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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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About a week after I got to Fort Hood, they have some ceremony for the retiring base commander. Being new, fresh out of AIT, of course I get picked to take part. So there we are are, standing out in the heat, full BDU get up, Kevlar helmet, rifle, standing at attention, can't move. Sweat is pouring into my eyes and i can't move to wipe it off. The burn, ****. Left and right, all over the place, people are fainting and falling on their faces. This one Sgt is standing in front of us and screaming at us over his shoulder, "None of you mother****ers better move! Don't even think about fainting!" Blah blah blah. Two minutes later, I hear a sound, squint through my sweat and see him laying there passed out. I'm a beast so of course i didn't faint but still. Absolutely brutal. And this was the Army. We weren't 70 year old women. People faint. **** happens.

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1 minute ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

Hilarious to see Hillary supporters brushing this off as no big deal while Republicans are going ape****.  Predictable, not surprising, yet still entertaining.




Republicans always go ape**** when the opportunity arises to turn the discussion away from actual policy and party platform.

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37 minutes ago, Chump Bailey said:

The health thing? She's clearly a very sick person.



^^ This. 

In fact, if you watch her speeches closely, she's clearly already dead, and her body is now occupied by demons, shapeshifting lizard people, and the ghost of Karl Marx in turns, depending on what audience she's addressing. 

Why people choose to ignore the evidence of this, and instead attribute her symptoms to lunatic theories like blood pressure is a mystery.

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4 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

So if the roles were reversed, Democrats wouldn't do the same?  Please, this whole thing is one big game of "gotcha!"

Well, no. If you want to go ape **** over some BS, you can find something to do it over. The democrats can't even bother to lose their minds over the very real stuff. They just don't have the same stomach for scandals, whether real or imaginary, as the right.

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11 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

Hilarious to see Hillary supporters brushing this off as no big deal while Republicans are going ape****.  Predictable, not surprising, yet still entertaining.



I think that was the plan lol. I'm still not convinced this wasn't staged. The Hillary camp will let it marinate in the news cycle for awhile, have the press (and maybe Trump surrogates) spin it any way they want and hope "deplorable-gate" isn't the hot topic that everyone is talking about on Monday morning. I'm finding the timing to be too convenient which is why I think Hillary could be taking a page out of the Trump playbook. He's the master at deflection. If something is in the news cycle that he doesn't like he finds a way to pull a stunt that will overshadow a blunder and play the media like a fiddle.

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2 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

So if the roles were reversed, Democrats wouldn't do the same?  Please, this whole thing is one big game of "gotcha!"


There are a million awful things about Trump that would be huge scandals for Hillary. Take the hilariously fake health report his "Doctor" wrote in five minutes while sitting in a car.

Had Hillary done that you would be still hearing about it today.

Cut this false equivalency. Republicans are great at creating phony scandals and have made an art out of it. There is no parallel.

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9 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

So if the roles were reversed, Democrats wouldn't do the same?  Please, this whole thing is one big game of "gotcha!"


When Bush 1 puked all over the Japanese Prime Minister and passed out in his miso, we had a chuckle about it for a week or two and were relieved to hear it wasn't too serious.  Then we turned our attention to winding down Desert Storm.  Those were good times...

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1 hour ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Plus she's wearing black! Not smart on a hot day. I'm going out later, wearing tan.

I wore green to my brother's memorial. I hate wearing black to memorials.

Actually, black is the best color to wear on a hot sunny day.


11 minutes ago, No Excuses said:



There are a million awful things about Trump that would be huge scandals for Hillary. Take the hilariously fake health report his "Doctor" wrote in five minutes while sitting in a car.

Had Hillary done that you would be still hearing about it today.

Cut this false equivalency. Republicans are great at creating phony scandals and have made an art out of it. There is no parallel.

Can you even imagine how bad the Rs would have (correctly) eviscerated ANYONE who came even close to saying something like Donnie on 9/11? RUDY, WHERE ARE YOU? I want to hear what mister "9/11 is the only thing ever" has to say about that.

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48 minutes ago, visionary said:

Holy crap, savage.  I'm gonna borrow that one.

Also accurate.  Women's health issues have been consistently dismissed over the years for a wide variety of "reasons."

Now they won't shut up about it.


I don't really get how the health thing fits in here anyway.  I mean, okay, if she's unhealthy, that suddenly means people are going to vote for Trump even if they weren't previously pre-disposed to it?

I mean, I view candidates as passthroughs for policies, Hillary and Kaine to the left, Trump Pence to the right.  If Hillary is deathly ill, why would that suddenly make me switch to Trump?  Why would it do that for anyone?

But then I remember that this is a popularity contest and policy is like 5th  on the list of things people care about.

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26 minutes ago, mistertim said:

Can you even imagine how bad the Rs would have (correctly) eviscerated ANYONE who came even close to saying something like Donnie on 9/11? RUDY, WHERE ARE YOU? I want to hear what mister "9/11 is the only thing ever" has to say about that.

I mean there's audio documentation of it too of him openly bragging about having the tallest building in NYC after the towers fell. And then there is the fake small business stuff associated with 9/11. 

Any single one of these issues would be a huge scandal if Hillary was doing it. The left simply does not have a coherent media set up to drive scandals the way the GOP does. Would the Dems do it if they had the avenue? Probably, but they are stuck with the reality that their base isn't big on cable news and talk show radio. We're all better off that only one party openly abuses the media to drive narratives.

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On 8/1/2016 at 7:23 PM, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:


Your bull**** is so transparent and just because I know you're full of ****, I decided to go to your twitter page. This is you right?






Aaaaaaaaaand it just goes on like this. He's following 1,221 handles and it looks like over 1000 of them are about Trump.

So weird to have to defend myself over twitter followers, but I'll play along because of the liars.

Count again, anybody that wants to check this BS.  I have about 100 accounts that I have recently followed (they are chronologically at the top) because of Trump, the rest are Redskins or 'Law of Attraction' fans mostly.

100 does not = 1000.  Please prove me otherwise or stop making yourself look dumb to anyone that cares about truth (who am I kidding).


Luckily we have smart people around here that check facts, who could add a like to a lie without checking it?

A few of you, I'm sad to admit, I do respect.



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