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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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4 minutes ago, nonniey said:

Gotta love how many here bemoan that the Trumpers have taken the Republican party and wish the more traditional Republicans can regain traction.  But when a traditional Republican gets nominated he is suddenly "a piece of ****," " a slimeball," he's racist scum" etc etc etc.


Not sure how these things are mutually exclusive lol

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7 minutes ago, nonniey said:

Gotta love how many here bemoan that the Trumpers have taken the Republican party and wish the more traditional Republicans can regain traction.  But when a traditional Republican gets nominated he is suddenly "a piece of ****," " a slimeball," he's racist scum" etc etc etc.

Gillespie isn't really a traditional Republican though.  He's a focus group Republican.  He's moving with the wind and the wind is to try and gin up fear-based attacks.


Dog whistling has been a staple since 2006, when a large part of the GOP broke with Bush 43 on immigration (and before that in many places), but Gillespie is going well beyond what we'd see throughout the 2000's in the vast majority of places.


Boehner is a "traditional" Republican, as is Kasich, and they are worlds apart from Gillespie.


Of course, both are kinda playing with house money while Gillespie is trying to win votes, which frankly does not say great things about his voters.

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21 minutes ago, nonniey said:

Gotta love how many here bemoan that the Trumpers have taken the Republican party and wish the more traditional Republicans can regain traction.  But when a traditional Republican gets nominated he is suddenly "a piece of ****," " a slimeball," he's racist scum" etc etc etc.

Selfishness constrained by societal norms is bad, frred from them worse.

1 minute ago, twa said:


It has been three years since I've been there and we breed well, but maybe ya just notice them because they are unusual. 

Nope, not at all.

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1 hour ago, nonniey said:

Gotta love how many here bemoan that the Trumpers have taken the Republican party and wish the more traditional Republicans can regain traction.  But when a traditional Republican gets nominated he is suddenly "a piece of ****," " a slimeball," he's racist scum" etc etc etc.


I don’t think illl ever vote for another republican in my life, thanks to Trump.


Plus, VA needs a Democrat for governor.  As tilted as this state is for republicans, having the executive and the legislative in for republicans, we would take leaps backwards.  Doubt that Democrats would be relevant again in VA I’d Gillespie wins.  We need a balance of power.

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35 minutes ago, Springfield said:


I don’t think illl ever vote for another republican in my life, thanks to Trump.


Plus, VA needs a Democrat for governor.  As tilted as this state is for republicans, having the executive and the legislative in for republicans, we would take leaps backwards.  Doubt that Democrats would be relevant again in VA I’d Gillespie wins.  We need a balance of power.

Well, I'm glad Gillispie defeated the Trump/Bannon disciple and now I want him to win so the Trumper's can't use it in other battles against non Trumpers. I basically want every non Trump Republican to win in their efforts  - (here in Arizona looks like Martha McSally will be taking on the Trumper - Kelli Ward for Flakes seat).

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6 minutes ago, nonniey said:

Well, I'm glad Gillispie defeated the Trump/Bannon disciple and now I want him to win so the Trumper's can't use it in other battles against non Trumpers. I basically want every non Trump Republican to win in their efforts  - (here in Arizona looks like Martha McSally will be taking on the Trumper - Kelli Ward for Flakes seat).


Understand your logic, I think the party is long gone though.  At least while Trump is in office.  Face it, Trump sets the platform.  They’ll all (95%) bend the knee for Trump.  Gillespie will too, just a matter of time for him.


Im perfectly happy with the direction VA is going.  If Gillespie wins, I fear lower taxes will lead to less education spending, less highway/roadway improvements, less chance of MJ legalization.  Probably lock up all the Mexicans though, he’s made that loud and clear with his gutless MS-13 scare tactics.  That and he will chop the dick off any sex offender.

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3 hours ago, nonniey said:

Well, I'm glad Gillispie defeated the Trump/Bannon disciple and now I want him to win so the Trumper's can't use it in other battles against non Trumpers. I basically want every non Trump Republican to win in their efforts  - (here in Arizona looks like Martha McSally will be taking on the Trumper - Kelli Ward for Flakes seat).

But yet Gillespie is running like a Trump like candidate with his ads. A victory here just solidifies that "normal Republicans" will be running on the Trump message. Less dog whistles and more bullhorns.

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10 hours ago, nonniey said:

Gotta love how many here bemoan that the Trumpers have taken the Republican party and wish the more traditional Republicans can regain traction.  But when a traditional Republican gets nominated he is suddenly "a piece of ****," " a slimeball," he's racist scum" etc etc etc.



Kinda like the difference between someone robbing your children and someone else eating them

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Air quality is too clean......


Good gawd these people are insane, they are just downright insane. And the GOPers are responsible.


You hear that Trump voters?! Your EPA advisors say that our air quality is too clean! We need more pollutants in our air for better health. Next thing you know they’ll be touting the health benefits of smoking 4 packs per day.


You Trump voters did this to us. I see no reason why the rest of us should be forced to suffer because of your stupidity.

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10 hours ago, nonniey said:

Well, I'm glad Gillispie defeated the Trump/Bannon disciple and now I want him to win so the Trumper's can't use it in other battles against non Trumpers. I basically want every non Trump Republican to win in their efforts  - (here in Arizona looks like Martha McSally will be taking on the Trumper - Kelli Ward for Flakes seat).


I don't live in VA and so don't know much about what is happening there, but I've given money money to Ben Sasse, and I don't agree with him on much of anything other than Trump is bad.  But Gillispie seems to be running to Trump and following Trump's play book.


If that's the future of the Republican party, then count me out.  IMO we've gotten to the point that silence is support.


And I don't live in NB either.

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1 hour ago, twa said:




ya need to let your kids play in the dirt as well.



next ya will need to eat poop

So pollute the air more.

You people are idiots.


Next words out of Trump’s mouth will be “We don’t need clean coal, we need to increase coal burning, and auto emissions!”


The the idiotic GOP will all cry out rejoicing that they found a scientist (who they think are corrupt and elitists) who thinks our air is too clean.


This world is going insane.

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...and they're exporting the stupid as well, shocking



According to reports, members of the Trump administration, will lend their support to an event to promote fossil fuels and nuclear power as solutions to climate change.

Speakers from coal giant Peabody Energy, among others, will make a presentation to highlight the role that coal and other fuels can play in curbing the impacts of rising temperatures.



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