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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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Dude is a maniac. I almost wish he would focus his cross heirs on every single person who defends him so they can see how ****ing ridiculous it is to have the President of the United states saying **** like this about someone. 


Americans are ass backwards for allowing this type of **** to happen. 

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This could go here or in the Trumpcare thread. But whatever. It's a good point. Those two Senators SHOULD be automatic no's now. They can go under the argument that the President hasn't been able to explain how it works and because of that, it's not good for their home state.

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20 minutes ago, Bang said:

to me the most embarrassing thing of the Trump voter throughout the primaries is that they thought his lack of substance, and bully behavior during the debates was 'funny" which somehow equates to "leadership".

Haha,, he won't let anyone else talk, he plays "i know you are but what am I" games and deprives me, the voter, of a chance to decide which of my candidates s best based on their ideas. I can't HEAR their ideas because this loudmouth won't let them talk, AND while he's doing that he's not giving me any of his OWN ideas, either.

i think i'll vote for him.


This is not how an adult behaves. This is not how an adult is expected to make decisions with their vote. 

Our system is predicated on the notion that free people will make responsible choices based on reality.

The entire GOP primary and convention was anything but. 





He is the single biggest example of the privilege this country has ever seen. He literally has no positive qualities. If he wasn't an old rich white guy no one would even let the **** talk. But he is, so hes President -- despite everything that you and everyone else knows is wrong with him. 

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5 minutes ago, Llevron said:



He is the single biggest example of the privilege this country has ever seen. He literally has no positive qualities. If he wasn't and old rich white guy no one would even let the **** talk. But he is, so hes President -- despite everything that you and everyone else knows is wrong with him. 


The ol' "he's rich, so he's obviously doing something right, and we should listen to him" reasoning?  Uuuuuuuuuugh.

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He has disgraced our politics in a way that it will take a long time for us to recover. He's taking his base into a really dark place.


People who admire him will follow his lead and mimic his ugly behavior.


Just a sad time to be an American with common sense and basic decency.

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20 minutes ago, Llevron said:


He is the single biggest example of the privilege this country has ever seen. He literally has no positive qualities. If he wasn't an old rich white guy no one would even let the **** talk. But he is, so hes President -- despite everything that you and everyone else knows is wrong with him. 

Was there ever a time when the wealthy, famous, and powerful weren't able to get away with horrible behavior? Consider the stuff each individual one of those groups get away with. Now we have a billionaire celebrity President... and yet I'm still surprised with what he gets away with. Ishouldn't be surprised by this **** anymore.

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3 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

He has disgraced our politics in a way that it will take a long time for us to recover. He's taking his base into a really dark place.


People who admire him will follow his lead and mimic his ugly behavior.


Just a sad time to be an American with common sense and basic decency.


He and all those around him and supporting him are a challenge to our integrity as Americans and human beings. Don't blame him for being exactly what he always has been, we knew decades ago what a worthless piece of trash he was. Don't blame the Republican party for being exactly who they always have been, the puling, greedy servants of the monied class, the party that thought the Great Depression was just an acceptable cost of doing business. Don't even blame the ridge running rabble that cheers at rallies and think they are patriotic because they drink American beer.


No, blame those who were supposed to stand up, stand out and stand against their venality. Blame the media for being shills because it was good for their bank accounts, the Democrats who have been trying to be some warped "kinder, gentler" Republican-lite version of the same horse****. Blame each other, blame me and blame yourself for getting distracted and diverted from the important job of being worthwhile members of the body politic.


And then, once all the blame gets assigned, doled out or forcefed, take a breath and give a thought to "what next?" This is a challenge to us all. A challenge to address the very real problems in middle America without that snide condescension that always seems to tag along, a challenge to us all to build an economy that gives real opportunities instead of several part-time pieces, a challenge to us all to find answers to basic healthcare issues that doesn't involve letting people die on the curb, a challenge to us all to have the courage to see the humanity in everyone, even or especially those we disagree with so vehemently.


We had a thread recently about choosing between being anonymously rich or importantly indigent. Ha! Surprise, it's a trick, you don't get a choice! History demands we step up whether you like it or not.

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1 hour ago, Larry said:

Really glad to see all of the "well, they did it, so we're just getting even" used so enthusiastically.  

This cant be said enough.  We complain about the way our representatives act while at the same time acting just like them.  Ive said for a while now we have the government we deserve.

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The saddest part of this is how many of his supporters absolutely LOVE this ****. "HAWHAWHAW YOU TELL EM DON! THAT DUMB ****! #MAGAMAGAMAGA"


I have no clue how we're going to recover from this fiasco. As others have said, the psychic stain is going to be very difficult to wash out. He's taken the right to a very very dark place. Eventually sensible conservatives and Republicans (insofar as there are any left...they almost all seem to be on the Trump Train at the moment) are going to have to decide what to do with Trumpsters...either dump them and ostracize them or keep embracing them and keep their party moving more and more towards what Trump represents as a politician and a person. They seem to have zero spines so I'm thinking it may well be the latter.

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40 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

This cant be said enough.  We complain about the way our representatives act while at the same time acting just like them.  Ive said for a while now we have the government we deserve.


Thats stupid. It doesn't take much out of a person to understand the position they are in and adjust to the expectations. I dont act the same way at work that I do outside of it and its not a stretch for me to expect the same out of the people running the country. Especially the got damn president. 


These people are supposed to be the example, not the other way around. 

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6 minutes ago, Llevron said:


These people are supposed to be the example, not the other way around. 


The phrase I heard once (in a bad TV show) was "Character is supposed to be something you have, not something you are."  

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13 minutes ago, Llevron said:


Thats stupid. It doesn't take much out of a person to understand the position they are in and adjust to the expectations. I dont act the same way at work that I do outside of it and its not a stretch for me to expect the same out of the people running the country. Especially the got damn president. 


These people are supposed to be the example, not the other way around. 

They are the example......the example of our current society.

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