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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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9 hours ago, Hersh said:

A recession will follow as will bad unemployment numbers. I'm not sure Trump will go along with all that. He cares about being popular and this kind of cutting, when GOP supporters start losing jobs and benefits, his numbers will only sink. 


When they tried to pass this last year, it failed bigly in the House. I don't see it as reality. 


This is where I would urge people to contact their representatives rather than predict the worst of the worst. We can only cry wolf so many times. 

I hope you are right but the conventional wisdom was Trump might be better than the other Rs (for Ds) because he was not really a Republican.  His cabinet picks suggest he has gone full on freedom caucus. I think this has inspired the congressional Rs to get as much crazy **** through as quickly as possible.  We'll see.

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Anyone who says they know what will happen under a Trump presidency; is blowing ****. I have no clue how Trump will be as President. So far, I am not encouraged.  He has one of the most right wing cabinets every assembled.  If does everything he wants to do and lets the right wing GOP congress do what they want to do; things will be dark  for this country.


My probably wrong prediction is that Trump will be President for only 2 years and that in the Spring of 2019; he will either resign or be impeached & removed from office.  I think his supporters are going to end up being disappointed when Trump fails to meet his promises.  There might be a short term boost but over the long term; those jobs aren't coming back.  Trump may make is favorable for Corporations to bring back their overseas money but they aren't going to spend that on alot of new jobs. I would expect a bulk of that money would go to big fat bonus for executives.  All, these companies saying they will create new jobs is just for show.  I fully expect more and more jobs to be automated.


Trumps cabinet of big business is going to hack away at all the rules and regulations; so big business can do whatever they want.  They will go beyond just the excess regulations and try to gut all of them.


Trump's government will be for the corporation, of the corporation and by the corporation.


I think Trump's tenure will be marked by conflict.  How much of the Trump agenda will the GOP stomach?  The GOP thinks they can get Trump to do what they want but I think they will find out, that won't be the case.  They could impeach him.


I'm just going to go about my life and hope some of the worst things Trump campaigned on, never happens.  Be careful, because I know as Muslim; it could be scary in Trump's era. 


One final thing, the GOP is forever tied to Trump for better or worse.  If Trumps fails, the GOP will go down with him.

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I watched a bit of the live feed of the concert and it was pretty bad, but I  imagine 3 doors down plays County fairs at this point so what would you expect?


My brother was disappointed that Ted Nugent didn't perform Wang Dang Sweet Poontang and then riff on his views of American life.

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Twas the Night Before Inauguration!

Twas the night before Inauguration, and up in the tower,


The Donald reflected on his newfound power.
The conservative masses had come out in force,
And delivered a victory that would chart a new course.


The snowflakes were shell-shocked with tears in their eyes,
The media lied to them . . . What a surprise.
They had been promised a Hillary win,
But the criminal Clinton took one on the chin.


And though from all corners celebrities flew,
They made no impression, for they hadn’t a clue.
They talked about climate, racism, and such,
And they made up good stories . . . But didn’t know much.


The fake news and ignorance came at a cost,
And they can’t understand all the reasons they lost.
They blame it on Comey and Bernie and Vlad,
But fail to acknowledge the one that was bad.


Yes, Hillary Clinton, in many ways flawed,
Was her own biggest hurdle toward getting the nod.
The campaign exposed her corruptness and greed,
And her speeches were punch-less as ten dollar weed.


So out in the streets there arose such a clatter,
It was Soros-paid protestors and Black Lives Matter.
With cities to pillage and windows to smash,
They knew not the issues, but needed the cash.


Eight years of Obama had given them cause,
To expect a replacement of their Santa Claus.
But soon the protestors will feel the pain,
When the wheels fall off of the old gravy train.


And now all the snowflakes are riddled with fear,
Upset and offended by things that they’ll hear.
The cocoa and crayons will help for a while,
But fact-based opinions will soon cramp their style.


I originally supported, and voted, for Cruz,
In the end, I would vote for whoever they choose.
He wasn’t my first choice, but soon I would cede,
The one they call Trump is the one that we need.


I saw him on TV in front of a crowd,
He spoke about veterans, it made me feel proud.
He spoke about energy, safety, and jobs,
Taking this country back from the Washington snobs.


He was dressed in Armani, all tailored and neat,
And the Brunos he wore made the outfit complete.
For a man of his vintage, he seemed rather fit,
And he looked presidential, I have to admit.


His eyes glowed like embers, his smile was the best,
And his hair was the color of my old hunting vest.
His love for this country was on full display,
And his actions spoke louder than his words could say.


He thanked all his voters, and before he was gone,
Saved thousands of jobs while Obama looked on.
The fate of this country left nothing to chance,
So, he filled out his cabinet weeks in advance.


The men he had chosen were of the same mind,
Let’s set the bar high, and not lead from behind.
He picked up his phone as he rose from his seat,
With a flick of his finger, he sent out this tweet;


“Now Mattis!, now Kelly!’ now Sessions! And Pruitt!
On Perry! On Flynn, You’re the ones who can do it.
Start lifting restrictions and building the wall,
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!”;


The roar of his audience rose from the stands,
He kissed all their babies and shook all their hands.
He answered their questions and calmed all their fears,
They knew it would be a fantastic four years.


Then he jumped in his limo, and off to his jet,
A fellow that Liberals won’t soon forget.
He sent one more tweet as the evening expired;
“Happy Inauguration to all,



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5 hours ago, Rdskns2000 said:

Anyone who says they know what will happen under a Trump presidency; is blowing ****. I have no clue how Trump will be as President.


One final thing, the GOP is forever tied to Trump for better or worse.  If Trumps fails, the GOP will go down with him.

Totally agree with your first statement.  No one can tell anyone definitively what President Trump will be able to accomplish during his presidency.  If you listen to a lot of Democrats, it's the end of the USA, the end of the world, people are scared, crying he isn't a legitimate President, Russian Hacking, Popular vote, etc, etc.. You have sitting congressman boycotting his inauguration, then crying for unity, oh the hypocrisy!  I actually love seeing this from the Democrats, acting like spoiled brats who didn't get what they wanted for Christmas, refusing to give the same courtesy to this President and his nominees (fighting against, slowing the appointments of nominees) as Republicans did 8 yrs ago for President Obama who on day 1, confirmed 7 and 12 nominees the first week.  2018 brings 25 seats the Senate Democrats need to defend, a good portion of those from states President Trump won, so, yes, keep up with the obstruction, making it difficult which in turn could hand a super majority to the GOP.


To your final thought, when President Trump and the GOP succeeds, will the Democratic Party disappear?  The last 8 yrs has seen the Dems lose both the House and the Senate, over 900 state government seats, majority of states Governors, so my thought is yes, if the GOP and President Trump succeed, those trends will continue and the Democratic Party will become irrelevant.  If he fails, those trends will reverse and the Democrats will gain power again, which is why this is a great country, the people will determine that, not any single politician.


For Americas sake, I pray President Trump DOES succeed, because if he does, EVERYONE does!


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8 minutes ago, Rskins06 said:


To your final thought, when President Trump and the GOP succeeds, will the Democratic Party disappear?


The American public is fickle.  We demand that our politicians promise more than they can deliver and then become disappointed in them when they fail.  It is also a hell of a lot easier to be the opposition rather than being the party in charge of dealing with all the problems in the world. I doubt either party will disappear any time soon (though the Rs are being fundamentally transformed).  The pendulum will continue to swing, and its amplitude seems to be increasing.

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( Disclaimer- The term "everyone" is not intended to indicate any person or grouping of peoples that would mean all people or citizens, it is narrowly defined for these purposes to apply to only those willing and able to accept and abide the terms of the aforesaid contract and contractual obligations in transactions both public and private. No warranties expressed or implied. Batteries not included )

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Maybe I should have said "we all" succeed?  No, that means the same.  How about "most everyone" will succeed? no, that means almost the same.  "Some" will succeed?  "A lot" will succeed?  


Ok, I hope a lot of people will succeed when the President and GOP succeed.?


Wait, why aren't batteries included?

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God luvya I'm happy you are hopeful, I genuinely am, but I can't seem to muster a shred of hope over this. This is not a partisan sentiment, not a political one either, it stems from the objective view I try to garner, based a lot on my being a history junkie and kind of a wonk on many subjects that I feel matter. It's not the end of the world, it's not some doom scenario, but I do see hard times coming for a lot of our fellow citizens, our neighbors and friends and families, and in the end we are going to be left holding the bag, expected to struggle to keep ourselves and those around us going with little or no help and only whatever compassion we can offer on our own.


The ideal or dream or "hope" that we are or can somehow be one as people, as Americans, seems markedly further away right now. That spirit has fallen out of favor, discarded, disregarded for some ephemeral short term gain for a few, and it appears that will be for very few. I cannot celebrate this.

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1 hour ago, Rskins06 said:



For Americas sake, I pray President Trump DOES succeed, because if he does, EVERYONE does!


What a dumb ******* statement. Let the GOP succeed and significantly more people won't have health insurance, rates will continue to go up, getting rid of free trade causes a less efficient economy with higher prices across the board, the environment will be in worse shape, the rich will continue to get more and more of the total wealth, NATO will be gone, certain Americans (LGBT) will have less rights than everyone else. And on and on. 


While the U.S. won't come to an end, a lot of people will be worse off four years from now. No, the Democratic Party will not die, just like the GOP won't die. 





2 hours ago, twa said:


Ill let Dick Cheney speak for me here. 

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22 minutes ago, LD0506 said:

but I do see hard times coming hard times came for a lot of our fellow citizens, our neighbors and friends and families, and in the end we are going to be were left holding the bag, expected to struggle to keep ourselves and those around us going with little or no help and only whatever compassion we can offer on our own.



Said every Trump supporter.

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4 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Women aren't going to succeed, and why they voted for him and Republicans is beyond me.


A good chunk of women have contempt for professional women. I see it in my own family with one of my aunts, who voted for Trump, and looks at women who work and are in the professional class with disdain.

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1 hour ago, Rskins06 said:

  I actually love seeing this from the Democrats, acting like spoiled brats who didn't get what they wanted for Christmas, refusing to give the same courtesy to this President and his nominees (fighting against, slowing the appointments of nominees) as Republicans did 8 yrs ago for President Obama who on day 1, confirmed 7 and 12 nominees the first week.  



Trump's nominees are insane. I'd be pissed off if they didn't fight against a Secretary of Education who wants to funnel public money to religious "schools." If they didn't oppose the CEO of Exxon for Secretary of State. Or a fossil fuel industry minion who is suing the EPA, the agency he's going to lead. 


McCain, one of the few Republicans with integrity, opposed some of these nominations as well. There are real issues here, not just partisan crying like you want to believe. 

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