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The Submitted ONES, 2015 Official PRE_SEASON/Camp Twitter Thread: The will to win on the field starts now. (NO RG3 POSTS!)


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On the surface this seems reasonable, but I think it's not. There's nothing wrong with assessing based on present information. The difficulty of Mitchell's statement is the sliding slope.


If he does well in practice...

I'll wait till pass are put in and people are tackling to decide. How about you all?


If he does well in preseason...

I'll wait till gameplans are put in and people are tackling to decide. How about you all?


If he does well in the opener...

I'll wait till he does it consistently. How about you all?




Mitchell is ultimately correct. No one should make any proclamations about RGIII based on practices or even preseason for that matter. On the other hand, the point of analysis is to analyze based on the best available data. What he's saying here is true, but a cop out and a shirking of his job.



With me, the issue is always that people seem to think saying "He has looked good in training camp" equals "I've reached a conclusion: he will be fine all season long".  There's not nearly enough available on which to base a conclusion, but overall assessments on how a player did on any particular day? There's more than enough to do that.

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Sorry for my week long absence everyone but I was off getting married.

Hey Reaper, fellow newlywed here but I got a month of mostly. It was great. Congrats.

Your life as it has been--is over. From this point forward you will service--"us"(the marital couple or family unit.)

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On the surface this seems reasonable, but I think it's not. There's nothing wrong with assessing based on present information. The difficulty of Mitchell's statement is the sliding slope.

Now, I think it's perfectly fair to caution people against developing unrealistic expectations.

(As if any Redskins fans need to be told that.)

But I will point at our Win-Loss prediction poll, and note that it looks to me like the average prediction from Redskins fans, for this year, is a losing season.

I think it's tough to accuse people of unreasonable optimism.

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I greatly appreciate Chadwiko, and the constant feed, as well as all of his enthusiasm. But the guy really loves RG3 a bit too much. "RGIII misses Paulsen on back endzone corner route. Good pass but Paulsen couldn't get there." and "RGIII is throwing good passes but his receivers aren't getting there today. Niles Paul sticks his arm out to try, but deflects it incomplete".

With few exceptions, its not a good pass if its not to a receiver, thats the whole point of passing.

Well not if RG3 is throwing in anticipation then no.

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So are you still waiting on a larger sample size to make a decision about whether or not Joe Gibbs should be considered a good head coach? lol...

No...but I don't think you can argue that a larger sample size would hurt the discussion, because it would just be more evidence to look at.

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^ "I don't feel no one can stop me"...


So he does feel that everyone can stop him? lol

DJax is an awesome player, but are we gonna ignore the double negative on this quote "I don't think no one can guard me"

Well, technically, he feels that at least one person can stop him. 




Logic says that you can always stop yourself, thus one is the answer. 

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Ok so I'm all caught up fron the last two days of posts and several things come to mind:

First and foremost condolences and Godspeed to you jflow and your family. Lost my dad last year so I know and feel your pain.

Reaper congrats and welcome to the club! Enjoy the honeymoon (roughly 6-12 months) then get ready for all the fun

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And I would be remiss if I didn't give a huge thank you to Sub and Hap for all the work you guys do in this thread and the board! Thanks for all the hard work!


Ok hahhaa, Yeah thanks Sub for all the hard work. 

Everything I've *heard* thus far about Terrance Knighton seems to point to him being a success here http://espn.go.com/blog/washington-redskins/post/_/id/18639/redskins-lbs-able-to-run-free-to-ball-thanks-to-terrance-knighton  <--like this

Mrs Captain Kirk retweeted Simone Love

I with you! The only thing that matters is what the @Redskins do when they're suited up and on the grid iron! #HTTR

Mrs Captain Kirk added,

Simone Love @SimoneBett
I'm not getting excited about anything until I see how they play in regular season games. Every off season we sound like a broken record!

Mrs Captain Kirk retweeted Simone Love

Pot Roast better not turn out to be Chopped Liver for the @Redskins! #GetPlayersNickNamesRightGruden #HTTR

Mrs Captain Kirk added,

Simone Love @SimoneBett
Gruden called Pot Roast...Pork Chop..lol huge difference in meat lol

@MrsCKirk12 @Redskins First true NT we've had to run the 3-4

@MrsCKirk12 @Redskins First true NT we've had to run the 3-4


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Thanks for all the kind words. Honestly, I love you guys, man. ;)  (group hug, then we all brush ourselves off)


Seriously though. I love this Skins family. You guys are great, even if I do hate you with my keyboard sometimes.

Sorry for my week long absence everyone but I was off getting married!  

That's awesome, Reaper! Congratulations, not just on getting married, but on marrying someone completely out of your league!


She must be blind.  :P


Yeah, and Hank before the labrum tear.  Really sucks

And the reports about Jarvis Jenkins before tearing his ACL.

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What are the first three?...the last one i recognize as what I tell people when there wearing a hat or shirt or whatever that they have a bunch of bird **** on them...orrrr if there in a vehicle they have a bunch of bird **** on there vehicle..I realy do that to strangers lol

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Went to camp on Saturday and was excited to RGIII and the boys go. I have to say, Robert looks the same. I have to think if defenders were actually trying to hit him he'd look even worse. However, we've seen him play for years now, so I should probably temper my expectations, as I think we all know what we have in him.



tick tick tick dude

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Ok hahhaa, Yeah thanks Sub for all the hard work.

Inevitably, when thanks are given, some may get forgotten (in error/oversight), and sure enough someone always comes out of the woodworks with sarcasm and the what about me hurt feelings!

So thanks to everyone who takes the time to post, reply, create, moderate, add content, bicker, act delusional, cry, post in the RGIII thread, and love the Redskins especially SWFL!!!! Cheers!

Edit: I actually thought about adding everyone who ever posted on ES but didn't have it in me, plus I needed to put my oldest son to bed!!!! HTTR

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Just for kicks and giggles, I perused last years Training Camp thread to compare Griffin/Gruden 2014 to this year. Griffin TC 2014 didn't seem to be getting the high grades he's getting this year. I dunno if our expectations have been lowered or if Griff is turning the corner. Since tomorrow is an off day, y'all may it fun to check out last years thread. Interesting to see how quickly we seem to turn from our yearly mancrushes as well. I read pp 5-9 to compare early camp last year to this one.


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Not to step on the news forum's toes but the new guy on the Post, Jerry Brewer, is putting out some good stuff in case anyone's completely abandoned that place, I think he deserves some clicks


Article on Gruden http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/new-season-brings-a-new-jay-gruden/2015/08/01/85e28ab8-38a3-11e5-9739-170df8af8eb9_story.html


Article on Griffin http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/robert-griffin-iii-still-evokes-hope-even-as-reality-makes-it-harder-to-believe/2015/07/30/82d88272-3665-11e5-9d0f-7865a67390ee_story.html


Article on McCloughan http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/broken-redskins-might-just-have-found-the-fixer-they-need/2015/08/03/993b1eca-3a26-11e5-b3ac-8a79bc44e5e2_story.html


He's got a perspective that isn't complete embittered towards the organization so his stuff actually seems worth reading, until that inevitably happens. 


(I am not jerry brewer)

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