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The last movie you saw......GO! (After you read the OP!!!!)


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Me and the girlfriend are starting a thing where we watch all Best Picture nominees for a year and then end with the winner. We're starting with 1990. Two things:

1) l actually really, really like Dances with Wolves but how the **** did that beat Goodfellas?

2) Godfather III? Really? I only saw it once and that was years and years ago. Should we just skip that? Anyone got anything good to say about it?

Edited by BornaSkinsFan83
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11 minutes ago, BornaSkinsFan83 said:

Me and the girlfriend are starting a thing where we watch all Best Picture nominees for a year and then end with the winner. We're starting with 1990. Two things:

marry her.

Randomly googled 90s movies.  Memphis Belle is severely underrated.  

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1 hour ago, BornaSkinsFan83 said:

Me and the girlfriend are starting a thing where we watch all Best Picture nominees for a year and then end with the winner. We're starting with 1990. Two things:

1) l actually really, really like Dances with Wolves but how the **** did that beat Goodfellas?

2) Godfather III? Really? I only saw it once and that was years and years ago. Should we just skip that? Anyone got anything good to say about it?

Its worth it just for that famous quote... "Just when I thought I was out.... They puuuull me back in!"

Held to the standard of Coppola's first two movies, it failed, but on its own, I thought it was good. Sendoff was bad tho.

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2 hours ago, BornaSkinsFan83 said:


2) Godfather III? Really? I only saw it once and that was years and years ago. Should we just skip that? Anyone got anything good to say about it?

It's not close to the level of the first two but it was still a good movie and deserved it's nomination IMO. 

It's a fitting conclusion to Michael's story IMO, kinda comes full circle. I loved the ending. Not as much as 1 or 2 both ending perfectly tho

The worst thing about the movie is Sophia Coppola. She is awful. 

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I don't hate Godfather 3 but it sucks how they did Tom Hagen.

Also, Pacino wasn't very good in it. He didn't even seem like the same person we saw in the last entry. Granted, it was decades earlier and someone could justify it by saying he changed a lot over the years and wasn't the same cold-hearted **** anymore but I'm not buying it. Even from a 'dynamic character' standpoint it didn't feel like the Michael that was established in the first two.

Pacino by that time had a schtick and was comfortable in front of the camera playing the same type of role. I am a HUGE fan of Pacino as an actor but I didn't particularly care for how he played Michael in that movie. 

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16 minutes ago, MondayNightCowboyKilla89 said:

I don't hate Godfather 3 but it sucks how they did Tom Hagen.

Also, Pacino wasn't very good in it. He didn't even seem like the same person we saw in the last entry. Granted, it was decades earlier and someone could justify it by saying he changed a lot over the years and wasn't the same cold-hearted **** anymore but I'm not buying it. Even from a 'dynamic character' standpoint it didn't feel like the Michael that was established in the first two.

Pacino by that time had a schtick and was comfortable in front of the camera playing the same type of role. I am a HUGE fan of Pacino as an actor but I didn't particularly care for how he played Michael in that movie. 

I agree with most of this pretty much. And once he does the shouting "they pull me back in line" he got such a good reaction I guess he just stuck with it the rest of his career. 

I can chalk a lot of that character change up to being old, broken down, defeated. He's loved his life full of regrets and finally trying to become legitimate. 

Hagen...well Duvall wanted too much money right? 


i love that the end scene of him screaming has to be edited to completely silent because of how haunting and horrifying it was. At leafy that's the rumor i read

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Finally saw Intersteller.  I dunno man, didn't like it.  Walked away disappointed.  Granted I was totally hyped that I may be watching a future top 10 movie of mine before I pressed Play.  I'm huge in to space, so I felt it was right in my wheelhouse.  Nope, had to stop it halfway through and finish it the next day.  


Storyline didn't grip me.  There were some cool parts, the robots were cool.  Matt M. did a good job I thought.  Just wasn't in to the story that much.  It was alright.


Didn't think Hathaway fit in to her role.  Same with Alfred, ahem, Michael Caine.  You FAILED ME.


I almost forgot Matt Damon is in it.  The whole backstabbing **** and family drama made the movie mostly about that.  I was expecting something more Apollo 13ish.


The huges waves were the best part of the flick.


All my opinion of course.  Don't flame me too badly.

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On 8/31/2016 at 3:56 PM, BornaSkinsFan83 said:

Me and the girlfriend are starting a thing where we watch all Best Picture nominees for a year and then end with the winner. We're starting with 1990. Two things:

1) l actually really, really like Dances with Wolves but how the **** did that beat Goodfellas?

2) Godfather III? Really? I only saw it once and that was years and years ago. Should we just skip that? Anyone got anything good to say about it?


Not sure how it beat Goodfellas.  Honestly, I thought Goodfellas won.  

Skip Godfather 3, seriously.  Doesn't come close to the other two.  Coppola casts his niece or something and she's ****ing terrible.  

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19 hours ago, d0ublestr0ker0ll said:

Finally saw Intersteller.  I dunno man, didn't like it.  Walked away disappointed.  Granted I was totally hyped that I may be watching a future top 10 movie of mine before I pressed Play.  I'm huge in to space, so I felt it was right in my wheelhouse.  Nope, had to stop it halfway through and finish it the next day.  


Storyline didn't grip me.  There were some cool parts, the robots were cool.  Matt M. did a good job I thought.  Just wasn't in to the story that much.  It was alright.


Didn't think Hathaway fit in to her role.  Same with Alfred, ahem, Michael Caine.  You FAILED ME.


I almost forgot Matt Damon is in it.  The whole backstabbing **** and family drama made the movie mostly about that.  I was expecting something more Apollo 13ish.


The huges waves were the best part of the flick.


All my opinion of course.  Don't flame me too badly.


How could you not cry vigorously when he leaves Murph?  The score, the gravity of the situation.  Have you no heart?


I cried like a teenage girl after the boy who took her virginity left her for a popular chick, like any normal human should.

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Interstellar was solid, SOLID...to each their own.

Just flew cross country and loaded up on movies on my phone and had some available on plane.

Midknight Special:  B-, won't say too much but I felt it was entirely anticlimactic and one of those ambiguous types of movies that doesn't have all strings tied.  But lots of elements I loved in the story... 

Batman V Superman: My prejudice has been against this movie from the beginning.  You know how you can say, "it doesn't look good from the trailer."  That was Batman v. Superman.  So as someone who never saw the Superman reboots - does it continue from one of them?   A solid A and I am into these movies now.  Affleck worked surprisingly well...  

Neighbors: C-, I don't get these comedies... compare this to Daddy's Home and Daddy's home is better.  What parents curse like that?  I feel like an old man watching this movie... get off my lawn this was not funny. 

Mission Impossible (1996):  A+... got into the TV show and my son watched some of the recent ones.  Feels like such a classic, well done story.  I like Cruise way more than most people, even if his character is the same most movies.  Any recent dramas with him in it?   

I also watched South Park for the first time in many years.  Saw nothing since Season 10... watched religiously up to Season 7... VHS tapes of the original seasons.

South Park still has it... I saw some from Season 17, and some from Season 19... PC principal cracked me up... 



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Image result for don't breathe movie poster

Some would consider this standard horror movie fare, but I think it's better than most.  I worship at the house of horror, and I found this to be a very worthy addition.  I'm not much of a witchcraft/spooky house/ghost asshole kinda guy.  Give me a boogeyman anyday of the week.  That's why this one worked for me.  The villain is fantastic.  Haven't really seen the blind man horror thing before, and no, I don't count Rutger Hauer's Blind Fury as a horror flick.  From the moment he sat up in bed, he hooked me.  That glazed stare.  Good stuff.

For a closed space, I thought the script kept firing bullets.  I saw Green Room earlier this year, and while I would recommend that film, this is kinda what I was hoping for when I saw that flick.  I thought the sequences stacked well.  Not a lot of fat.  There were a couple of elements added for shock, but they didn't bother me.  

I know the director also did the Evil Dead remake, which I refused to see out of respect for the original.  I noticed Sam Raimi's name attached to the credits as a producer here.  I hope they make more films together...just no more remakes. :)

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9 hours ago, Fergasun said:

Batman V Superman: My prejudice has been against this movie from the beginning.  You know how you can say, "it doesn't look good from the trailer."  That was Batman v. Superman.  So as someone who never saw the Superman reboots - does it continue from one of them?   A solid A and I am into these movies now.  Affleck worked surprisingly well...  

There is only one previous movie set in this universe, the Superman Man of Steel movie. The opening of BvS shows the end battle of Man of Steel with Superman fighting Zod and leveling Metropolis through Bruce's eyes. This sets up his fear and anger toward Supes. Zods body and DNA are later used to help create Doomsday

Really the entire movie is essentially dealing with the events and fallout of Man of Steel with the world and Batman now coming to terms with the fact that aliens exist and one lives on Earth, claims to be good yet can destroy the planet with ease if he desired 

22 minutes ago, AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy said:

Some would consider this standard horror movie fare, but I think it's better than most.

Awesome, I'll have to check it out 

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The new Point Break.  Pretty much a piece of ****.  Stylistically, pretty cool, the stunts were nice and it might have been decent if the shadow from the first one didn't loom so large.  The guy playing Bohdi is stiffer than a board, the new Johnny Utah isn't charming as Keanu and the guy playing Pappas doesn't have the grizzled feel that Busey brought to the table.  

Probably a movie that didn't deserve a remake since the first one is a classic



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On August 30, 2016 at 6:52 AM, Bang said:


I saw Kobu and the Two Strings over the weekend.    Very good movie.. nifty and stylish animation. the story was pretty standard, but the villains were cool, the animation is overall very good, although in some close-ups, the lips look a little odd when they move to speak. (my guess is they re-dubbed the lips to match english words. When you first meet Monkey, you'll see what i mean. it does not detract from the movie.)

If you enjoy animation, you'll like it. If you have kids, they'll like it.




I really liked it.  Not great for really  young kids.  I'd say about 5 is the cutoff, but that may be too young.   My 8 year old was clutching my arm during a few scenes.  There is nothing cutesy about this movie.  The fight scenes are intense.  The Sisters are genuinely creepy




Love the style.  The movie looks great and is really engaging.  They really nailed the tone too.  It's fantastical, melancholy and thoughtful, but still with a few laugh out loud moments.  A best animated film nominee for sure,  and will be a strong contender to win.  

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I recently watched the Conjuring 2.  I don't know if I'd say it was a good movie, but the people working on the Conjuring movies are really do the whole haunted house thing well.  I watched it for the movie monsters and scares and felt it delivered on those elements.  The demon scene, where it walked behind the painting left me laughing and recoiling at the same time.  I love that feeling.  


On 9/2/2016 at 10:54 PM, AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy said:

I know the director also did the Evil Dead remake, which I refused to see out of respect for the original.  I noticed Sam Raimi's name attached to the credits as a producer here.  I hope they make more films together...just no more remakes. :)

You need to reverse that decision if you like horror.  It's fantastic IMO.  Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi were producers (which made me want o see it) for that film and unlike most remakes I thought this one absolutely knocked it out of the park.  I was hesitant at first because I'm a Bruce Cambell fan, but I finished that movie with a huge grin on my face.  

Also check out the show Ash vs The Evil Dead if you haven't already.  



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Lily Tomlin's Grandma -  One of the best movies I've seen in 2016.  I loved it.  It's quick, only 79 minutes.  79 minutes of Lily Tomlin being Lily Tomlin.  She is woman, hear her roar! Highly recommend.  

Suicide Squad - not very good.  It had its moments.  Margot is smokin' hot and looked like Michelle Pfeiffer in a few scenes.  Like, the resemblance was kinda freaky.  Best part of the movie was the smart-ass prison CO that I recognize from somewhere but don't know where 

Sing Street - This joint is my hipster pick of the summer.  So ****ing good.  she's sittin' at a 97% on rotten currently.  coming of age kinda flick, a bunch of teens in 1980s Dublin start their own band.  I have not heard of either stars of this movie (Ferdia Walsh-Peelo & Lucy Boynton), but they were both excellent.  Funny, sad, heart-warming.  Great balance of LOL funny and real life issues.  Good music as well.  Highly recommend.


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Image result for now you see me

Image result for now you see me 2


First one, I saw a couple of years ago.  Reason I bundled them is the second one just came out and I bought a bundle pack and rewatched the first with my wife whom had never seen it.  I give the first one an A-.  Very solid film, good twists, effects etc.  A tad long, movie was over 2 hours, but still held attention throughout.  Solid flick.

Now You See Me 2..........the sequel, will it hold up?  It does.  I give not one, but TWO steamy ****s what rotten tomatoes rates it.  It was better than the first IMO.  More action, more twists (though some predictable).  At worst, it was just as good as the first, but like I said, I think it was better.  All the actors were on point and Daniel Radcliffe was excellent in his role.  All the actors were, including Lizzy Caplan, she sealed the deal imo.  

I give part two a solid A.  

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