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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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Re: GOP and Immigration
Yiu say you are for "path to citizenship" for the Dreamers and others like them and the "flooding needs to stop". I just read an Op-Ed from Rick Scott talking about how a majority of GOP feel this way and a "deal would be easy".

Yet whenever this deal comes up, from Bush (2006) to Obama (2011/2012) to the proposal last year (2017) it gets destroyed by the ugly right in such a manner that appears to be racist motivation rather than simple policy disagreements -- and most of what I would call the "reasonable right" are afraid of confronting this ugliness.

Re: Posters who couldn't vote for Hillary
I am sick of hearing about more smears regarding Hillary. Is it the 50 body list? Her "political ambitions" (as if every other politician is pure of heart?)? Because she stuck by Bill? Ok, the email server was dumb but not enough for the rest of the country to see that she was 100x better than President "grab her by the..." or "I cheated on my pregnant wife and paid off the mistress" of "hey Putin, find those emails" or "the brown people are causing all these problems".

Yeah, we don't need a first lady for 8 years, who went to the Senate who was Sec of State as President... let's elect Comrade Idiot.

Policywise she would have been Obama term 3....

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1 hour ago, visionary said:



I love this story. It's a great representation of how screwed up the GOP is today. As an environmentalist I'm happy to see old coal plants go, but this was done based on economic reasons. Trump tweeting and other GOP members trying to force an ineffective, outdated plant open should go against what the GOP used to claim to believe. It's literally the free market functioning as it should and they now hate it. 

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Sorry I'm late to the conversation.  I spent all day getting evaluated for brain injuries (so I'm not sure you all should even listen to me) but some of you are acting like total Richards.  


I get not wanting to even talk to Trump supporters. 99.9% of them AREN'T worth the effort.  And yea, Force started off here pretty rocky and still has used some talking points that just aren't true.  But lately he has shown himself head and shoulders above the normal trump supporter.  He at least tries to engage in conversation.  I haven't heard Benghazi out of him yet.  Hell, I'd say he has more constructive conversation than TWA.  And none of you are going to turn him into some tree hugging hippie Liberal.  But that doesn't mean he can't be swayed a little more towards center.  Hell, go look at where I was when I joined here and compare it to me now.


Some of you need to climb down off your high horses and be willing to engage and teach.  

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Ooof after reading this thread almost everyone here is going to be severely disappointed in 2020, Trump will win again the rust belt didnt vote dor hillary and they probably wont vote for any of the candidates the democrats are going to have to go against him....that being said i wish people in power supported my thoughts, i dont think ICE is a humanitarian crisis but i also dont think a WALL is a good measure basically just a big waste of money...People like trump and alexandria cortez make me want to puke at how divided weve become.

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