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Bubba9497 - Rest In Peace


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One of the few on here that I really looked up to. Not just as a poster on ES, but as a human being. He seemed like such a good guy, and this place won't be the same without him.

RIP bubba, It was a pleasure to come into contact with you.

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We've been trying to contact him, and wondering, but I really didn't think this was how it would end. It's a very sad time for ES. I will really miss him as will we all. I am so glad I had so many private exchanges with him. He was one of the reasons I stopped being just a visitor reading the news and some of the threads and joined the site 6 years ago. He's one of the people here who really become a piece of my world, even at a distance. He was almost a daily presence in my life with ES, a very welcome fixture, as he was for so many of us. His work for and contribution to ES was immeasurable and tireless. RIP dear bubba. You were truly one of a kind on this site of so many Redskins fans.

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Bubba and I had are moments, both good and bad, but I would never wish any harm on him or anyone else. I am truly shocked and saddened to here of his passing and I want to offer my sincerest condolences to his family and our extremeskins brethren. It is a sad day.

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It's amazing reading this and especially that other thread how deeply someone you've never met affects you and enters your daily life. I think it speaks incredibly well of Bubba that he made thousands of friends and touched tens of thousands of lives in a positive way.

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Don't feel bad about that. Many of us argued with him. It's one of the things that made Bubba unique.

I know, but you know how it is when you're in a debate/arguing with someone on a message board. It's typically about things that don't really mean a whole lot when put into perspective. I just feel bad :(. Like I should have just let him have his opinion and not respond. I never thought this would have happened. God knows you don't expect something like this to happen, especially to someone who has been around here for so long (and so young). If his family and friends read this, I send my prayers out to you. Bubba will surely be missed!

For Bubba: :point2sky

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Wow, incredibly tragic news. This board won't be the same.

I know it seems pretty trivial in trying times like these, but is there anyway to forward this thread link to his family? I would think it would be nice to see how many lives he touched on this board.

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sad day for the ES family. thank you for all your contributions to the board. Bubba and Hap were pretty much the sole reasons I became a member, so that i could read the breaking news section. thanks for always providing us all the latest news of our beloved team. the board will never be the same without you, and you will always be missed by the entire ES family.

RIP bubba. :(

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