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CONFIRMED: Scot McCloughan has accepted offer to become Redskins GM: Per Michael Robinson, Albert Breer and Ian Rapoport


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In all seriousness, do any of you guys watch football?


Or, like, have jobs?


I don't get why this is so confusing.


Dan owns the team. Bruce runs the team. The includes football side and business side. The GM runs the football side. The coach runs the part of the football side that's actually on the football field. Yes, there will be overlap and collaboration and areas where dudes step in, but every football team (and every business) have a structure like this.

So, let me explain why I asked the question.  It's one of accountability.  And the lines of accountability in this organization have been skewed forever.


Sure, Dan owns the team.  Bruce is President.  But SM has control over the roster.  I COULD see a scenario where they said that both Jay and SM worked for Bruce.  It's not out of the question to have 2 senior executives work for the President of the organization.  


To use a real world example, in a normal organization, you generally have a CEO, CFO, COO, and some other members of the C suite.  The CEO is the big boss, but the CFO, who's in charge of financials, and the COO, who's in charge of operations, both work for the CEO. The CEO reports to the board, who represents the owners of the company.


So, in that scenario, if Bruce is like the CEO, and runs the organization, Jay and SM could BOTH report to him.  Thus Bruce has evaluation responsibilities over both.


Or, in a more standard football structure, Jay would work for the GM.


When Shanahan was here, even though Bruce had the GM title, essentially, both Shanahan and Bruce worked for Dan, because Shanahan DID NOT work for Bruce.  


So, I'm not quite sure it was as stupid a question as you made it out to be.


My hope is that you're right.  Bruce handles President duties, acts as a buffer with Dan, and probably handles some cap and negotiation stuff.  SM runs the entire football operations, which means that Jay works for him.


But that hasn't been reported anywhere that I've seen.  Which is why I asked. 

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From the article:


Q: In years past the 49ers have stuck with the common phrase, “We will take the best player available.” Are there any plans to focus more on a team need versus the best player available? -Aaron Horne

A: Absolutely not, best player available. You can never have enough good football players on your team. If you take the best player, you’re not living in year one, it’s living in the future as well. He’ll help you in year one, but he’ll also help you year two and on.


From a basic standpoint, answers the question of an overall draft philosophy.  Nice to see we won't be drafting need and selecting lesser players with our picks. 

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You can say what you want, but it's just more of the some whining and complaining about any and every move this organization makes. Much of it is certainly deserved, but that does not mean everything is a bad move.


Also, he didn't "wash out' of the other jobs. True he left because of an admitted drinking problem, but he also still managed to build 2 SB caliber teams with that "drinking problem." It didn't seem to affect his performance so at that point it becomes a personal issue. 


Yeah, right.






But the concerns will be off the field after McCloughan admitted to having a drinking problem that led to him losing the jobs in San Francisco and Seattle. It’s a legitimate concern and, on a personal level, one you hope he defeats -- regardless of what happens with him as a general manager in Washington.

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What is the structure going to be? Who has final say on decisions? Who decides on HC? Who will decide assistants/coordinator?

Like the hire, but it won't work if these hats aren't decided. Smells like a disaster to me.

BTW, I am guessing NFL will come down hard on Danny for not following Rooney Rule. This kid thinks he doesn't have to follow the rules. Think he would have understood after cap penalty. Would not be surprised if they get stripped of their 1st round pick!

Have said that Snyder is not worst owner in sports. He isn't cheap like Angelos. He reminds me of a young Steinbrenner. He needs to learn the same lessons...keep your nose out of the decisions after you hire the right person.

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What is the structure going to be? Who has final say on decisions? Who decides on HC? Who will decide assistants/coordinator?

Like the hire, but it won't work if these hats aren't decided. Smells like a disaster to me.

BTW, I am guessing NFL will come down hard on Danny for not following Rooney Rule. This kid thinks he doesn't have to follow the rules. Think he would have understood after cap penalty. Would not be surprised if they get stripped of their 1st round pick!

Have said that Snyder is not worst owner in sports. He isn't cheap like Angelos. He reminds me of a young Steinbrenner. He needs to learn the same lessons...keep your nose out of the decisions after you hire the right person.


First, what part of it "Smells like a disaster"?  You asked 4 questions, indicating you DONT know or have the answers to those questions.  You then state that "it wont work if these hats arent decided".  It seems pretty illogical to say it smells like a disaster if you dont even know the answers.  Even more so if you say its a disaster based on the fact you have 4 random questions that YOU dont have answers for that has little bearing for whether the hire himself does.  

Second, why would the NFL come down hard on Danny for not following the Rooney rule, when they have already stated publicly that Danny has.  Further, it seems very illogical to say they would get stripped of a 1st round pick when the last person to not follow the rule was stripped of nothing like it.  Now I loathe Snyder but none of that made much sense, and really seems to be a lot of random bad conjecture and basically trying to make a really good thing into a bad thing for no good reason whatsoever.  I understand pessimism, but isnt there a limit lol?

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BTW, I am guessing NFL will come down hard on Danny for not following Rooney Rule. This kid thinks he doesn't have to follow the rules. Think he would have understood after cap penalty. Would not be surprised if they get stripped of their 1st round pick!

Have said that Snyder is not worst owner in sports. He isn't cheap like Angelos. He reminds me of a young Steinbrenner. He needs to learn the same lessons...keep your nose out of the decisions after you hire the right person.


We did follow the Rooney rule, we did ask permission and we got it and the league said we won't be fined




...The NFL said it found no wrongdoing in the Redskins' actions, but that, as Wooten expected, it would remind teams about the proper procedures....

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BTW, I am guessing NFL will come down hard on Danny for not following Rooney Rule. This kid thinks he doesn't have to follow the rules. Think he would have understood after cap penalty. Would not be surprised if they get stripped of their 1st round pick!


umm...? pretty sure we followed the rooney rule...we interviewed Rod Graves of the Jets on Monday.

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only the media would write about the redskins following the rooney rule.  but no one ever said anything about philly following it, even though it was just a promotion of the coach.


oh, and the dolphins didn't follow the rooney rule since they hired tannenbaum, but everyone wants to make a stink about the skins.

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only the media would write about the redskins following the rooney rule.  but no one ever said anything about philly following it, even though it was just a promotion of the coach.


oh, and the dolphins didn't follow the rooney rule since they hired tannenbaum, but everyone wants to make a stink about the skins.


Haven't you heard?   We're racists; with a racist team name....sigh...

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Man, if this guy can come here, deal with Dan, Bruce, Jay, our budget ass scouting department, our losing culture, our rabid fans, our disgraceful media, and somehow build a winner while winning his battle with booze and staying sober?  That sounds like a monster of a tall order for me.  Send this guy some prayers.  He's gonna need all of them.

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Haven't you heard? We're racists; with a racist team name....sigh...

"We're paratroopers, Lieutenant. We're supposed to be surrounded."

Man, if this guy can come here, deal with Dan, Bruce, Jay, our budget ass scouting department, our losing culture, our rabid fans, our disgraceful media, and somehow build a winner while winning his battle with booze and staying sober? That sounds like a monster of a tall order for me. Send this guy some prayers. He's gonna need all of them.



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So, SM is working for Bruce.  Great.  


Who does Jay work for? Bruce? Or SM?  Has that been answered?

From the way it's seemingly being described, and trying to use some reasonable sense (which admittedly with this organization may be crazy).

I imagine that Mac is going to be like a program manager. He's going to have a "Boss" that's evaluating how well he does and is the link to upper management (in this case the owner). But when it comes to his program (in this case, the football operation) he's got significant latitude to do it as he see's fit. It's his show. His boss isn't trying to run the program...his boss is evaluating how well he's running the program.

From what's been described, Allen will technically be over Mac...but Mac is going to be given full ownership of the football operations. So basically it simply seems that Allen is going to be:

1. A middle man between the normal GM / owner dynamic

2. The guy running the "off the field", non-football related things

3. Assisting as requested regarding football operations (such as perhaps with contacts or negotiations with agents)

I may be crazy, but I THINK there are actually other teams in the league that have the GM / Team President split, though not sure if the GM is *technically* under the Team President in those cases.

That would be my guess, based on the reports that Mac turned down other gigs because he didn't have control over the football operations.

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Haven't seen this posted anywhere.  Written Jan 2014:


Still, as Maiocco points out, a huge portion of this roster was acquired by McCloughan and I will once again say that the prime and successful physical, blue-collar culture of this team has all emanated from what McCloughan and Mike Nolan did starting in 2005.


They didn’t get it quite right, particularly in the coaching aspect. And McCloughan wasn’t able to stick around to see it through.


But the type of players McCloughan was determined to add to this roster–big, fast, smart–have lifted this franchise, with the right coaching and as Jed York came into his own as an owner, to exactly where McCloughan planned all along.




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