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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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The National Review vs Hannity Twitter battle continues tonight. NR's Rich Lowry is really pummeling him.

It is pretty mystifying to follow. All the conservatives who claim that they are for stronger borders, limited American military involvement overseas, and fairer trade deals.......but yet they can't stand Trump.  Is it largely because they don't trust him because of his historic flip flopping.....or do these folks themselves even have consistent positions?

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"One candidate is a complete nut job unqualified to be dog walker. 

Hillary Clinton at least has the ability to competently be President over the next 4 to 8 years. There is no equivalence here"


So Donald Trump is more unfit that Hillary I think I can agree with that.  Of course that doesn't change the fact that Hillary is unfit as well.


(BTW anyone have any ideas to get the quote feature working?

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49 minutes ago, nonniey said:

I think we're more disgusted by the candidates themselves. Both are manifestly unfit to be president. We're just going to have to suck it up and work to defeat whoever wins in 2020.

I'd agree. But one is massively more unfit than the other. 

Thats what this election comes down to IMO - who is the least worse option. It's not close, Trump as President would be disastrous.

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7 minutes ago, twa said:

makes it simpler to believe that I suppose.

Same question. Why is she unfit?

I know your answer and in order for it to be correct, it would mean that you have a better understanding of the available information than a team of federal intelligence officials who have spent countless hours combing through all of it or that you believe they are corrupt.

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what is italy fit?



23 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

Same question. Why is she unfit?

I know your answer and in order for it to be correct, it would mean that you have a better understanding of the available information than a team of federal intelligence officials who have spent countless hours combing through all of it or that you believe they are corrupt.

makes it simpler to believe that.

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3 minutes ago, twa said:

I thought you knew my answer?.....didn't survive editing?

If the email thing really is your answer, it's a bad one.

1 minute ago, btfoom said:

Yes she is.

Please, tell us why. Keep in mind you're not lurking in the recesses of the alt-right web right now so I'd suggest using actual facts. You're going to get called out for any make believe crap.


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7 minutes ago, twa said:


That is certainly a factor, shame you don't get to decide for me.

or at least that is my understanding.

Well since the country's top intelligence officials thoroughly reviewed all of the available data and said that there was no crime and it wasn't even close, is it your belief that those folks are incompetent, corrupt, or both?

"Those suggesting that we are 'political' or part of some 'fix' either don't know us, or they are full of baloney (and maybe some of both)."
-James Comey

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Odd criteria ya have for her actions....imo 

do you know what the focus of that review was?


 while we wait I'll paraphrase Comey...

If you would have told me before this investigation someone in her position was that ignorant I would not have believed it.....now I just don't know.




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1 hour ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

If the email thing really is your answer, it's a bad one.

Please, tell us why. Keep in mind you're not lurking in the recesses of the alt-right web right now so I'd suggest using actual facts. You're going to get called out for any make believe crap.


LOL. Keep reading MSNBC to get your news.  You are the sheep, so please respond with Baaaa, Baaaaa



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