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The Trump Riot Aftermath (Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes found guilty of seditious conspiracy. Proud Boys join the club)

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A Man Claimed Police Let Him Into The Capitol On Jan. 6. A Judge Found Him Not Guilty Of All Charges.


A federal judge on Wednesday found that a New Mexico man “reasonably believed” that police officers let him into the US Capitol during the Jan. 6 breach, finding defendant Matthew Martin not guilty of all charges.


Announcing his decision from the bench, US District Judge Trevor McFadden said that although prosecutors argued there were numerous instances when Martin would have been aware that he wasn’t allowed on Capitol grounds or inside the building — as he walked past fences with signs saying “AREA CLOSED” and recorded video of a broken window, blaring alarms, police in riot gear, and people who appeared to have encountered tear gas — those were outweighed by Martin’s “plausible” belief that he had permission because officers didn’t try to stop him from entering.


McFadden said that Martin’s conduct was as “minimal and non-serious” as the judge could imagine for someone who went into the Capitol on Jan. 6. He said that Martin seemed to be a “silent observer” of the scene and didn’t try to crowd the police, protest, or wave the “Trump” flag that he was carrying. Martin appeared “quiet” and “orderly” as he walked inside the building, filmed video inside the Rotunda similar to how the media would behave, and didn’t appear to interfere with officers as he filmed a clash with rioters later in the afternoon on a north terrace of the building.


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January 6 committee obtains emails that former Trump attorney John Eastman sought to keep secret


The House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol has obtained a cache of emails that right-wing lawyer John Eastman had sought to keep secret.

The 101 emails -- exchanged between January 4 and January 7, 2021 -- were released to the committee after Judge David Carter ruled that Eastman had not made a sufficient claim to attorney-client privilege.

One email, a draft memo for Rudy Giuliani, was obtained by the committee because the judge decided it was potentially being used to plan a crime. The memo recommended that then-Vice President Mike Pence reject some states' electors during the January 6 congressional meeting.

"This may have been the first time members of President Trump's team transformed a legal interpretation of the Electoral Count Act into a day-by-day plan of action," Carter wrote.
In the other 100 documents the committee is receiving, the judge described extensive discussions among Eastman and others about using court cases as a political argument to block Congress from certifying the vote.

"In another email thread, Dr. Eastman's colleagues discuss whether to publish a piece supporting his plan, and they touch on state lawsuits only to criticize how they are being handled by the Trump campaign," the judge's ruling last month said. "In a different email thread, Dr. Eastman and a colleague consider how to use a state court ruling to justify Vice President Pence enacting the plan. In another email, a colleague focuses on the 'plan of action' after the January 6 attacks."


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Judge nixes key Bannon defense against criminal charges for defying Jan. 6 committee


A federal judge has dealt a significant setback to Steve Bannon’s defense against criminal charges the former Trump adviser is facing for defying a subpoena from the Jan. 6 select committee.


The Justice Department in November charged Bannon with two counts of contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a subpoena for documents and testimony related to the select committee probe of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol by a mob of Trump supporters.


Bannon has countered the charges by claiming his decision was based on the advice of veteran defense attorney Robert Costello, who told Bannon that former President Donald Trump had asserted executive privilege, and therefore he had no obligation to respond to the committee’s subpoena.


But U.S. District Court Judge Carl Nichols ruled on Wednesday that Bannon will be precluded from making that case in front of a jury. He said that the “advice of counsel” defense is not applicable in contempt of Congress cases, citing a 1961 ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals that he says is still binding on lower courts like his.


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Leader of West Virginia Proud Boys pleads guilty for role in US Capitol riot


The leader of the West Virginia chapter of the Proud Boys pleaded guilty on Wednesday to illegally entering the US Capitol grounds on January 6, 2021.


Jeffrey Finley, 29, faces up to one year in prison.

The plea could be a significant step in one of the Justice Department's most crucial investigations related to the attack, as prosecutors home in on what Proud Boys leaders had planned as they descended on the Capitol. Finley has corroborated evidence prosecutors may use in other cases.


Prosecutors have alleged that Proud Boys members used radios -- and some wore earpieces -- to communicate on January 6. And Finley took part in Telegram message channels that prosecutors have relied upon in making their cases.

Just after 2 p.m. that day, Finley moved with the mob to the Upper West Terrace and messaged a Telegram channel titled "Boots on the Ground." Prosecutors have alleged that channel was used by Proud Boys leaders to communicate, including reposting instructions from leader Enrique Tarrio.


Last month, the Justice Department charged Tarrio with conspiracy. He pleaded not guilty on Tuesday.

Prosecutors have indicated in court that there is new evidence that could lead to additional charges or arrests in relation to that case.


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Here's a link to a very short interview with the cameraman who filmed the insurrectionists. 


A cameraman who captured a crucial Jan. 5 meeting ahead of the Capitol attack spoke for hours with the panel probing the insurrection. 


What happened: The documentarian whose film crew captured a key Jan. 5 meeting between leaders of the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys testified for hours Tuesday to the Jan. 6 select committee.

Nick Quested, executive director and owner of Goldcrest Films, says the panel asked him extensive questions about the footage he captured on Jan. 5 and 6. That included significant behind-the-scenes exchanges with Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and harrowing moments of violence during the assault on the Capitol.

“We walked through my footage in detail,” Quested said in a phone interview.

Knowing Enrique Tarrio: Quested’s footage has become crucial evidence to both the select committee — which is probing the role of domestic extremism in the Jan. 6 attack — and the Justice Department, which has already used it to help issue charges against a handful of defendants who breached the Capitol. But his footage of Proud Boys, and in particular Tarrio’s meeting with Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes on Jan. 5, has provided unparalleled insight into the groups who helped drive the earliest and most aggressive breaches of the Capitol.



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Folks, the GOP told us, publicly, a month before the election, that their plan was to lose the election, and overturn it anyway. 

Donald Trump, when asked if there would be a peaceful transition:  "The thing is the ballots. You get rid of the ballots, there won't be a transition."


Mitch McConnell, on whether he would accept the results of the election:  "we will, after all the legal votes are counted."


They knew, a month before the election, that their team was going to lose. And their plan was to wait till after the votes were cast, and then decide which crates of ballots had to be thrown out, to change the results. 

And they knew that, to do that, what they needed was for some crates of ballots to be a lot more R than other crates. They needed for the voting to be non-uniform. 

And that's why the entire GOP spent that month telling Republican voters to only vote in person, on Election Day. Every single Republican who said that, was in on the conspiracy, and was working to implement it. 

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7 minutes ago, Larry said:

Folks, the GOP told us, publicly, a month before the election, that their plan was to lose the election, and overturn it anyway. 

Donald Trump, when asked if there would be a peaceful transition:  "The thing is the ballots. You get rid of the ballots, there won't be a transition."


Mitch McConnell, on whether he would accept the results of the election:  "we will, after all the legal votes are counted."


They knew, a month before the election, that their team was going to lose. And their plan was to wait till after the votes were cast, and then decide which crates of ballots had to be thrown out, to change the results. 

And they knew that, to do that, what they needed was for some crates of ballots to be a lot more R than other crates. They needed for the voting to be non-uniform. 

And that's why the entire GOP spent that month telling Republican voters to only vote in person, on Election Day. Every single Republican who said that, was in on the conspiracy, and was working to implement it. 


I had a mail in ballot sent to me. Because this is Texas and I don't trust any Republican in this state, I decided to vote in person on election day. I took my blank mail in ballot to my polling place as instructed. I signed a bunch of forms, got my ballot and voted. It must have counted because it says I voted in the registration database. I voted this year in the primaries in person on election day and will continued to do so as long as I am able. The mail in ballot law is further restricted by law, even though I am eligible because of age. 

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15 hours ago, Larry said:

Folks, the GOP told us, publicly, a month before the election, that their plan was to lose the election, and overturn it anyway. 

Donald Trump, when asked if there would be a peaceful transition:  "The thing is the ballots. You get rid of the ballots, there won't be a transition."


Mitch McConnell, on whether he would accept the results of the election:  "we will, after all the legal votes are counted."


They knew, a month before the election, that their team was going to lose. And their plan was to wait till after the votes were cast, and then decide which crates of ballots had to be thrown out, to change the results. 

And they knew that, to do that, what they needed was for some crates of ballots to be a lot more R than other crates. They needed for the voting to be non-uniform. 

And that's why the entire GOP spent that month telling Republican voters to only vote in person, on Election Day. Every single Republican who said that, was in on the conspiracy, and was working to implement it. 

As i recall, during my frequent "toldya" posts, I kept a count of how many times he hinted or straight said publicly that  he'd steal the next election and/or install himself as "President for life".. I think i got up to 8 in his first two years then figured it was a given that this was indeed what he'd do. Right after he was elected, Xi and Putin both made new laws that installed them "legally" as lifetime Presidents, and he said that sounded like a good idea, and that we should consider doing that here.
Like in his first 100 days he said it.
Things is about the GOP and ALLLLLLLLLLL of this.. they have told us all along what they plan to do, they have implemented as many ways as they can to cripple democracy, they have tried hundreds more that haven't worked as they had thought. The incontrovertible FACT that they have done this with the backing of a known enemy power leaves me utterly exasperated as to how any of them are walking around free, much less still holding positions of tremendous power. These aren't new facts. we've known it for years. Practically every intel and LEO agency has said so, often with enough proof to choke a horse.

I know I often sound like an alarmist, and probably way over the top in the response warranted. But the alarms have been proven correct, and the crimes committed are of the highest levels of treason we as a nation have ever seen. Even more-so that the secessions of states in the 1860s because of the involvement of the foreign power, the collaboration with a known enemy to bring down the country.
These people are flat out traitors of the worst sort we have EVER had. Worse than Arnold, worse than the Rosenbergs, what they did and are continuing to do is worse than all of it.
The majority of the current elected GOP should spend their lives in prison, and quite a few of them should be hanged. 


And I am afraid we will get no justice and they in fact will "win" to the point that long term major violence occurs, a quiet war that won't be called a war, and this country will never ever be the same.



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The Republican party is lost. Gone. Done. There's absolutely no coming back for them. They've gone full-on authoritarian and there's no light at the end of the tunnel. The propaganda from right wing authoritarian media is incredibly powerful and their base is full of people who feed at that trough daily without hesitation.


Only question is what happens now. They've already openly indicated their intention to ignore the vote result if they lose in 2024 and install their guy anyway, if they can...and right now they're doing everything possible to make sure they can.


If they take the House and Senate this year and the WH in 2024 they'll probably never again relinquish them. They'll use the power they then have to consolidate control over elections and maintain a tight grip on who can vote and which votes "count" and which don't.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene wants everyone to just get over January 6


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has had just about enough of this talk about the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.


"The American people are fed up with this over-dramatization of a riot that happened here at the Capitol one time," the Georgia Republican told NBC News recently. "They are sick and tired of Jan. 6 — it's over, OK?"

Oh well, since it only happened just the one time. ...

Let's go over a few facts, shall we?

Fact #1: Five people died that day.
Fact #2: More than 100 police officers were injured by the rioters.
Fact #3: More than 750 people from 48 states have been charged for their roles in the riot, according to a database maintained by USA Today.
Fact #4: It was the first time the Capitol had been breached since the British did it in 1814 as part of the War of 1812.
Fact #5: The rioters broke into the building with the express goal of stopping the certification of the 2020 election that had been won by Joe Biden and lost by Donald Trump.


This was, in short, a cataclysm aimed directly at our democracy. It was a violent uprising urged on by the then-President of the United States because he was unhappy that he didn't win the election.

Greene is far from the first Republican to attempt a whitewashing of what happened that day.


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January 6 committee to soon receive new documents from National Archives


The Biden administration has cleared the way for the National Archives to provide a new tranche of documents to the committee investigating the Capitol Hill insurrection that former President Donald Trump initially had wanted to keep secret, a new letter from the Archives reveals.


Archivist David S. Ferriero sent a letter to Trump informing him that President Joe Biden had waived the former President's executive privilege claims for a new subset of records, and that the committee would start receiving the documents April 28.

"The President has determined that an assertion of executive privilege is not in the best interests of the United States, and therefore is not justified," Biden counsel Dana A. Remus wrote in a letter to Ferriero informing the National Archives of the decision.

Remus also informed Ferriero that the committee would not receive everything it wanted from these documents, informing him the Biden administration had "reached an accommodation" with the committee to "prioritize documents" within this tranche.

It is unclear what documents exist in the new wave of materials.


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