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WP-Is anyone actually excited for this Redskins season?


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11 hours ago, PartyPosse said:

I don't understand why you think the team is 2.5 games worse than last season unless you think the team completely ****s the bed and Cousins shows his true colors (Because it really does boil down to how effective he is).

Like I said earlier, the team ended last season in complete disappointment. Choking on a team that was already locked in the playoffs disappointment. Our two best WRs are gone and we replaced them with one single receiver that has "potential", and our defensive line has one new player worth thinking about. RB is still a mess, the OL is starting to look questionable again, and our safety situation is still as messy as ever. Our team's showing in the preseason is definitely not something to panic over, but it didn't salve the failures of last season either.

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11 hours ago, Painkiller said:

For me...I honestly feel less excited for this season than any other I can recall.  The off-season loss of Garcon and Jackson, the Cousins' contract drama that never ends (the uncertainty surrounding his future here), and the Redskins uninspired performance in the pre-season among other things have significantly lowered my expectations for this year.  Overall, I just don't feel like this team has taken progressive steps that will pay dividends THIS season, and it's hard to get excited when a few steps backward and a last place finish in the East in 2017 would not surprise.


I'm sure my feelings will swing the other way if the Redskins produce a solid win against the Eagles. 




Here is an alternate take on all the things you cite as reasons to NOT be excited:


1. Moving on from Desean Jackson and Pierre Garcon is the smart move that good organizations would make. When you are committed to a team building philosophy of building through the draft and re-signing your own draft picks, handing out two huge contracts to receivers who are both over the age of 30 is not the move. Both would likely start to decline in talent/skill towards the end of the contract with a good chance that it would leave your team with a disproportionate salary cap allocation or force you to eat a large dead-cap number, if one or both need to be cut in the last year or two of the deal. Not signing Desean and Pierre was 100% the correct move for the long term success and bigger picture of this team.


2. We as fans have no idea what the chances of Kirk re-signing are. I choose to take Kirk at his word, which through his comments he has given me absolutely no reason to think he is 100% gone after this year. It also gives me all the more reason to root for a successful season for both him and the team, because a good year makes it all the more likely the FO will find a way to get the deal done. Its crazy to me that some people are willing to write him off and would have rather traded him in the offseason just because he didnt re-sign THIS offseason. I'm a firm believer that the fanbase/ES have made this a WAY bigger deal than it really is and he ultimately will re-sign during the exclusive negotiating window after the season or will be forced to after the team uses the transition tag and matches whatever is offered by another team. It certainly isnt a reason to not be excited about this year, thats for sure.


3. Pre-season means absolutely nothing. Its amazing to me that we usually know and understand that most years, but for some reason this preseason has everyone in a panic that its some sort of indication that the team will be terrible. So premature and knee-jerky. You would think its week 2 and the team came out flat and played awful against the Eagles based on the sentiment around here lately.


4. I feel the opposite regarding the team getting progressively better. I can't remember a time in my life as a Skins fan that the Roster has had this much depth and competition at so many positions across the roster. Not only that, but its been obtained through a consistent and patient approach of building through the draft and raising the expectations of our player development. 


The first few years had a focus on building/re-building the quality of talent on the offensive side of the ball. This year it was obvious that focus had switched to the defense. The biggest takeaway from this offseason is how much things have come together from a locker room standpoint. We have not had an identity on the Defensive side of the football for years and that seems to have finally changed. As Ryan Anderson grows and feels more confident being vocal, I think we are going to have a really NASTY mentality and demeanor on D. That alone has me excited about this year. And its not just Anderson, hes just the perfect example.


I can see 8-8 if things go completely wrong, draft picks & pryor end up performing opposite of expectations, or Jay struggles with play calling or something. But all signs point to a progressively better season for this team to me, even if only slightly we will still be a very solid, competitive football team. I'm personally more excited about this year than I have since I was very young and naive about our "kings of the offseason" rosters in the past.



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I want to believe it's just doesn't feel like a playoff year to me and more of a regression.   I would love to be really wrong and eat a big plate of crows. 


In the end this is the team I root for win or lose.  A bright side if we suck this year home game tickets should be cheaper on stubhub or whatever near the end of the year.  That's something.

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12 hours ago, Vanguard said:

I'm excited.  I cant believe some of these comments.  I want to see big things out of T. Pryor.  I'd like to see anything out of Doctson at this point.  I think we go as far as this offense takes us.  I have no doubt that the defense has improved.  Can't wait, football is back.  Skins until I die!!!


I wish I felt like this because is how a fan should feel at the beginning of a season...

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4 hours ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

I find it strange that you think so little of Cousins, that you don't believe anyone would trade anything of value for him and we shouldn't pay him, yet you look down on other fans for not being as juiced for the season as you.


That's such a narrow-minded black and white way of looking at why I don't think there were trade offers out there.


First off not that many teams needed QBs and of those that did few had the cap space for his contract or were in a full on rebuild and didn't see the point of spending 25+ million on a player just to get them to maybe 6 wins if they're lucky. And if those teams that bypassed all of that like SF, a) why try and trade for a guy who will be a FA next year or b ) why risk trading for a guy who will be a FA next year without knowing if he is willing to re-sign beforehand. Do you think a team would hand the keys over to a guy without knowing if he's there long term? This isn't a plug and play guy, it's a quarterback. 


You'll probably look at Bradford in minny as the exception to that but the team didn't make the playoffs and despite his efficient numbers a large part of that had to do with his limitations later on in the year in not fully knowing the playbook. He started strong because teams did not know how to prep for him and the team plus the defense was stout. Once the reality set in their offense collapsed. Miami could have very easily come knocking but it didn't make sense for them nor us really by this time.


my point is it's not my personal opinion as why his trade value wasn't as high as some would like to think it is however he's also severely overvalued here imo. You want a team to trade for a 30 year old guy who you have absolutely no idea how productive he would be with a new group of teammates without the benefit of being able to FT for less than 35 mil and probably wanting to be the highest paid player in the game? Do you think there were that many teams out there both willing and able to shell out that kinda of money or risk having their own QB distraction? How do you sell that to fans that you just traded valuable picks away for a guy that may not sign? Does that not look worse?

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I am not excited and for me it boils down to a few things. 


1. With the firing of Scout Mcloughan (along with the spectecal) we no longer have anyone in the Front Office with a track record of team building. There's an argument that there is a track record of failure,  Tampa Bay regressed terribly under Bruce Allen and

It feels like we are falling into crony management instead of hiring the most competent front office staff (see promotion of Doug Williams). 


2. I genuinely believe that Dan Snyder is a bad owner. I know he sometimes spends big but if you look at his business dealings outside of the Redskins and how petty he can be when there is some sort of conflict, it inspires zero confidence in his decision making regarding the team. 


3. Not getting Kirk signed to a long term deal and how it was handled. I understand contract negotiations can be difficult but a QB has never been franchised in back to back seasons so it's either a very unique situation or some sort of mismanagement. Because of points 1 and 2 I'm leaning towards mismanagemet. Bruce Allen's statement was incredibly petty to talk about how much was offered and to spin it to sound like the deal was comparable to what Franchise QBs are getting now. 


4. Decreasing interest in football, the NFL in general is experiencing slowed growth. I myself find caring about the NFL less in general due to other sports being good products and the NFL becoming less enjoyable for me due to the rule changes/re-emphasis/inconsistent calling, of the past decade or so and the NFLs drama (Handling of domestic violence accusations , Colin Kaepernick being black balled, weed policy preventing good players from playing , Roger Godell being Judge Jury Executioner,  Redskins being derided for their name (this has lessened)). 



No confidence in the Front Office or Owner for various reasons + Kirk's contract negotiations + Waning interest in the NFL = A very apathetic bobgriffin 



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Always excited for the start of a new season. That said, I won't know what to think until after this game. If it's as ugly as the preseason, my expectations will be low. 


I'm also really bummed that we have nothing concrete at QB, that we're owned by the guy who owns us and that Bruce Allen is running the show behind the curtain. Trying to put my focus on the players themselves as the season starts and put my issues with the FO on the back burner (knowing they're all related). 


I generally like Jay. Will be interesting to see what he can get out of the team this season. 


All that said ... I really despise Dan Steinberg. Ever heard him speak? You've heard the phrase, "A face made for radio." That guy has that AND a voice made for the telegraph. The most annoying voice I've ever heard on air. Sounds like he's about to break down crying at any second.

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6 hours ago, PartyPosse said:

Reporters will look for any opportunity to garner traffic to whatever respective outlet they are part of and considering there was absolutely no reports other than the ones about him being traded for Romo on draft day gives me the impression that there wasn't as much interest in him as many here seem to think there would be. 


Regardless, it has no bearing on the thread. End of debate.

It has everything to do with the thread, and you brought it up.


Of course, there were many reports on the Redskins not listening to offers, but your "logic"- to use a supposed lack of reports as proof of something, while pretending all reports that rebut you are invalid because reports mean nothing- is just nonsense designed to leave no way to prove you wrong. 


Anyone interested in a fair-minded look at a situation would acknowledge the difference in credibility levels of reporters, as well as the difference between rumors or speculation and reports of info coming team sources. But, if you're only concern is to twist facts to fit an agenda, you pretend that any wild guess by any blogger tarnishes the credibility of every journalist that exists.


Common sense told us that teams would be interested in trading for Cousins. There were multiple reports from real reporters both that there had been teams interested and that the Redskins weren't willing to listen. Any one of the above supports my point. I'll take any and all of that over the rantings of a message board poster who doesn't have any interest in actual evidence. 


So, yeah, I guess the "debate" is over. 

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My enthusiasm for the new season is nowhere near its usual level. A few reasons why this may be -


1. The Nationals have been amazing this season and I'm still wrapped up in what they're doing;

2.  My twins are 2 yrs old and require all of my energy and attention;

3. the NFL has pretty much completed its transition from a sports based business to a full fledged entertainment corporation where football is not the priority;

4. All the focus of every football show is on the players' politics or fantasy football;

5. The Redskins showed this season they are still at or near the top of the league when it comes to front office dysfunction;

6. Barring any crazy developments, we are not going to be at the same level as the Cowboys and Giants, and the Eagles should be better this year too;

7. I finally watched the movie 'Concussion" and would be lying if I said it didn't bother me on several levels. 

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There are things I'm really looking forward to seeing this year and things I'm nervous/concerned about this year. Same for beyond this year, though with some differences.  


This year - anxious to see how the new receivers perform and how the defense comes together.  I expect some growing pains, but I think there's a potential  high ceiling to both.  Also excited to see how the young guys perform.  


I'm nervous about the run game, interior pressure (on both sides of the ball) and how long it will take for the wrs/qb to mesh.  Considering our history of slow starts, difficult schedule, and the need to mesh with new players (and a new defensive scheme) my optimism is really tempered.  It's a shame considering this looks to be our best roster in ages.  


Next year (and beyond) - the Cousins situation really has me down.  It's not that I expect him to be gone, but the uncertainty makes me question the future and could put a damper on any progress we see this year from the team.  Doctson (since we don't know what we'll see from him) and Pryor leave me uncertain for the future.  Reed's injury history fits in as well.  The good news is that our defense should progress.  Even if we lose Brown next year, our younger guys should show some growth, the scheme should help, and we should add some new pieces next year.  

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It's weird to title an article that way. The team has (arguably) been the best its been in 25 years. You really have to go back to the early 1990s to have a team that's won consistently (and yeah, this team hasn't been awesome. But still, its all relative). If you're not excited this year, then you probably haven't been excited for quite some time.

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59 minutes ago, Rufus T Firefly said:

Common sense told us that teams would be interested in trading for Cousins. There were multiple reports from real reporters both that there had been teams interested and that the Redskins weren't willing to listen. Any one of the above supports my point. I'll take any and all of that over the rantings of a message board poster who doesn't have any interest in actual evidence. 

I have seen numerous credible reports that the team wasn't going to trade Cousins and that the team would need to be blown away but I haven't seen any reports stating they outright refused to even listen. Even Cousins himself refuted Credible Chris Mortensen's report that he demanded a trade stating "he just wanted to know what the team's plan was" and was reassured the team wanted him here. To me, and this is just  some lowly message board poster's humble opinion, the team did the correct thing in not heavily publicizing the fact that the team was interested in trading him solely because that would definitely close the door on any chance of him coming back. If he claims he wants to be where he's wanted then making it obvious you'll trade him for just about anything doesn't exactly show that. That's probably also why they didn't draft another QB despite not knowing (and there's no way it's because they truly saw Suds as the future). Are these facts? Nope. Just an opinion. We all have em on this board.


I have no doubt teams were interested and if you would have been ok taking say a 4th rounder for him then they should have dumped him the first time a team came calling.

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2 hours ago, Rufus T Firefly said:

It has everything to do with the thread, and you brought it up.


Of course, there were many reports on the Redskins not listening to offers, but your "logic"- to use a supposed lack of reports as proof of something, while pretending all reports that rebut you are invalid because reports mean nothing- is just nonsense designed to leave no way to prove you wrong. 


Anyone interested in a fair-minded look at a situation would acknowledge the difference in credibility levels of reporters, as well as the difference between rumors or speculation and reports of info coming team sources. But, if you're only concern is to twist facts to fit an agenda, you pretend that any wild guess by any blogger tarnishes the credibility of every journalist that exists.


Common sense told us that teams would be interested in trading for Cousins. There were multiple reports from real reporters both that there had been teams interested and that the Redskins weren't willing to listen. Any one of the above supports my point. I'll take any and all of that over the rantings of a message board poster who doesn't have any interest in actual evidence. 


So, yeah, I guess the "debate" is over. 



This at least covers the draft. One of the rumors was that the Browns were trying to trade for him. When asked jay actually goes further to say three was not one call for a trade:


Per Jay Gruden there was not one call - "Not one call. Not one," Gruden said. "There was no talk about it. Nothing."

Sasha Brown added - "Bad reporting is what I would say," Brown said.




The entire Romo trade thing was a complete fabrication. That supposed trade and the Redskins trading it's 1st rd pick in a 3 way trade to get tony Romo. There is no universe that that makes any sense for Washington.


Per Mike Florio -


"Absent an actual trade rumor to shake up the Scouting Combine, Ian Rapoport of NFL Media essentially made up a potential three-team blockbuster.

In fairness to Rapoport, he added the various “could be” and “may be” qualifiers, making it clear that it was all speculation. Nevertheless, the notion that the 49ers and Washington would, in order to get Kirk Cousins to San Francisco, include the Cowboys send Tony Romo to D.C. represents implausibility at best. Multiple sources with direct knowledge of the situation scoffed at the idea of such a convoluted outcome; one source called it “conjecture,” adding an exclamation point for effect. (Sad!)"




I believe the Redskins FO (Bruce Allen basically) truly believed Kirk would be signed long term. That is why they made it clear they were not interested in any offers - despite early claims they were listening. So maybe that is why no calls during the draft. However, they were incredibly arrogant and over confident in their approach considering they didn't have near the leverage Kirk did. SO Kirk decided not to respond to their first offer. I think both were wrong here. The FO could have given him another at least slightly better offer to make it clear they were interested. But Kirk really should have at least responded. That's kind of petty to be honest. I lay the blame about 85% Redskins, 15% Kirk. Now the aftermath? How that was handled? 100% screwed up by the Redskins.  


But in the end, even if they were willing to trade Kirk, while there may have been some people "interested", were they really interested enough to make a decent offer? One the Redskins would have taken? It's one thing to say there was interest. It's another to say they could have made a trade if they wanted to. While the statement is true, to do so would likely mean giving him away for very little in return. Would you have been OK if they trade him a 4th rd pick? That's what he was right? Or how about a 3rd? Is a 2nd enough? What's the deal that makes it worth it to the Redskins? Is there actually someone interested enough to give that up? Interest is one thing. Actually pulling the trigger on a trade is an entirely different thing.


I guess had they made it clear they were actually interested they might have found out. But once you do that, you ensure Kirk is gone. As it is, even with the total screw up in the way they handled this offseason with Kirk, they can still sign him long term. It will just be costly. But until he is not, Kirk Cousins is a Washington Redskin. BTW they can keep him next year with a LTD if they want to. Not saying it's a good thing or the right thing (I actually think it would be stupid), but I can be done.


Based on everything I saw, heard, read etc. while there may have been some interest the Redskins made it clear they were not trading him so no real offers were ever made. The one and only offer actually reported (the Romo thing) was proven to be pure speculation.

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3 hours ago, PartyPosse said:


my point is it's not my personal opinion as why his trade value wasn't as high as some would like to think it is however he's also severely overvalued here imo. You want a team to trade for a 30 year old guy who you have absolutely no idea how productive he would be with a new group of teammates without the benefit of being able to FT for less than 35 mil and probably wanting to be the highest paid player in the game? Do you think there were that many teams out there both willing and able to shell out that kinda of money or risk having their own QB distraction? How do you sell that to fans that you just traded valuable picks away for a guy that may not sign? Does that not look worse?


Well shoot, if Cousins has troubles getting acclimated to a couple of new WR's that's on him.  Many teams switch out skill position players and do fine.  The Eagles, the opponent to open the season got rid of some of theirs too and have Alshon Jeffery and Torrey Smith, two brand new WR's for  2nd year QB.  If Kirk takes half a season to get the timing down for Pryor and Doctson, what will it take for him if he ends up on a brand new team, in a new offense again, and with new players?



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It seems many folks here are getting things twisted.  Lacking the same level of passion  and enthusiasm as years past doesn't equate to thinking the current roster is trash.  There are many players on this roster that I like a lot.  I've grown to really like Jay.  That's who I root for.  


However the FO and their handling of many things this offseason isn't exactly likable.  It's tough to get super excited about the future given the 1 year rentals including most importantly, the QB.  Add to that the rough preseason performance and it's pretty easy to see why folks aren't head over heels about what's to come.  


If anything, having lesser expectations with this franchise makes things that much better when things do go well.  It doesn't mean you're a better fan because you think the team is going to be awesome every season.

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1 hour ago, goskins10 said:


Based on everything I saw, heard, read etc. while there may have been some interest the Redskins made it clear they were not trading him so no real offers were ever made. The one and only offer actually reported (the Romo thing) was proven to be pure speculation.


For what its worth, Mike Jones covered this months back in an interview.  He said he talked to a good source from one team that would have interest (he seemed to hint that it was SF though he didn't say it.)  He said their interest is real.  (I recall another writer, pretty sure it was Keim, who said SF interest in Kirk is real) But, the interest is for next year not now.  They didn't want to give up picks while they are trying to rebuild the roster this season.  (To paraphrase) Jones said his source to this team said they were confident the Redskins FO would screw up the negotiation and they could get Kirk next year in FA for free without giving up anything.  


I agree with ex-agent Joel Corry when he was asked in a recent interview how bad did the Redskins misplay the Kirk negotiation and rate it on a scale of 0-10.  His answer:  12.   But at the same time, I'm getting annoyed with all the talk about Kirk is SF's QB in 2018.  Corry said he sees Kirk in SF in 2018.  Mike Silver said its in the bag.  Heck even the clowns on First Take were in on it this week about Kirk being the SF QB in 2018.  


Personally, I think they end up renting Kirk for one more year so he's in the fold through 2018.  But I understand the weird vibe it gives this season.  If Kirk progresses and takes the next step up are we developing SF's next QB or our own?   Do we watch college football like its 2012 all over again where we hope to find the next guy.    It's hard to digest it all.


I get some can compartmentalize all of this and park it elsewhere and just ignore it and worry about it in the off season. And some don't care for Kirk so its not a big deal for them.  


I can compartmentalize to an extent.  But its difficult for me to pay attention completely to the present and completely ignore the future at the same time -- when its still IMO a rebuilding roster.   I think I could do it easily if this was a Superbowl bound team where you look at the short term as everything.  We have a good roster IMO but not a great one.   And when you are rebuilding and working to evolve from good to great -- the key pieces for that climb typically stay put.  In this case, the rebuild could just come to a halt and you reset and go back closer to square one as opposed to taking that next incremental step.   If so, that would be a weird journey for the typical franchise. 


I know not everyone sees things this way.  But this is how I see it.  And that is why this might be the weirdest season in memory for me because it doesn't feel linear.  And a team that is building a roster typically at least in theory makes incremental climbs.   With this team for example, we can go 9-7 and then go back to square 1 in 2018 as a 5-11 team and do a reset.   

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