phones during that period, but whatever we learn on that front, this whole story is made worse by the fact that those key players are refusing to cooperate with the committee.

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Makes Nixon's 18 minutes look like a blip. 


DOJ needs to step up. It's not like Trump can resign like Nixon did, he's already out. When Ford pardoned Nixon, it opened the door for criminals to take over the government by coup. When Supremes gave the 2000 election to Bush 43, that was a cold coup. What Trump attempted was a coup plain and simple that wasn't successful. It's time to punish these criminals who want to take our republic and turn it into a fascist theocracy.

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11 hours ago, Ball Security said:




If zero charges are ever brought against anyone high ranking then Garland may go down as the most feckless AG in US history. An open coup attempt, clear as day, in front of everyone and everyone gets off scot-free.

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1 hour ago, mistertim said:


If zero charges are ever brought against anyone high ranking then Garland may go down as the most feckless AG in US history. An open coup attempt, clear as day, in front of everyone and everyone gets off scot-free.

He already is. He isn’t doing jack.

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"raising prospect of.."
as in "Directly points the finger at.."

But I am sure this latest clear example of what he was doing by hiding what he was doing will result in the absolutely nothing we've become used to.



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Two former U.S. officials help ethics probe of Trump ally Clark, source says


The top two U.S. Justice Department officials in the waning days of Donald Trump's presidency are cooperating with a Washington legal body's ethics probe of their former colleague Jeffrey Bossert Clark, who tried to help Trump overturn his 2020 election loss, according to a person familiar with the matter.


Jeffrey Rosen, who served as acting attorney general, and Richard Donoghue, his former acting deputy, each have given voluntary interviews in recent months to the District of Columbia Office of Disciplinary Counsel, which is investigating Clark for possible misconduct, according to the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.


Rosen and Donoghue received Justice Department approval beforehand, the source said.


The Office of Disciplinary Counsel is part of the D.C. Bar, which was created as an official arm of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals to govern and set rules for lawyers licensed to practice in the U.S. capital. It investigates possible misconduct by Washington lawyers and has the power to pursue disciplinary charges against attorneys found to have engaged in unethical conduct. In more serious cases, such charges can lead to the suspension of a license to practice law or disbarment.


The office is examining whether Clark violated ethics rules that prohibit lawyers from engaging in "dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation" when he urged Rosen and Donoghue to send officials in states pivotal to the 2020 election outcome a letter that contained false statements, the source said.


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This Trump coup stuff is important guys, but can we put that aside because the DOJ seems pretty interested that Hunter Biden used his nepotism and connections to make money.  Something so very unheard of by any relatives of public officials.  Truly setting a new precedence of corruption and cronyism that will have it's own chapter in U.S. History books! 

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12 hours ago, tshile said:

It’s just absolutely crazy to me how few people even care about this. 

a scotus justice was in on it. 


5 hours ago, hail2skins said:

When Trump has faced zero consequences so far for any of this, at some point people tune out. 



Yep. At some point fatigue simply sets in. The wheels of justice turn SOOOO slowly and Trump is a master at building speed bumps along the way. I've never heard of anyone so able to draw out legal peril. It almost seems like prosecuting entities get as tired as the people do and just surrender their cases.


There might also be something said for piling up SO much on the table for investigators that there becomes too much to prosecute. "Just keep committing crimes for them to look into and they'll never get around to making you pay" philosophy. 


As for Thomas, there are definitely two cozy beds in our govt that are basically untouchable- The White House and the Supreme Court. How does one even begin to shake the limb of a 200 year-old oak tree? The trunk of that tree provides too lofty and arduous a pursuit.



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