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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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Keep a close eye on Ivermectin. Early results on it are incredible, and it's already widely available, but as with any number of candidate treatments it's a long way from being approved for COVID-19, if it even works in the human body as proposed. 






Early trials are being funded by Bill and Melinda Gates:



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35 minutes ago, visionary said:
The right wing conspiracy theorists would be pulling out their hair if Trump starts promoting it.... 


Just wait until people start dosing themselves with this because Trump told them they have nothing to lose!


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yeah, that is the lice med I was talking about, but before you get carried away, hydroxychloroquine also killed covid in tests



now on to the fun stuff.....like suggesting deliberately infecting folk.




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JHU map shows a spike in U.S. cases (daily record), maybe just noise in reporting? In any event it seems like it's still spreading but the rate of increase has leveled off.

44 minutes ago, twa said:

yeah, that is the lice med I was talking about, but before you get carried away, hydroxychloroquine also killed covid in tests



now on to the fun stuff.....like suggesting deliberately infecting folk.


No doubt if you offer the $$$ you will have takers. You could recruit at the protests.

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9 minutes ago, RedskinsFan44 said:

JHU map shows a spike in U.S. cases (daily record), maybe just noise in reporting? In any event it seems like it's still spreading but the rate of increase has leveled off.



probably the testing expanding catching more asymptomatic cases, I know here they just started testing anyone on request this week.


the antibody surveys suggest it is widespread



in other anecdotal news, the Nursing home near here is reporting no problems with the hydroxychloroquine use and expanded usage


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10 hours ago, mistertim said:


That's what I was thinking as well. Yes, the Constitution says that POTUS and VP's terms end on that date, but the House members who are up for reelection will have their terms end before even that. So if there are no elections for POTUS or Congress...what happens?


Found this article that really gets into the weeds a bit. I agree with their final conclusion. It would be chaos. 




Congressional elections are explicitly spelled out as a power of the states.   Article I Section 4: 


The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing [sic] Senators.


Of course I suppose he can claim "emergency powers" ... which means the fight would go to the Courts. 


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5 hours ago, visionary said:



When it comes to Fox or other conservative media, we know why. When it comes to mainstream media, probably because they weren't sensational enough. They weren't decked out in camo, they didn't have ARs strapped to their chests, and they weren't rabidly screaming. They were presenting clear, concise requests in a controlled and factual manner. That doesn't get clicks. 

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3 hours ago, DCSaints_fan said:


Congressional elections are explicitly spelled out as a power of the states.   Article I Section 4: 


The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing [sic] Senators.


Of course I suppose he can claim "emergency powers" ... which means the fight would go to the Courts. 



I know it might seem like wishful thinking considering a very conservative SCOTUS, but that would be struck down with a quickness IMO. In the Constitution the dates of POTUS and VP's terms ending is set in stone. The line of succession is set in stone. It gets a bit murky when you get down into the weeds as far as what would happen if only some states participated in federal POTUS elections and some didn't, but that doesn't change those term end dates.


From what I've read there is also nothing even close to loopholes in emergency powers acts that would suggest the WH or federal government in general has the ability to unilaterally delay or cancel federal elections. So far the Trump WH has found vague language that, if you look at it a certain way, you could see a loophole for additional powers not specifically granted. I just can't see that for something as insane as declaring that emergency powers allow POTUS to declare elections to be off.


1 hour ago, Cooked Crack said:

Dr. Oz's Fox News bookings is going to disappear. One day, it's like a miracle, it will disappear.


Good lord.


So when there were a few small tests that had specious methodology at best and seemed to show some potential positive results for hydroxychloroquine, Trump and Fox News talking heads were touting it as if it were the next penicillin and it was irresponsible (or even straight up evil and seditious) to not start providing it to people. Now that there's a larger study out showing that it not only did nothing, but seemed to potentially cause more deaths, they're like "Well, we just don't know yet, so obviously we should wait for full scientific trails". 


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4 hours ago, twa said:

yeah, that is the lice med I was talking about, but before you get carried away, hydroxychloroquine also killed covid in tests


Lots of things kill things in cell culture.  The problem, generally, is gettting enough of it into the cells where the virus is to kill the virus without doing damage to the person or giving them such a large dose that they become allergic to the medicine.  Our bodies have evolved to keep molecules just from wandering around and entering cells and most small molecules can't easily over come the processes that have evolved to identify foreign molecules and excrete them.


And it isn't like it is specific for the virus.  It just binds to things that then have biological impacts. 

Edited by PeterMP
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