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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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I love Hilary's puppets.. Astounded she is not leading by 10-15 pts.

they just can't see that allot of people think she is an unlikeable, lying, lecherous cretin. I mean have they seen her give a speech? Howling like a banshee?

Its like, Obama is this gigantic lying POS but at least he is likeable,

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16 minutes ago, USS Redskins said:

I love Hilary's puppets.. Astounded she is not leading by 10-15 pts.

they just can't see that allot of people think she is an unlikeable, lying, lecherous cretin. I mean have they seen her give a speech? Howling like a banshee?

Its like, Obama is this gigantic lying POS but at least he is likeable,

and Trump tells the truth?

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37 minutes ago, USS Redskins said:

I love Hilary's puppets.. Astounded she is not leading by 10-15 pts.

they just can't see that allot of people think she is an unlikeable, lying, lecherous cretin. I mean have they seen her give a speech? Howling like a banshee?

Its like, Obama is this gigantic lying POS but at least he is likeable,



never mind. Sometimes I forget people like this aren't worth the trouble. 


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21 minutes ago, USS Redskins said:

they just can't see that allot of people think she is an unlikeable

We definitely see that.  Heck, some of us don't like her all that much.  But likability isn't exactly all that high on the "qualities needed for President" list.

24 minutes ago, USS Redskins said:



She actually was the most truthful person among 2016 candidates for a long while.  She might still be, but they compare less statements from others since they dropped out.  For comparison though:


So, uh, it's less "they can't see" and more YOU can't see.

34 minutes ago, USS Redskins said:


  1. having or showing excessive or offensive sexual desire.
    "she ignored his lecherous gaze"


Wait, what?  That's a new one.

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6 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

In GOP bizarro world, slandering a former First Lady and Secretary of State, as well as a sitting President, while supporting a shady, disreputable candidate who's clearly in bed with Russia is considered "patriotic".  

How does that happen?

Let's not forget also slandering our current generals, intelligence community, all POWs, the parents of a fallen soldier, and the FBI.

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20 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

In GOP bizarro world, slandering a former First Lady and Secretary of State, as well as a sitting President, while supporting a shady, disreputable candidate who's clearly in bed with Russia is considered "patriotic".  

How does that happen?

At what point do the Democrats run an ad showing Trump complimenting Putin and saying "What would Reagan think of that?"

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Even using the language "the Jewish question" is chilling to be honest. (Disclaimer: I didn't click on article. I don't know if language is the group's or writer's paraphrasing)

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I think the Clinton strategy should be to let Clinton talk what she will do that takes us to the next level, solutions to real problems and how she listens to many people to craft solutions and working with Republicans.

Let the PACs and her surrogates bang on Trump.

Also, she shouldn't apologize for the deplorables remark, let the Trumpettes figure out for themselves if they belong in that basket. Let the PACs and surrogates define who a deplorable person is.

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Sigh, I'm not a fan of dirty politics and especially  going after citizens. It's wrong when Trump does it and it's wrong when Clinton does.

It was a politically smart move. Unlike Trump, Clinton doesn't speak whatever crap comes to her mind. She and her campaign did this because they want Trump to go on the defensive about the bigotry of his campaign. It seems like they are taking the bait.

Its going to be front and center on the news for a while and it will get people to discuss the racism and bigotry that Trump is making mainstream. In a way, they are doing exactly what Trump does, which is stirring the pot with inflammatory statements to start dialogue on issues.

But it is such a dirty move and signals everything wrong with our current politics. It's the kind of crap Republican leaders like Palin have been doing for years. They've never hesitated from making blanket derogatory statements about liberals. I would have hoped that Democratic leaders continued to act like the grown ups but I guess not. 

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Hell no she shouldn't apologize for calling Trump's supporters deplorable.  They ****ing are and they should be publicly shamed by everyone until they crawl back under their rocks.  Trump's support breaks down thusly: 1 part weak-kneed republicans who can't go against the party even when it does serious harm to the country, 1 part idiots, and 1 part neo-nazis and white supremacists.

The groups aren't mutually exclusive.  And each should be ridiculed.  But you can forgive people for being in the first two.  The people in the last one are just useless.

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