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pft.com bruce Allen won’t let Scot McCloughan talk to media


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Yeah the time line looks a bit weird...what fuels specilation. Funeral was already 13 of februari but these things sometimes can run out of hand. Cleaning out the house, doing a lot of paper work. 


By the way. Doug Williams getting a bigger role might be a smart move from Bruce.  Dan Snyder loves Redskins history and guys who are part of it (most of us do). That might make it easy for Bruce to sell that idea and take controle. 


It also very weird that we still havent signed new FO people. Scouts etc. Scot is on his own in our FO. He never had the chance to bring in his guys. More and more I feel like they wanted his draft knowledge but didnt want him to get to powerfull. He is just a super scout. 

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As was stated a thousand times before, even if those reports had ended up as true it would not change the way they went about reporting it as being wrong. Lack of sources, mixing a majority of opinions in with few factual details so as to present an entire narrative as fact when it's not, and rampant speculation (some of which has already proven to be untrue) is not okay no matter the results. 

the media doesn't have to satisfy your standards of good or bad reporting. They have to develop trusted sources and get the stories right. Which it looks like they did. Justify calling all the stories bs, and an ax to grind against the team however you like. It looks like this thinking was wrong.



It's not about being in denial for some of us, it's a desire to get legitimate proof and verified evidence before assuming anything or forming opinions. Which is what we're supposed to be taught at an early age when consuming and interpreting anything out of the media. 


They don't have to share proof with you where they got the story. Thats the whole reason they develop sources. To get information without informing you where it's coming from or providing proof, while still providing insight on what's really going on with the team.


Have they gotten some stuff wrong? Sure, but overall I'll point out they had what was going on behind the scenes with Shanny and company right. And it looks like they are pretty dialed in on what's going on with the current regime.



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2 hours ago, PartyPosse said:

This is the same kind of speculation that Cooley made though. Someone did something in the past so you assume he's doing it again. There is no evidence other than history.

I don't like the team staying mute, therefore letting Cooley and the medias adding more drama.

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@thesubmittedone and don't get me wrong I don't take everything the media says as gospel. But I definitely don't  completely discard what their saying as bs either. I think track record with the Skins matters in this case and it provides some context and may inform the discussion as to what may be happening now. 


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Too me, when the media saying the skins staying quiet "Means alot" I have no clue what that means. Does that mean they were looking into what Cooley said, did they already know and didn't want to comment? Were they not going to acknowledge Cooley to begin with.??


All I know is Scots been the best thing this organization has had in term of management since Bobby Beathard and Casserly. And here we are a couple years into his regime and we're talking about his outing doing to supposed "Drinking" rumors, which sounds like an excuse to me. I'll take Scots decision making with a Gin n Tonic or two in his system over any decision making abilities Bruce had since he's been here or Dan since he's taken over the team ( except hiring Scot) SOBER...!!!


If we out him and go RIGHT BACK to the crappy decision making team big contract bust FA signing laughing stock of the NFL again I'll give this team maybe a year or two and if nothing changes for the better I'm gonna be done with this team and maybe football in general.


I used to be a HUGE football video game player back in the day NFL2k5 was probably the best NFL game period and the last game I ever bought and loved it to death and EA bought the NFL licence to keep their fading Madden brand relevant. As a result 2ksports couldn't make anymore games so out of protest I gave up buying football games after that deal and I'm 12 years going strong haven't picked up an NFL game since. I'm also a cord cutter and to tell you the truth I don't miss cable at all. I enjoy the extra $150 every month in my pocket, I have a Roku/Hulu/Netflix I'm content with this for the rest of my days if thats possible.


I can end my tenure as a skins fan as well..



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2 hours ago, wilco_holland said:

Yeah the time line looks a bit weird...what fuels specilation. Funeral was already 13 of februari but these things sometimes can run out of hand. Cleaning out the house, doing a lot of paper work. 


By the way. Doug Williams getting a bigger role might be a smart move from Bruce.  Dan Snyder loves Redskins history and guys who are part of it (most of us do). That might make it easy for Bruce to sell that idea and take controle. 


It also very weird that we still havent signed new FO people. Scouts etc. Scot is on his own in our FO. He never had the chance to bring in his guys. More and more I feel like they wanted his draft knowledge but didnt want him to get to powerfull. He is just a super scout. 


Let's not pretend the SM hire did not come with big risk.  To believe an NFL GM will miss the combine, one of the biggest days of the off season, because he needed to clean out his grandmother's house is complete nonsense. You can't possibly believe that.


 No there is a whole lot of smoke here and it should be obvious what is happening.   As much as I hate Snyder and the top brass if his problem has surfaced again he is done.  By not attending the combine it's pretty clear that he is already done.

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This is getting pretty weird and there is so much speculation going on.  No one except for DS, BA and GMSM know what is really going on.  Here is more speculation for you though (figured I could speculate as well as anyone):


Maybe the story from Cooley was true, SM is drinking again and instead of firing him, maybe they have convinced him to get into treatment.  Im sure the loss of his Grandmother affected him, to what extent, only he knows.  Everyone knows DS history, if there wasn't any true personal issues SM is going through, he would have fired him, but that is not what is happening.  If he is in fact dealing with these demons again, I hope he is getting the help he needs, and if so, I hope DS and BA are trying everything they can to support him and try and keep things quiet.


But, like I said, pure speculation on my part.  Hopefully we get an answer soon.

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I don't care what the reasoning is.


Scot, our GM and the guy they've put in place to specifically scout and draft talent isn't at the combine.


And that's not OK.


Think about what your job is and then imagine not performing one of the most basic, most important functions of it and that's what's going on here.


I'm more bummed about this than anything for a few reasons.  I like Scot, as a person.  I've never been able to speak with him but I love seeing him on the sidelines during the end of a game when we're trying to win a close one.  I loved seeing him hug DeSean after he caught a long touchdown last year.  I love seeing him celebrate with the players when they win and agonize with them when we lose.  I'm not old enough to remember the 80s glory years too well but that's how I pictured Bobby Beathard to have been.  It's not front office vs. players, it's everyone together with one common goal.  He's there on the sidelines with his hands on his knees, walking around in the mud with his wingtips on, pacing back and forth.  There's no doubt in my mind that he lives for this.


Also, he represents the most amount of hope we've had in awhile.  He's a 180 from the Vinny days, for sure.  


I hope he's ok, I hope he hasn't relapsed and hit the bottle again.  I hope whatever the **** is going on over in Ashburn can get straightened out before the draft because I don't want to rebuild.  I don't want a new GM and I don't want a new QB.  I like what we've got and I think we can win with what we've got.  



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Trying to ignore the Scot stuff for as long as possible. Because if he's done, marginalized, whatever it might be ... my faith in this organization is completely destroyed. Gone. Zip. Back to 2014 ineptness. Because Dan and Bruce will be at the helm, and the experiment with a real GM will be for all intents an purposes, a disaster. At least in their minds. 

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I said I was done with the Skins before we brought in Scot in 2014. I said he was our last hope. He had just started to stabilize the franchise. 


Not sure what to think. Don't think I could ever truly quit the Redskins, but as long as Snyder is around ... and no there's no chance he changes, IMO. 

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6 hours ago, ANONYMOUS SOURCE. said:

Hopefully this gets cleared up soon regardless of outcome. But just spitballing I don't see where the combine is very important to a guy like him considering how meticulous and thorough McC is supposed to be. Is it possible that targets are already locked in, the hard work is done ,and the underwear show doesn't matter?  Who knows but this team is tough to love lol.


As the GM (at least in title) of an NFL team I believe it's a pretty standard thing to attend the combine.  It's part of your due diligence as a professional in that position, and as a leader in the organization.  It is important.  The combine should be one of the dates you look forward to the most on the yearly calendar as a GM.  I can't imagine that all targets are "locked in" at this point.  Hardly.


I know it's still a lot of speculation at this point but this situation is not good.  Who knows the real reasons at this point but we all know Scot has had his issues in the past.  It's bad,...I'm disappointed.



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31 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

Also, he represents the most amount of hope we've had in awhile.  He's a 180 from the Vinny days, for sure.  


I hope he's ok, I hope he hasn't relapsed and hit the bottle again.  I hope whatever the **** is going on over in Ashburn can get straightened out before the draft because I don't want to rebuild.  I don't want a new GM and I don't want a new QB.  I like what we've got and I think we can win with what we've got.  



Losing Scot would be a huge loss, but losing him just before the draft would be tragic.  He's the first person in the Redskins FO in 20 years who has a clue.  His well-being, however, is exponentially more important than his GM job if he's having a serious personal problem.  


Let's hope his personal problem isn't DS and/or Allen, because that could be harder if not impossible to fix.

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I'm not going to speculate on what's going on with Scot other than to say I hope it's as they are portraying. Would be a horrible thing to use the death of a family member as an excuse for other issues.


As an aside, does it piss anyone else off that Bruce continues to call Kirk, Kurt? So reminiscent of Vinnie and his obsession with "Orapko". Bruce reminds me of Vinnie more everyday.

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Brian McNally was just on with the Junkies.  Interesting segment.  Long story short, he thinks Scot is gone before the season starts.  Listed a lot of evidence.


On the bright side, with Ringling Brothers folding up their tents this year, it's nice to see the Redskins step up and take their place.

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4 hours ago, thesubmittedone said:


No, we can hold both the media and the team accountable.


As was stated a thousand times before, even if those reports had ended up as true it would not change the way they went about reporting it as being wrong. Lack of sources, mixing a majority of opinions in with few factual details so as to present an entire narrative as fact when it's not, and rampant speculation (some of which has already proven to be untrue) is not okay no matter the results. 


It's not about being in denial for some of us, it's a desire to get legitimate proof and verified evidence before assuming anything or forming opinions. Which is what we're supposed to be taught at an early age when consuming and interpreting anything out of the media. 


The media is going to do what it does.  It's going to speculate,...it's going to assume, innuendo, etc.  You would think most that live in this area for any length of time, would know how things go by now -- nothing anyone can do about it other than don't read, listen or watch.  But, this organization has time and time again mis-managed situations like this -- they don't get out in front of it, don't control the message and for whatever reason severely limit and/or shut down communication, ala North Korea.  It's completely self-inflicted and it starts at the top.  It's embarrassing.


I hold the organization mostly at fault,..not the media.  

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