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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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5 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Larry, it's clean beautiful coal he's proping up so he can say he's saving coal jobs.


It's for his base, the rest of us don't want polluted air and water.

Hubby & I always cracked up when Barack said "clean coal"...yes, he did say that. 

But that really good man studied and learned that there was NO SUCH THING. He eventually turned to renewables as our energy viability. 

Smart people get smarter. 

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Something I wanted to mention about this tweet:



Setting aside Trump's own history for just a minute, I could actually get behind Don going after Bee for attacking Ivanka.


That's a normal thing a normal dad would do.


But this tweet isn't really that.  He's not defending Ivanka directly, he doesn't even mention her.  His retort isn't a defense and singing the praise of his daughter, as one might expect most dads to do, it's an attack on Bee's ratings.


It says a lot about him as a person.  He has an opportunity to do something very human and defend his daughter, and he flubs it to talk about "ratings" and "winning."

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26 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

Something I wanted to mention about this tweet:



Setting aside Trump's own history for just a minute, I could actually get behind Don going after Bee for attacking Ivanka.


That's a normal thing a normal dad would do.


But this tweet isn't really that.  He's not defending Ivanka directly, he doesn't even mention her.  His retort isn't a defense and singing the praise of his daughter, as one might expect most dads to do, it's an attack on Bee's ratings.


It says a lot about him as a person.  He has an opportunity to do something very human and defend his daughter, and he flubs it to talk about "ratings" and "winning."

I'm with you on that and I usually think attacking the children is uncool whether it be the Bush daughters, Chelsea, Baron Trump or Obama's little ones. That said, Trump has made Ivanka a public and political figure and so she is somewhat more open game. She's a political actor on the national stage who has represented the US domestically and abroad.


In other thoughts, SHS and Trump's tirade against coarse language seems  even more hollow when Trump invited Ted Nugent to the White House and treated him to a four hour dinner. 

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The Five Biggest Threats to the WTO


"Hearings May Be Paralyzed

Since August 2017 the U.S. has blocked nominees to the WTO’s appellate body -- a key forum for mediating disputes -- saying it has overstepped its mandate.

“The WTO has not always worked as expected,” the U.S. Trade Representative said in its annual report. “Instead of serving as a negotiating forum where countries can develop new and better rules, it has sometimes been dominated by a dispute settlement system where activist ‘judges’ try to impose their own policy preferences on member states.”

If the U.S. continues its hold, the appellate body will be paralyzed in late 2019 because it won’t have the three panelists required to sign off on rulings. Azevedo said the U.S. block could eliminate the WTO’s role as a trade dispute forum and lead to a “domino effect” of trade retaliation."

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The difference is that Chelsea and the Bush/Obama children were not political figures. They were minding their own business trying to lead as normal a life as possible. Ivanka, for one, is a 36 yr old grown woman that was given a cabinet position with her husband and is representing the US


If Chelsea Clinton was giving speeches in Israel to mark the moving of the embassy, I would be ok with criticism of her.


I don't care for Samantha Bee and I'd be fine if she never called anyone a **** but it's not the same as Roseanne and it's not at all right for the POTUS to demand firings of an employee because they are critical of his administration



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They don't seem to understand that what Bee said, what Kimmel says, all of the comparisons they have used in their latest Big Cry..  they do this on the show.. and their content has to pass muster of the show and the network BEFORE they can use it. Monologue scripts, panel questions, jokes and one liners are rehearsed and approved before. Not so when they are off the clock and talking on their own. Every single one of us can get in trouble with our jobs doing that.

(I do love that these dopes keep putting Bill Maher into their whining,, failing to recognize he's on a network that people voluntarily pay to get. )


Conservatives need a school set up to teach them what conservatives are actually for.


So far the only thing left on the traditional conservative platform is the military worship. (which is really just 'readiness', but they've taken it to a whole new level.) Everything else is not only ignored, but actively contradicted.




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7 minutes ago, Bang said:



So far the only thing left on the traditional conservative platform is the military worship. (which is really just 'readiness', but they've taken it to a whole new level.) Everything else is not only ignored, but actively contradicted.




I don’t think they even have military worship. I think the only stone left in the Conservative foundation is tax cuts. 

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I think they still worship the military. My brother sent me a text and was upset that it was Memorial Day and i hadn't thanked him for his service. I joked that Memorial Day was for honoring those that died and here he was still alive. 


Well that didn't go over too well. basically every day should be Veteran's day and its ridiculous that only two days are spent honoring the military. There is a reason they are present at the beginning of sporting events. It's to remind people of how they are enjoying the game and the freedom to do so or eat concessions. They military members illustrate that. or would they rather a dictator tell them which concessions they can and can't eat?


I responded with how can I possibly understand how i am able to freely buy these groceries at the store without the military color guard at each check out aisle to illustrate that for me. 


I was blocked for a few days for my liberal naivety. 

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Service doesn't expect thanks.

It's "service'.


It's definitely scary.. There is no questioning the military. (in other societies, this may be out of fear of the military,, not here,, fear of the civilian who worships the military.)

I respect our service men and women, and I am grateful for the job they do.  But it is being used for propaganda purposes, to demand blind unquestioning fealty.

History shows what happens to societies who do what we are doing in relation to national symbols and our military. it doesn't go well.


the good news is i am reasonably sure the people who actually run the military are smarter than our politicians, and smarter than the worship.  i hve a lot more faith in the brass than i do in washington.



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