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General Mass Shooting Thread (originally Las Vegas Strip)

The Sisko

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13 hours ago, Ball Security said:

I remember the reaction when it was realized that the 2002 DC Snipers were Black.  😂


I remember the early rumblings of that, we were able to get away with that one for some reason. I guess because Chief Moose was on the case.

8 hours ago, Larry said:

Hey, that might be good news. 

Means we might decide we need to do something about it. 


Only when black people do it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Saturday’s attack was live-streamed on Twitch and screenshots from the recording showed horrific scenes, including a woman who is shot in the head as she walks outside the store. In other screenshots, victims can be seen on the floor of the supermarket.


A 106-page online manifesto, believed to have been uploaded by the shooter, explained that he was motivated by a conspiracy theory that white people are being replaced by other races. In the document, he says he is 18 years old and a self-described white supremacist and anti-semite.

I'm sure we'll still see places like Fox parroting these lines

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I'm not exactly holding my breath for Fox, or Tucker, or really anybody in the right wing rage machine, to be admitting responsibility or anything.  


Or even to cover the story.  


I'd be willing to kind of overlook things, if they'd just stop doubling down on doing it.  

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12 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

That's at minimum a blow to the "good guy with a gun" argument, sounds like that retired cop tried to stop him but didn't stand a chance.

I guess you need to practice headshots and/or wear body armor.


Or maybe carry a Desert Eagle with AP rounds

Edited by DCSaints_fan
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1 hour ago, Renegade7 said:

That's at minimum a blow to the "good guy with a gun" argument, sounds like that retired cop tried to stop him but didn't stand a chance.

^^^This. If I happen to be carrying when something like this goes down, most likely I'm doing neither diddly nor squat. Generally, I carry a .380 that probably wouldn't even leave a mark on body armor and I'm just not willing to carry anything big or bulky. Now if I'm holed up and he's coming for me, it's a last stand and all bets are off. However, absent major extenuating circumstances, I'm not doing any Rambo 💩, so the NRA and their purchased politicians can take that good guy with a gun foolishness and shove it where the sun don't shine.


I see reports of most of the active/multiple shootings that occur in the US due to my job. I've seen a bunch of gun shot wounds in the ER so I know what guns do to people and every time I see one of these reports in my inbox, aside from feeling sad for the victims, I just hate this country. If your democracy is used to block common sense legislation and regulation, it's not worth much. After all, is it really freedom when people have to make sure their last will and testament is updated every time they walk out the door? Maybe one could argue that what we have isn't actually a representative democracy since the system has been completely corrupted by legalized graft, but whatever we have, I hate it.


[Insert standard 'Muricuh love it or leave it response]

Edited by The Sisko
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3 hours ago, Renegade7 said:

That's at minimum a blow to the "good guy with a gun" argument


There was a uniformed, armed, police officer working security at the Pulse nightclub.  


Gun nuts didn't even blink.  "Well, yeah, but if there had been armed civilians there . . . "  

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