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General Mass Shooting Thread (originally Las Vegas Strip)

The Sisko

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7 minutes ago, Bloodytusk said:

at the very least he might  be able to distract a shooter long enough for kids to get away.

I’m not sure what your point is with this but I think he would try. He is a good man. I’m sure the teacher that died tried too. That’s how teachers are.

Edited by CousinsCowgirl84
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4 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

I’m not sure what your point is with this but I think he would try. He is a good man. I’m sure the teacher that died tried too. That’s how teachers are.

You said you dont believe him being armed was a real solution. I agree, its not a guranteed real solution, but god forbid he ever is in the situation he may be able to at least save some lives simply for having it.

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Even in Texas the "only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" is bull****.


Good G-d. Even on ES people think the answer is more guns. It's not. Look at the rate of gun deaths in the US before the dismantling of gun control laws. Look at the rate of every nation in the world compared to us. Are US citizens that much crazier, more evil, and more violent than every other nation on Earth? No. It's the fact that we have too many irresponsible people with guns and we make it too damn easy to get one.

Edited by Burgold
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4 minutes ago, Bloodytusk said:

You said you dont believe him being armed was a real solution. I agree, its not a guranteed real solution, but god forbid he ever is in the situation he may be able to at least save some lives simply for having it.


Like that retired cop in Buffalo?

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4 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


This is merely a talking point for gun manufacturers. 


Him and any teacher would be outgunned and merely speed bumps. 


More guns won't make a difference that matters, this is the old Las Vegas thread, should folks shoulda jus started returning fire at the hotel windows in the middle of the night?


Seconds...seconds??? Teachers shouldn't be asked to be commandos as a price for freedom.

If teachers were armed the most likely situation is that a hormone addled kid would take the gun away from the teacher or break into the desk where it was kept. Then, there would be even more deaths. 


A long time ago we had a discussion about the type of training it takes to handle a gun under stressful situation. Handing someone a gun is not sufficient. Even if arming teachers would work (it won't) what do you think is the chance that armed teachers would be given the type of training to be able to respond in the manner people fictionalize in their heads? When most teachers have to dig into their own pockets to buy basic school supplies for their students do you really think counties are going to shell out the money to turn our teachers into an organized, capable militia?


For ten years, the only thing that has been attempted in the US is making gun laws looser and offering thoughts and prayers. The only thing that has happened over the last ten years is that the gun violence situation has gotten worse and worse.

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2 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:




A big reason we have a lot of police shootings is because cops know so many people are armed and are understandably worried about this. I know I would be. 


Guns are the root cause of so many of our problems.




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I've said it before, and it still rings true IMO.


The gun violence epidemic in this country won't be addressed until there's a mass shooting in the halls of Congress/Senate. These gutless, selfish politicians are too busy soliciting bribes from the gun lobby to ever do anything about this. Until something happens that affects them personally, our children are disposable.

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4 minutes ago, ExoDus84 said:

I've said it before, and it still rings true IMO.


The gun violence epidemic in this country won't be addressed until there's a mass shooting in the halls of Congress/Senate. These gutless, selfish politicians are too busy soliciting bribes from the gun lobby to ever do anything about this. Until something happens that affects them personally, our children are disposable.

In all reality if one happens in congress it will likely be the Democratic side that is targeted and Mitch or whoever comes after him will be overjoyed to use that to their advantage and destroy the country. True last thing they would do is allow gun reform. 

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There practically was. Somebody shot up a congressional baseball practice. Almost killed Scalise who never changed even one scintilla from his repugnance.
Nothing will change this but a lot of bullets in the right heads.
Or we just accept our God NRA demands blood sacrifice and we can do this again in the future.


Here we are again.

See you next time.




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11 minutes ago, ExoDus84 said:

I've said it before, and it still rings true IMO.


The gun violence epidemic in this country won't be addressed until there's a mass shooting in the halls of Congress/Senate. These gutless, selfish politicians are too busy soliciting bribes from the gun lobby to ever do anything about this. Until something happens that affects them personally, our children are disposable.

Two Congress people have been shot since the Obama administration.  Nothing happened.  If the insurrectionists had succeeded on 1/6 I’m not sure I’d be as optimistic about reform as you.


But I agree that shooting children in elementary schools won’t move the needle.

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1 hour ago, Hooper said:

Scary is right.


And this is not something that happens in other countries. We are the outlier. A horrible one.

'No Way To Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens is the title of a series of satirical articles from The Onion about the frequency of mass shootings in the United States and the lack of action taken in the aftermath of those shootings.



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1 minute ago, Cooked Crack said:


That’s nice. Won’t bring back those kids though. More thoughts and prayers I guess.


As a side note has anyone living in DC noticed the flags are constantly half mast? When I was a kid it seemed like it was rare now it’s all the time.

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