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The Submitted ONES, 2015 Official PRE_SEASON/Camp Twitter Thread: The will to win on the field starts now. (NO RG3 POSTS!)


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Not to step on the news forum's toes but the new guy on the Post, Jerry Brewer, is putting out some good stuff in case anyone's completely abandoned that place, I think he deserves some clicks...He's got a perspective that isn't complete embittered towards the organization so his stuff actually seems worth reading, until that inevitably happens. 


(I am not jerry brewer)

I agree. I decided to read one of the articles, just to give the "new guy" a chance and I was shocked. It was almost like I wasn't even reading the Post.  :lol:


The guy really is good and his perspective isn't overly optimistic or blindly hateful. It was the first time in a long time that I've read a WP article and actually came away thinking it was enjoyable and he had some good points. 


Not to mention, it's nice to have someone covering the team who covered Seattle while they were rebuilding and Scott was there.

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Ok hahhaa, Yeah thanks Sub for all the hard work.

Thanks, I've created these Macros that post tweets for me called Haphaszard and SWFLSkins, so that helps at least. What's weird is they started acting human-like. Like this response here I'm quoting. Freaky.

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It is indeed interesting to look back at reports from last years camp.  The general consensus I saw over the first 4 days was that RG3 was poor the first day, improved over the later days, but still had about 2 or so passes each day that was almost picked.  He wasnt as efficient as he has been this year so far, but he had more big plays.  So we as fans assumed that meant the offense was clicking and would have a lot of big plays during the year.  Turns out the defense was just really good at giving up big plays, as we all found out.

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Give it time, they'll ruin him.

Wasn't Reid a "breath of fresh air" when he replaced JLC, or am I forgetting, lol?

Hopefully, the team will start having enough success that anyone over there with an agenda to spread **** will find it difficult to maneuver.

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I greatly appreciate Chadwiko, and the constant feed, as well as all of his enthusiasm.  But the guy really loves RG3 a bit too much.  "RGIII misses Paulsen on back endzone corner route. Good pass but Paulsen couldn't get there." and "RGIII is throwing good passes but his receivers aren't getting there today. Niles Paul sticks his arm out to try, but deflects it incomplete".


With few exceptions, its not a good pass if its not to a receiver, thats the whole point of passing.


I think one should appreciate the fact that someone is tweeting information from these camps rather than assume ones opinion is subjective or bias. We could all be in the dark right now if it wasn't for people like Chad who take the time to keep us updated on whats going on. Maybe you should tweet him and tell him how you feel rather than making a post complaining about his style of reporting to us,  just food for thought  B)

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I think one should appreciate the fact that someone is tweeting information from these camps rather than assume ones opinion is subjective or bias. We could all be in the dark right now if it wasn't for people like Chad who take the time to keep us updated on whats going on. Maybe you should tweet him and tell him how you feel rather than making a post complaining about his style of reporting to us,  just food for thought  B)


I do both: appreciate the info AND recognize which tweets are objective and which ones seem laced with B&G Koolaid lol...

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Wasn't Reid a "breath of fresh air" when he replaced JLC, or am I forgetting, lol?

Hopefully, the team will start having enough success that anyone over there with an agenda to spread **** will find it difficult to maneuver.

Reid is trying to be the new Wilbon.

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I do both: appreciate the info AND recognize which tweets are objective and which ones seem laced with B&G Koolaid lol...


Are the Koolaid ones that do - or do not fit your own personal take on things  ? Just so we are clear... :)


 It is July (oh wait sorry it is August) lighten up a little - I think if you cannot have some optimism in the first weeks of camp before it is cruelly and horribly dashed in the first weeks of September then when can you have optimism?


 .. man we are a tough crowd ..


Out of interest have you ever read any camp report - or indeed ESPN blog from the Eagles or the Cowboys  - you would think their rosters were full of HOF unstoppable freaks ...(just taking the ESPN boys as an example as they are so easy to directly compare)


Dan Graziano is grounded and I always enjoyed his take on all things NFCE and I always think it is a shame ESPN took him off the Redskins - but then we would not have John Keim ...  I do like Keims work in general but if Graziano used to be a little too rainbows and flowers, Keim is on the other side of that spectrum and dips a little too much  into to the gloom and doom... For a Washington reporter though John Keim is  typically fair and accurate. (especially for a Redskins beat reporter)  


Todd Archer and Phil Sheridan however when talking about the Cowboys and Eagles respectively are not the worst examples of it but they could conceivably go for cheerleader trials as they are generally so Ra Ra GO Team !  

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I think one should appreciate the fact that someone is tweeting information from these camps rather than assume ones opinion is subjective or bias. We could all be in the dark right now if it wasn't for people like Chad who take the time to keep us updated on whats going on. Maybe you should tweet him and tell him how you feel rather than making a post complaining about his style of reporting to us, just food for thought B)

Being under the rock I am I support this message %100
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Inevitably, when thanks are given, some may get forgotten (in error/oversight), and sure enough someone always comes out of the woodworks with sarcasm and the what about me hurt feelings!

So thanks to everyone who takes the time to post, reply, create, moderate, add content, bicker, act delusional, cry, post in the RGIII thread, and love the Redskins especially SWFL!!!! Cheers!

Edit: I actually thought about adding everyone who ever posted on ES but didn't have it in me, plus I needed to put my oldest son to bed!!!! HTTR



Well to be honest with you I have had my teeth kicked in enough this week. btw your post didn't make me feel oh so much better, nothing personally really. But yet it is completely personal, as you said, putting kids to bed or baby sitting other kids for people, I have to do that as well. 


Three short tid-bits...



I had a parent on one of my younger bball teams trashing me through out the league for two weeks now and the guy who runs the league wouldn't stand up to her and deal with it, I have been coaching in the league for four years, many times two teams at a time. She questioned my abilities...this I believe because I had told her I am taking the next session off, this league runs four almost consecutive sessions in a row year round, I have not missed one session in four years. I am considered one of best coaches in the league, tbh it pissed me off completely that he did not have my back. The younger team has won two consecutive championships and my older team has won 5 of 7 coming in 2nd the other two, yeah I must really suck at coaching lady. 


Yesterday while working on a job where we had the water off, I asked a younger twenty something girl for a bucket of water. I had a guy putting in a shower pan and didn't have enough for him to mix his mud. She turned me down, saying she didn't like the customer I was working for and didn't want to pay for the water. I was stunned, didn't even know what to say really, we laughed about it, but the truth is it really was just another straw on the camel of disappointment I have been feeling in humanity lately, (Jumbo will tell you that's just how it works) I would help anyone out anywhere I can. 


Third I am having an incredibly hard time collecting some money from a contractor who went on a three week German vacation and dumping two jobs on me preventing me and my family from taking mine, he is now not responding to me.


So to be honest rapping it up, I'm probably feeling vulnerable right now and ES is a place where I like to feel comfortable, not feeling gratitude in a couple posts here lately is not the end of the world, I apologize for being sarcastic about the matter. I guess I need to run over to TK's and have a drink before heading off to the Zoony Bin again, by way of course through Haszard County to get the updates.


I will remind myself, while thinking of JFlow, nobody I know got cancer this week or died, and that is the best for people we can hope for.  

Thanks, I've created these Macros that post tweets for me called Haphaszard and SWFLSkins, so that helps at least. What's weird is they started acting human-like. Like this response here I'm quoting. Freaky.


The ****s on the fritz, seems they need some pre-pre season time off. Us older bots get cranky. 

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Wasn't Reid a "breath of fresh air" when he replaced JLC, or am I forgetting, lol?

Hopefully, the team will start having enough success that anyone over there with an agenda to spread **** will find it difficult to maneuver.


Reid was decent at the time cause he wasn't for a lot of the bull **** with Vinny.  Only problem was once we got rid of Vinny we realized he wasn't anything but an ant hill kicker.


Also, he wasn't really good about hiding his "sources" because he always wrote about him.

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Out of interest have you ever read any camp report - or indeed ESPN blog from the Eagles or the Cowboys  - you would think their rosters were full of HOF unstoppable freaks ...(just taking the ESPN boys as an example as they are so easy to directly compare)



Unfortunately "journalists" are salesmen these days.  They know what their fan bases like to read or at least what drives them to CLICK on a link.


For me, talking it out in here normally gets us to the right answer, or at least gives us a choice of the extreme of either side. 


Guys like Mark Maese report facts... but if you notice, he's normally late on breaking the story cause facts don't get you sources.

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SWFL, ^that's a whole lot of life stuff right there. I'll lift you up in prayer tonight and offer words of encouragement today. This site needs and appreciates what you do here. It's a lot of work, and admittedly often goes without words of appreciation. I'm amongst the worst at not bothering to say "Thanks" nearly enough. This board is enjoyed by many due to the work of a few. You are one of the thankless few. I'll work on that, but until then....THANKS.

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The ****s on the fritz, seems they need some pre-pre season time off. Us older bots get cranky. 


Truth for me bro is that this board would be crickets without the WORK that you and Hap put in.  I've tried to fill in some content here and there, but what you both consistently do is a whole different level.  You could just as easily read the tweets and keep it to yourself but you are, as you say, a helpful person.  


Keep being you, and keep being great!  Enjoy the contrast life gives us...It allows you to be you, and them to be them.

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