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CONFIRMED: Scot McCloughan has accepted offer to become Redskins GM: Per Michael Robinson, Albert Breer and Ian Rapoport


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There are also quotes from spurrier about Dan making the draft picks (at least the early ones, anything after the 2nd round wasn't as fun for him as leaving to go hang out with his new toy) and from Vinny about how he was working in his office one morning and Dan gets to work, comes in, and tells him to drop everything and make a trade for Jay Cutler. Not to mention that he fired Marty so that he could pretend to be a football guy again.

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LOL. Glad you know more than our new GM. And again you need a willing trade partner. People get on first-pick and think thats how the draft really works. 

I hate first pick. That's 100% unrealistic ... FanSpeak at least offers up trades that are based on the trade value chart.


But McCloughan has a history of acquiring multiple picks. He has had multiples 1sts in multiple drafts. He also acquires a lot of mid-round selections ... YES we need a trade partner to move up to #5 to take someone (which is enhanced if Winston, Cooper Ray/Gregory are there) ... but we have the #5 pick, which can be turned into quite a few picks if you want to approach it that way. Based on McCloughan's history, I wouldn't be shocked if we traded back to acquire mid-round picks ... that's his M.O.

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I hate first pick. That's 100% unrealistic ... FanSpeak at least offers up trades that are based on the trade value chart.


But McCloughan has a history of acquiring multiple picks. He has had multiples 1sts in multiple drafts. He also acquires a lot of mid-round selections ... YES we need a trade partner to move up to #5 to take someone (which is enhanced if Winston, Cooper Ray/Gregory are there) ... but we have the #5 pick, which can be turned into quite a few picks if you want to approach it that way. Based on McCloughan's history, I wouldn't be shocked if we traded back to acquire mid-round picks ... that's his M.O.


This quote from him is very interesting:


If the 49ers get the No. 1 or No. 2 pick in the draft, McCloughan favors seeking a trade for a slew of choices, even if Reggie Bush is there to be selected. “One guy is not going to make us a 10-6 team next year,” McCloughan said. “It might make you maybe 6-10, but if we have four or five players, maybe two years from now, that makes it a 10-6 team, because now you have more depth.”

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Have said that Snyder is not worst owner in sports. He isn't cheap like Angelos. He reminds me of a young Steinbrenner. He needs to learn the same lessons...keep your nose out of the decisions after you hire the right person.


The young Steinbrenner that won four pennants and two World Series in his first eight years as owner?

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I'm wondering how Scot+Gruden is going to go, or how it was handled with him coming in.  I imagine if you're trying to lure a coveted personnel guy as GM who has said, point blank, he wants control, that it's not the best idea to tell him he can't fire a HC.


Which makes me think they've at least got a plan for going forward.


Or maybe Scot doesn't care if Gruden's in there.  That wouldn't surprise me.  He might be thinking "eh, I'll get him the players, and if he can't pull the wins together he'll get tossed, and we're not likely to win for another couple years anyway, so instead of rocking the boat and getting people's hopes up I might as well ride him for another year or two, and if the record hasn't improved by then, then right before the roster hits its stride we'll bring in a better coach."



I think we should run a poll: Can LKB be more condescending? The answer would almost certainly be "Yes" by at least an 80 point spread.


That must be why it's so foggy on the windows, condescension!

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Man, if this guy can come here, deal with Dan, Bruce, Jay, our budget ass scouting department, our losing culture, our rabid fans, our disgraceful media, and somehow build a winner while winning his battle with booze and staying sober?  That sounds like a monster of a tall order for me.  Send this guy some prayers.  He's gonna need all of them.


As a recovered alcoholic myself I can tell you that it is very easy to stay sober. Just don't drink.


People are being silly about his "drinking problem." None of us know anything about his personal life or his drinking. Recovery is not about winning a battle. It is about surrendering to the fact that you are powerless over alcohol and finding a way to live that doesn't include all the inner dysfunction that lead to drinking. Drinking alcohol is a symptom of the problem and not the actual problem. Being sober is the simplest thing on Earth but alcoholics make the simple complicated.


I was a bartender for the first few years of my sobriety. I now have 14 years sober. If I could stay sober while serving drinks to lousy drunks then McCloughan can stay sober while rebuilding the Redskins. It will be easier for him actually as he doesn't have to worry about finding a way to pay the bills while rebuilding a shattered life. Most alcoholics find themselves in dire straights like jail or homelessness and those first few years of sobriety are filled with a sense of dread that there is something out there that is going to catch up to you.


If the reporting is accurate then McCloughan is in a different place. He is sitting at the top of a multi-billion dollar industry. And McCloughan wants this. He spent a year out of football to get him himself straight and he willingly came to the Redskins. This is a good thing. He will have all the energy and enthusiasm in the world. He probably feels the most alive he ever has right now. Sobriety is great and living is great and getting to do what you love to do is a blessing. I imagine that he will be the most well put together person in the entire organization. 


Remember, there are two things that you can't stop in this world, an alcoholic that wants to drink and an alcoholic that doesn't want to drink.



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 Finally, the initial rush is wearing off and we're getting some great input here.


TSO nailed it IMO, this hire isn't about rebuilding the roster, it is about establishing a functional organization, something we are decades removed from. As badly as Allen was scorned after the presser, we are seeing the first steps of actual change, things he didn't want to discuss, things he couldn't discuss just to mollify the fans or the media. Off to a great start I think, but it's still only just a start.





I think what is lost is that Bruce took the first step, for all the grief he is given, he had to take the first step. He did what most of us wanted. He is now President and Ambassador and not the GM picking players. We are only one year post Shanny the GM and Bruce admitted he was over his head and went and hired the best available guy to right the ship. 

An earlier, excellent article from @SethWickersham on McCloughan, from right after #Seahawks won the SB. http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/seahawks-prevailing-wisdom/story?id=22350549&singlePage=true 

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For the Love of GOD, can we please get rid of this zone blocking bullcrap??? Go to a traditional oline scheme and draft/sign some REAL fat boy studs. Tired of this slim athletic crap. It aint workin.....

Especially if needed pass blocking is required.  These so called athletic dudes can't sustain blocks to beasts on the other side of the line!  LOL



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headline 2017 (maybe 2018): Dysfunctional Redskins Tenure ends with (Gruden, Allen or McCloughan) being Fired. Search for new (coach, pres or GM) on.

It happens every 3-4 years, so it likely will happen again.

Why even continue rooting or posting about the team if you feel this way?

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I think what is lost is that Bruce took the first step, for all the grief he is given, he had to take the first step. He did what most of us wanted. He is now President and Ambassador and not the GM picking players. We are only one year post Shanny the GM and Bruce admitted he was over his head and went and hired the best available guy to right the ship. 



I don't think it's lost on some so much as willingly, gleefully thrown away, because it doesn't fit their agenda of non-stop adolescent sniping.


Personally I don't think Bruce ever wanted to be "The guy!", he has been in pro football since birth and probably has a far better grasp of his place in the grand scheme of things than posters here do. He was kinda between a rock and a hard place w/ TheDan and Shanny and trying to do what he could. I don't think he saw any options last year even remotely comparable to Scot, and had to ride it out.

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This quote from him is very interesting:


If the 49ers get the No. 1 or No. 2 pick in the draft, McCloughan favors seeking a trade for a slew of choices, even if Reggie Bush is there to be selected. “One guy is not going to make us a 10-6 team next year,” McCloughan said. “It might make you maybe 6-10, but if we have four or five players, maybe two years from now, that makes it a 10-6 team, because now you have more depth.”




Agreed.  I love that.  There are a few occasions over the years where I (all Redskins fans pretty much) wished we would have traded down some picks, and held on to them, rather then giving them away for older vets.


This offseason may very well be more important than the '15 season.  By that, I mean building a new foundation for this team, but perhaps still not having a winning record this coming season.  However, after 2 or 3 with McCloughan, we may finally start to see steady improvement with this team.


The Redskins have me sipping on that kool-aid again.  Oh yeah!

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headline 2017 (maybe 2018):  Dysfunctional Redskins Tenure ends with (Gruden, Allen or McCloughan) being Fired. Search for new (coach, pres or GM) on.


It happens every 3-4 years, so it likely will happen again.


If Gruden lasted 2 more years it means he did well this year.  Guy probably won't last until 2016 if this coming year is like last year.


And I doubt Allen or McCloughan are in any short term house cleaning, unless both really foul up.  McCloughan probably gets two coach tenures to fix the team, seeing as he probably made it a point during the interview that he wanted to build through the draft, which take times.  Allen is probably going nowhere soon.  He specifically moved for the job security being president afforded, since he knew he was in over his head at HC.

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I agree with you guys about all of the upgrades to technology etc. But seriously, even if they were not to do that there is no reason in the world the facilities that you have now shouldn't be ship-shape and completely maintained. Broken equipment and worn carpet? For real? What kind of message does that send in a business where your mantra should be "The little things matter!"?


I truly had no idea.

The gym where I lift at has broken equipment and worn carpets but how can a franchise that is worth billions not have the best of everything?  This boggles the mind!



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The gym where I lift at has broken equipment and worn carpets but how can a franchise that is worth billions not have the best of everything?  This boggles the mind!




Probably has to do with the fact that cap money mostly comes from broadcasting, so in a way, the team is gambling with someone else's (NFL's) money, whereas paying for coaches, facilities, etc., comes out of Snyder's pockets.

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I don't think it's lost on some so much as willingly, gleefully thrown away, because it doesn't fit their agenda of non-stop adolescent sniping.


Personally I don't think Bruce ever wanted to be "The guy!", he has been in pro football since birth and probably has a far better grasp of his place in the grand scheme of things than posters here do. He was kinda between a rock and a hard place w/ TheDan and Shanny and trying to do what he could. I don't think he saw any options last year even remotely comparable to Scot, and had to ride it out.


Cooley said a similar thing yesterday on his show. He thinks Scot was the plan all along after Shanny got the boot, but he was not ready to come back last year. So Bruce rode it out last year knowing that Scot would be ready to go this year. 

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Probably has to do with the fact that cap money mostly comes from broadcasting, so in a way, the team is gambling with someone else's (NFL's) money, whereas paying for coaches, facilities, etc., comes out of Snyder's pockets.



What is perceived in public looks good, but behind the scenes things are falling apart.


We should have state of the art everything.


If this isn't part of this new change of handing over the reigns, things won't get much better.


I really want us to get a new field as well. Sick of dirt painted green.


If we're not willing to put in the necessary equipment to have a great grass field, we should just install field turf and be done with it.


Sick of the old beer, bad stadium, and poor facilities as much as the product on the field.


It's hard to believe Snyder doesn't understand that it's all connected.

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headline 2017 (maybe 2018):  Dysfunctional Redskins Tenure ends with (Gruden, Allen or McCloughan) being Fired. Search for new (coach, pres or GM) on.


It happens every 3-4 years, so it likely will happen again.

I can see gruden being fired after or during next season. I hope not cause that means we stink again..i will hope for the best. imo gruden is not the right guy for the job

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This is based on Rich Tandler's essay.


I am curious now as to how long people are willing to wait for Scott's management to pay off? 1 year, 2, the full 4 years?


At what point will he be considered a success/failure?


Are we as Skins fans going to be patient enough to allow him to fix a dysfunctional and player inept franchise from the ground up?


This might be a good poll question.

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