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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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Gonna be a lot of disappointed people here once this farce of an investigation is over. 

No charges against Trump. How could there be? Even Obama said it was impossible to rig the election. Which it is. 

No impeachment.

Hold both the House and Senate in the mid-terms. At worst. Gains in both a good chance.

Re-election in 2020.

At least 1 more Supreme Court appointment.

Might have to rename the forum Trump's Tailgate. Hell, he already occupies a lot of space here.


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14 hours ago, PleaseBlitz said:

I want to quit looking at this thread. It lost almost all interest to me like 3 days ago when it took me 9 minutes to out the current, er, contwarian, as a bullshiiter of the second-highest order (just below Trump).  


I admit, however, that I am very much enjoying @Sacks 'n' Stuff both destroy his rhetoric and brutally clown him at the same time.  I cant stop clicking on it. 

Might be mildly amusing if it actually happened. But like so many other leftwing fantasies, it didn't. 

Maybe the Marcia Clark's of the world are impressed. I just see as more of the left inventing what happened, or what was said, and then being critical about, while slapping each other on the back in congratulations of burning another straw man. Weak sauce!

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12 hours ago, Mad Mike said:

Remember Saddam was offering money to the families of anyone who would volunteer as suicide bombers and it was working.


And was opening his land to terrorist organizations including OBL for training purposes.

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14 hours ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

Millions voted illegally

DNC servers are missing

Unemployment numbers are fake until I'm president and then they're real

Favorite book is the bible

Steele dossier is the reason the investigation started

Illegal spying

ice caps are back and at record levels

Russia didn't meddle in the election

I never said Russia didn't meddle in the election


Just scratching the surface.....

1. Yeah, millions seems a stretch. Tens of thousands are probably the minimum though.

2. Oh, Hillary knows what happened to them, so they're not missing. Too bad the FBI never got access to all they wanted to. Whether they're still hidden, or physically destroyed like so many other electronic devices were.

3. They all play that game. But the historically low unemployment among blacks and Hispanics are happening under President Trump.

4. Lots of people enjoy fiction.

5. True.

6. We'll find out if it was legal or not. but it happened.

7. Didn't hear that one. But anything that says that man made global warming is BS, is closer to the truth than man made global warming.

8. They meddled. China meddled. Others I'm sure. Just as we meddle in theirs. But they had no effect on the election. Shrieking that they did doesn't make it so.

9. He knows what the fake news headlines will be if he ever says anything like that. 

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Trump's Demise Greatly Exaggerated  By Kyle Smith


"If you ever lose faith in fairy tales and it occurs to you that Trump isn't going anywhere anytime soon, though, there is something you can do. You can keep smashing up Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with a pickaxe. That'll show him."

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2 minutes ago, mistertim said:

Ah, the Opinion section of the New York Post. 


Truly a bastion of intellectual rigor and putlitzer prize worthy writing. Outdone only by the untouchable greats at Breitbart.

I agree with you, but i don't think they're wrong.


We've already seen that Trump's base has no moral standard. They don't care who he's slept with, when, or how he has treated people throughout his life. 


They will obviously hold moral standards for others and loudly feign moral outrage when it lets them complain about others, but there is no standard for Trump.


So unless someone actually gets him on something illegal, he's going to keep being president and I don't see him getting weaker from here. If anything he'll get stronger. Especially if the economy continues to give good numbers.


And I'm seriously concerned he will win re-election. At this point I'm concerned the Blue Wave of 2018 might wind up being a bunch of nonsense.

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14 minutes ago, Ax said:



Trump's Demise Greatly Exaggerated  By Kyle Smith


"If you ever lose faith in fairy tales and it occurs to you that Trump isn't going anywhere anytime soon, though, there is something you can do. You can keep smashing up Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with a pickaxe. That'll show him."


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5 minutes ago, tshile said:

I agree with you, but i don't think they're wrong.


We've already seen that Trump's base has no moral standard. They don't care who he's slept with, when, or how he has treated people throughout his life. 


They will obviously hold moral standards for others and loudly feign moral outrage when it lets them complain about others, but there is no standard for Trump.


So unless someone actually gets him on something illegal, he's going to keep being president and I don't see him getting weaker from here. If anything he'll get stronger. Especially if the economy continues to give good numbers.


And I'm seriously concerned he will win re-election. At this point I'm concerned the Blue Wave of 2018 might wind up being a bunch of nonsense.


Agree, except for one thing.  


This decision to completely abandon even the pretense of morality?  It's not just restricted to Trump.  It's all Republicans.  


If nothing else, I'll point at the Roy Moore near-election as supporting evidence for that assertion.  The unanimous efforts of the Republicans in Washington to attack the FBI for conducting a national security investigation is another.  


It's not a Trump Thing.  It's a Republican Thing.  


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14 minutes ago, Simmsy said:

Question: if Trump does shut down the government for his wall, does that mean his Supreme Court pick can't go through until the shut down is over?

I don't think any shutdown occurs and if it does it won't be long. His pick is getting a vote regardless.

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6 minutes ago, tshile said:

I agree with you, but i don't think they're wrong.


We've already seen that Trump's base has no moral standard. They don't care who he's slept with, when, or how he has treated people throughout his life. 


They will obviously hold moral standards for others and loudly feign moral outrage when it lets them complain about others, but there is no standard for Trump.


So unless someone actually gets him on something illegal, he's going to keep being president and I don't see him getting weaker from here. If anything he'll get stronger. Especially if the economy continues to give good numbers.


And I'm seriously concerned he will win re-election. At this point I'm concerned the Blue Wave of 2018 might wind up being a bunch of nonsense.


His base will absolutely always support him 100%, even if he openly declares himself Emperor. But that 35% isn't going to be enough to get him reelected, especially if there is enough turnout against him. In 2016 that hardcore base was also aided by people who voted for him out of a hope that he'd do x, y, or z and not necessarily because they thought he was great. I think many of those people likely won't vote for him again given the immense **** show of his presidency so far. The Dem wins so far in special elections, etc (especially in areas where Trump won by a huge amount) have shown that the turnout and enthusiasm gap is pretty substantially against Trump. Sure, his hardcore loyalists will always vote for him no matter what, but the others who aren't necessarily in that camp are obviously not nearly as enthusiastic at this point and I think are likely to either vote against him or just not vote at all. 

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44 minutes ago, tshile said:

And was opening his land to terrorist organizations including OBL for training purposes.

OBL was never in Iraq. The primary terrorist group that landed in Iraq was Abu Nidal's PLF.


Ansar al Islam, which much later pledged bayat to OBL and renamed itself Al Quaeda in Iraq was actually stationed beneath the US's no-fly zone in the north. It was run by a violent sectarian psychopath (and former drug dealer in Jordan) named Musab al Zarqawi. Bin Laden was reportedly not fond of Zarqawi (probably because his own mother was an Alawite and his first wife a Shiite), but Zarqawi gained celebrity status after being accused of handling WMD in Colin Powell's now infamously wrong speech to the UN. 

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