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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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As difficult as it is to say this, none of this is about smarts in the least. They tapped into that lizard brain vein of primeval fear that kept us shivering in the caves while wolves howled in the night. We are fundamentally the same creatures now as we were then. Faster, taller, better fed with WAY better toys, but essentially no different. There is no intellectual argument or debate that will have any impact on people that see what is happening, admit and acknowledge what is happening but at the same moment don the red hat and follow the herd off the cliff.


Engaging this demographic is useless, worse than useless probably, since you pluck their magic twanger and just make them huddle together tighter. Reason and rationale are the howling wolves that scare them. They are reacting on a very basic level, and there are forces in play that are actively, consciously fostering this for their own ends.


You have people openly denying medicine, denying science, denying facts themselves, even the concept of a fact is disturbing to them. Presenting them with more or better facts isn't going to make it better.


We have seen in recent days their willingness to subvert and pervert even their own religious credos to serve their immediate ends. If anything it shows just how sub-intellectually or even anti-intellectually reactive they are. They don't and probably can't even explain why they are doing this, there simply isn't any rational process at work here.


Now this is galling to me personally, I find it frustrating to be barraged with nonsense, straight up lunacy blatted out loud and long enough as a substitute for thought. As hard as I try, I cannot see an answer to this that doesn't involve some cataclysmic population bottleneck event that kills off around 90% of the species and forces the remainder back into "have to" mode for its survival. It's painful to think that that might be the best possible option.

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2 minutes ago, StillUnknown said:


something big must be getting ready to drop, he's been going at the media a little more these past few days


Love that hes starting to refer to himself as 'Your favorite President' just because it is so juvenile and pointless that he literally cant ****ing help himself but just to be sure you know he is talking about himself, he says (me). 


Seriously hes like a teenager in the brain. 

1 minute ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

A contest of media...not including Faux?

I’m guessing that’s because Faux would win by a country mile.


A report to the death would not favor them anyway.

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9 hours ago, twa said:

and WH legal counsel sides with Trump


which one is higher in the food chain?


Neither really matters at this point.  WH legal counsel will always side with the POTUS, and their opinion can be basically discounted.  The Bureau's GC siding with Trump was very surprising, but Ms. English has already filed suit in court, so the legal opinions of people that aren't judges don't really matter anymore.  


This story will probably develop on an hour-by-hour basis today.  Next step is for a judge to be named to deal with the temporary restraining order, which should happen quickly.  

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9 hours ago, Rdskns2000 said:

I'd like to see an article where they interviewed Trump supporters and actually challenged them with the facts when they spouted their bull**** about Trump. Take them through the whole learning process of lifting their ignorance, don't let them storm off into a huff or change the subject or dismiss what you're saying without real justification.

You think Trump is hardest working president ever? Here is data comparing him to any other president showing the contrary. You don't believe that, what actual reason do you have not to? Show me how your vetting process works, because here is how the vetting process works on this side. You don't believe scientists and people with fancy degrees? Would you still say that **** if your loved ones needed surgery and you had to depend on the technology and techniques created by those "uppity elites"?

The thing is, you can't just be all milquetoast with the facts, you have to confront them with facts and also do it with a spine and strength and some charisma too if you got it. You have to face them both on the emotional AND logical front.

These people follow Trump because of emotion and the image he projects and the fact that they don't really know what mature strength looks like anymore. Establishment politicians don't show it, they pivot and hedge their bets and speak in platitudes and everyone is sick and tired of that kind of person representing them. Have someone take a stand and speak with meaning and you'll see change.

This country has a leadership problem, because it has a character problem. Their aren't enough people who visibly do **** the right way and show in the most critical moments what it's like to choose character over appetite or fear or loss and do the right thing. All too often we've been let down, and it's happened for so long, that our society's normal isn't to do the right thing, but to **** people over and then laud those who exploit them, for being "clever" in doing so. So much corruption and lying is made acceptable and that is terrible for this society.

What we accept and reject as people and as a society becomes the mirror that shows what values we truly hold. These two choices are what determines "normal", each choice shaping the world as we are shaped ourselves. Creating a space for the next generation to step into and either accept or reject for themselves.

What do you accept, love, trust, nurture, protect, or enable?

What do you reject, hate, doubt, resist, destroy or disable?


This story of why, is in large part, the story of who we are.


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Ms. English’s lawsuit seems to suffer from a fatal flaw: it does not reference a cause of action—a statute or common law principle conferring the right to seek relief in court. Without a cause of action, the lawsuit is likely to be dismissed.


From the blog of one of the major law firms that follows the Bureau.  https://www.cfsreview.com/2017/11/cfpb-acting-director-the-controversy-escalates/#more-2481


Looks like Ms. English is in trouble.  



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1 hour ago, LD0506 said:

As difficult as it is to say this, none of this is about smarts in the least. They tapped into that lizard brain vein of primeval fear that kept us shivering in the caves while wolves howled in the night. We are fundamentally the same creatures now as we were then. Faster, taller, better fed with WAY better toys, but essentially no different. There is no intellectual argument or debate that will have any impact on people that see what is happening, admit and acknowledge what is happening but at the same moment don the red hat and follow the herd off the cliff.


Engaging this demographic is useless, worse than useless probably, since you pluck their magic twanger and just make them huddle together tighter. Reason and rationale are the howling wolves that scare them. They are reacting on a very basic level, and there are forces in play that are actively, consciously fostering this for their own ends.


You have people openly denying medicine, denying science, denying facts themselves, even the concept of a fact is disturbing to them. Presenting them with more or better facts isn't going to make it better.


We have seen in recent days their willingness to subvert and pervert even their own religious credos to serve their immediate ends. If anything it shows just how sub-intellectually or even anti-intellectually reactive they are. They don't and probably can't even explain why they are doing this, there simply isn't any rational process at work here.


Now this is galling to me personally, I find it frustrating to be barraged with nonsense, straight up lunacy blatted out loud and long enough as a substitute for thought. As hard as I try, I cannot see an answer to this that doesn't involve some cataclysmic population bottleneck event that kills off around 90% of the species and forces the remainder back into "have to" mode for its survival. It's painful to think that that might be the best possible option.


That's what I have arrived at, if nothing positive ensues in future elections. Moving will accomplish nothing. A screwed United States is a screwed planet Earth.


And if Earth is screwed, I would rather die (and every one of them die with me) than see more damage done, and no one wanting to do anything about it.


Sounds awful to say, but for many people, their death(s) would be a positive for all of us. Even if sanity is restored to the US govt, they would continue to be the poisonous, rotting anchor we have carried for 150 years, and with FoxGoebbels & Friends whispering in their ears 24/7, it probably won't change

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16 minutes ago, Fresh8686 said:

I'd like to see an article where they interviewed Trump supporters and actually challenged them with the facts when they spouted their bull**** about Trump. Take them through the whole learning process of lifting their ignorance, don't let them storm off into a huff or change the subject or dismiss what you're saying without real justification.


To the vast majority of his voters it wouldn't matter at all because feelings are more important than facts. It doesn't matter if the founding fathers talked about how important a free press is and it doesn't matter if dictators immediately work to delegitimize the free press. Just like it didn't matter that the guy (Trump) they felt like was championing their causes of America first actually used imported steel, had all his brands made over seas, hired immigrants, etc. It doesn't matter if Trump shows how ignorant he is on every issue facing this country or how many times he lies, it's the way he says things that make people feel good.


It truly is amazing that they support a POTUS that won't hesitate to totally **** all over them if it served his own financial interests. 



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1 hour ago, LD0506 said:

Now this is galling to me personally, I find it frustrating to be barraged with nonsense, straight up lunacy blatted out loud and long enough as a substitute for thought. As hard as I try, I cannot see an answer to this that doesn't involve some cataclysmic population bottleneck event that kills off around 90% of the species and forces the remainder back into "have to" mode for its survival. It's painful to think that that might be the best possible option.


It is a weird sort of realization when you take in how screwed up something is a why, and the path it's headed down. Then ask yourself what realistic options there are to change that path; realistic being the key word there. 


It makes you reevaluate what your morals are, and what the purpose of morals are to begin with. What do you do when the solution, not the best solution but the only realistic solution, violates your morals or what you've been raised to believe is wrong? What if the problem you're solving is a matter of life of death? Or the preservation of society? It's easy to answer on morals when it's your happiness or well being or something else that's trivial in the grander sense of your life or even the world. Not so easy when the stakes are significantly higher...


I view terrorism in the same light as I do our current political situation. I don't see an option that works that doesn't seriously challenge traditional or current morals.

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3 minutes ago, tshile said:


It is a weird sort of realization when you take in how screwed up something is a why, and the path it's headed down. Then ask yourself what realistic options there are to change that path; realistic being the key word there. 


It makes you reevaluate what your morals are, and what the purpose of morals are to begin with. What do you do when the solution, not the best solution but the only realistic solution, violates your morals or what you've been raised to believe is wrong? What if the problem you're solving is a matter of life of death? Or the preservation of society? It's easy to answer on morals when it's your happiness or well being or something else that's trivial in the grander sense of your life or even the world. Not so easy when the stakes are significantly higher...


I view terrorism in the same light as I do our current political situation. I don't see an option that works that doesn't seriously challenge traditional or current morals.


One problem is that there isn't enough self reflection going on in the country. It's mind blowing that we are at a place where a child molester may actually win a senate race. This person shouldn't get 5% of the vote, let alone win an election. 

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