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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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8 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

What's funny is that Trump leads amongst military members.  By a sizable margin IIRC.

Welll,  again with me and polls..  but i think that is in another thread.. polls i find hard to believe.. i think they can be manipulated easily by the pollsters.
You're military (thanks!)..  and i can't imagine the slap you must feel listening to his loudmouth troublemaker screeching we have not been in Afghanistan before 2008..  If you've been in, you likely know someone lost in the conflict prior to their version of history.

As a civilian with respect for our military, it pisses me off to no end. it is an utter slap, a promise that they will not only concoct more ways to send you back into conflict, and that they will again forget you when you come home.

Frankly, i don't know what to believe anymore.
All sources of info have underlying motives...  I find myself looking at any report about anything through slit eyes.


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Clinton expresses regret for saying 'half' of Trump supporters are 'deplorables'

New York (CNN)Hillary Clinton expressed "regret" Saturday for comments in which she said "half" of Donald Trump's supporters are "deplorables," meaning people who are racist, sexist, homophobic or xenophobic.

"Last night I was 'grossly generalistic,' and that's never a good idea. I regret saying 'half' -- that was wrong," Clinton said in a statement in which she also vowed to call out "bigotry" in Trump's campaign.

The Democratic presidential nominee sparked an uproar late Friday when she described Trump's supporters at a fundraiser.


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Clinton was right: Trump HAS lifted up the deplorable

(CNN)It is deplorable to undermine the credibility of a federal judge based on his Mexican heritage.

It is deplorable to demean a Gold Star family and propose to ban all Muslims from entering the United States.

It is deplorable for a candidate for president of a major party to kick off his campaign by labeling most Mexicans as rapists and murderers.

It is deplorable when the Justice Department feels it has to sue you a second time for racial discrimination because you didn't get the hint the first time.

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Having a hard time understanding Hilary's strategy here.  Saying something that gets her in the news seems like a good idea.  They will gladly talk about controversies and name calling...  But the thing she said is so awkward, clearly unplanned.

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4 hours ago, hail2skins said:

HRC's campaign released a statement where she expresses regret for her Friday night comments and says she was wrong, while indicating that she will continue to call out bigotry.  Good move on her campaign's part, IMO.


Ugh.  This is the **** that frustrates me about her.  Have some conviction for god's sake.  She has no ability to define herself, her opponent, anything.  Everything is poll-tested apologia.  She lets her enemies define her work as secretary of state, her charity, conduct witch hunt after witch hunt against her without putting up any kind of fight.  She needs to wake up and realize they're her enemies, they hate her, and they can't be reasoned with.  Call them out for idiotic partisan swine they are and refuse to ever give them another inch.

It's not even about her any more.  Trump has become the champion of racists and traitors and other vermin and has given them a megaphone.  She needs to be the champion for the rest of us and beat the **** out of them.

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The other thing is Trump is a cartoon bully.  He is, by nature, a complete ****.  Hit him and keep hitting him.  He will go sniveling and crying about how mean and unfair you are.  If I were Hillary, when we got onto the debate stage I would light into him the second they let me speak and I wouldn't stop until the debate was over.  There is no Ivory Tower dignity to try and hold onto in this election.  Trump has seen to that.  If you play nice you will get bullied.  You have to get into the ring and beat his stupid ass down.  When he says something horrifically stupid go after him and don't stop until eeeeveryone understands just how ****ing stupid it was.  Show him for the racist, treasonous, idiotic dilettante he is.  

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25 minutes ago, alexey said:

Having a hard time understanding Hilary's strategy here.  Saying something that gets her in the news seems like a good idea.  They will gladly talk about controversies and name calling...  But the thing she said is so awkward, clearly unplanned.


probably had too much to drink to go with her meds.


All is well.

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It kind of read like a non-apology to me. This was a calculated move. Everyone is talking about Trump and racism/bigotry associated with him. Nobody cares about the apology. 

Its put Trumps people on the defensive and Hillarys camp on the offense. They seem to be citing a plethora of polls that show how 'deplorable' Trumps base really is. All the videos of racist Trump supporters are going viral again.

She stirred the pot and gave a half assed apology. 

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But on the other hand, the statement did show an ability on her part to at least admit she made an unfair generalization and say it was wrong, while also saying that she was going to continue to call out bigotry when she hears that. Contrast that with Trump, who aside from his teleprompter statement of regret several weeks ago, thinks any sort of walking back statements is a sign of weakness. It seems like he still can't even say that he thinks that Obama was born in the US.  I don't even know if he needs to apologize.....just make the statement.

But right now, I'm not sure if we're more disgusted by the candidates themselves or with listening to the various surrogates dance around questions. On Thursday night I decided to watch CNN right before the game started and they had the usual panel discussing the history of Trump's Iraq War stance.  I couldn't take it for more than 10 minutes, as everything seemed to be black and white, with his "yeah I guess so" statement to Stern being seen as a show of either total support or complete opposition, with no acknowledgement that perhaps he was pretty agnostic. And of course you had the changing of the subjects, which unfortunately I foresee will happen in the debates. There'll be a question on climate change, and somehow the answer will go back to "Hillary's e-mails" or whatever boneheaded thing Trump has recently said on something else.

I still hold to my prediction that Trump is going to win, but I'm curious to see the reaction of the "Never Trump" crowd from the GOP if that does happen.  Say what you want about Ted Cruz......he showed a lot of conviction by going into Trump's party and not endorsing, and saying the next day to a Texas delegation that his pledge to support the nominee was null and void once Trump went after his family.  I still don't get how John McCain endorses Trump after the comment made about "liking people that weren't captured" early in the campaign. But for others like Bill Kristol, I get the sense that he's only a "Never Trumper" because he doesn't think Donald can win.  If he does, will Kristol suddenly jump on board?

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MSN: "If Hillary Wins In November, Blame Sean Hannity."

Perhaps no commentator or pundit working today is more terminally puerile than Sean Hannity, and his latest outburst on Twitter (though it is invariably the same outburst) was directed at National Review’s Jonah Goldberg: “If you choose to sabotage [Donald Trump],” he tweeted at Goldberg, “and [Hillary Clinton] wins, then u will OWN the damage!”

This is, in fact, Hannity’s favorite insult to hurl at conservatives (actual conservatives, not the ersatz Trump-worshiping kind): that any principled stand against the colossal monstrosity of Trump’s candidacy will be an albatross around the neck of every dissident conservative pundit moving forward. “If [Clinton] does win,” Hannity scolded Goldberg, “I will hold you responsible. Own it!!!!”

Here is a modest counterpoint: if Hillary Clinton does win the presidency, it will be, in no small part, Sean Hannity’s fault.

There are, of course, a multitude of reasons Trump is the Republican presidential nominee: voters’ dissatisfaction with the GOP, their profoundly misguided assumption that Trump is trustworthy in any sense of the word, the billions of free media Trump received during the primaries, the overlarge and divided Republican primary field.


The 2016 GOP lineup was an embarrassment of riches: Hannity could have picked from ten other candidates 50 times more qualified than Trump. It is something of a marvel that he went instead with an incompetent faux-conservative jackass and one of the few candidates on the planet capable of losing to Hillary Clinton.

Since Hannity is a man of some influence, it is perfectly reasonable to assume that his fawning coverage of Trump has played a not-insignificant role in Trump’s meteoric rise to the forefront of the GOP. If you want to find someone to blame for conservatism’s predicament in 2016—in which we eschewed a generational field of talent for a blustering con artist who will almost certainly lose to Hillary Clinton in November—you could do much worse than point a finger at Sean Hannity........":


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Today Hannity tweeted something to the effect of "Assange hacked into NASA and Defense computers when he was 16. He is now under house arrest.  Are you NRO guys (National Review Online guys, which are mainly anti-Trump conservatives) up to this?"

Nobody knew what the hell the point of his tweet was.

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What's annoying is that so much time is being spent by the media and others complaining about 'deplorables', and no one gives Hillary credit for what she said about the other half.

(But I bet people wouldn't be talking about it at all if not for deplorables')


Hillary can't seem to get any positive attention no matter what she does.


In the meantime Trump was ranting about shooting Iranian boats and overthrowing their government and accusing Hillary of being able to get away with murder as his latest in a long line of offensive and insane comments and his supporters eat it up. I'm not sure Trump can do anything at this point to lose a  lot of voters.

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Considering Sean Hannity was in George Bush's back pocket and his biggest cheerleader throughout his entire administration it's funny hearing him talking about "owning" the damage that's caused. Using his logic it doesn't reflect well on him lol.  

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3 minutes ago, nonniey said:

I think we're more disgusted by the candidates themselves. Both are manifestly unfit to be president. We're just going to have to suck it up and work to defeat whoever wins in 2020.


One candidate is a complete nut job unqualified to be dog walker. 

Hillary Clinton at least has the ability to competently be President over the next 4 to 8 years. There is no equivalence here 

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