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Biden/Harris Legislative/Policy Discussions - Now with a Republican House starting 2023


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1 minute ago, redskins59 said:

It got here under Trump.


only cause the CIA and FBI were working with all the US “allies” to bring it here and sabotage our Lord and Savior, Donald “Rambo” Trump

2 minutes ago, RedskinsVa7 said:

Are you talking about Biden???

The impression you gave has been proven accurate. Have a good night Q*bert.

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2 hours ago, RedskinsVa7 said:

You said you couldn't take another four years of Trump, but compared to what the United States is going through right now with the Biden Administration what is your difference? Cause the United States for the past four years was way better off then what we are in now until Covid hit.

Just admit you believe less American children in poverty is a bad thing.

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1 hour ago, goskins10 said:


Yes, Covid came here from China. So? That is no secret unless you are claiming it was done on purpose with malice and that is just conspiracy theory nutcase talk from Facebook - something I do not use. Again, none of that even matters because if trump had not disbanded the US Pandemic Response that had a CDC scientist in China we would have had mush earlier knowledge. Although it's clear trump was not interested in doing anything about it. And please do not beat the he closed China flights drum. He allowed 40,000 in after and only did the flight ban as part of his economic fight he was losing due to his ill advised far too overreaching tariffs. I have no problem with specific well defined and targeted tariffs. But his bull in a China shop (approach was not value added. 


And you never addressed any of the economic factors which goes directly to your false claim that pre-covid we were doing so great. 


Seems like this is the second time this week I have heard the "where did it come from" and "how did it get here" thing regarding Covid.  I'd go to Breitbart to figure out which of the right wing sewage dispensers this latest excretion seeped out of (or more likely, which Russian page it originated from), but I've already showered.

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Hi there folks 🙂

Anyone wishing to continue to take part in this discussion going forwards need to contribute more than drive by ‘Your mother’ posts. We like to encourage healthy debate from all parts of the political spectrum (despite some opinions to the contrary) - but if all you’ve got to contribute is ‘Your side sucks’ or peddling nonsense you heard on Facebook I would encourage you to stick to Facebook.


Consider this a general warning. Any more drive by posts will result in penalties for trolling.



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13 hours ago, RedskinsVa7 said:

Explain to me why USA is doing great right now? Say it.....

-stimulus checks 

-vaccine rollouts in record numbers 

-vaccine mandate push to help combat covid  

-cut child poverty in half during his first year

-unemployment from 6.7% to 4.8%

-more jobs created in first 9 months than any president in history. 
-more jobs created already than in the entire 12 years of Trump and Bush admins 

-Ended a 20 year war 

-repaired relationships with US allies 



not to mention once the two bills are passed shortly we will have:

-largest infrastructure bill in US history creating jobs and restoring roads, bridges, and water systems among others 

- largest investment in climate change initiatives in US history. Embracing science and reality and putting the US at the global forefront of climate change creating new jobs and technologies  

- funding for 1 million new affordable housing units 

-cut the cost of child care by $10,000 for low and middle income families 

-universal pre-K for all 3-4 years olds including improved pre-K for those already attending 

-ended corporate tax avoidance 


I’ll add it’s nice to see Biden on the world stage this week and see that the US president is not a global embarrassment. Biden can give a speech to world leaders where the room doesn’t erupt in laughter at his ignorance and ego. He can hold press conferences with leaders where they don’t look confused the entire time. It’s refreshing 



Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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36 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

Despite his missteps,  Biden is far more competent than Trump. If Trump handled the pandemic like a normal human being; not only would have been reelected, it probably would've been a landslide reelection. 

Thats what I've been trying tell the Trumpers as to why he lost the election. Asshole can lie just about anything away (cause the GOP lets him), but you can't lie away mass, diseased death. He tried, lord did he try, but you can't hide mountains of dead bodies. If Trump even had a quarter of a brain in his head, he would've handled the pandemic to protect the good economy Obama gave him. However, he's too stupid an lazy to even attempt to do that.

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On 10/31/2021 at 7:38 PM, RedskinsVa7 said:

What I was saying is that our country was better  off then what is going on now.


And what several people are pointing out to you, is that that's not true.  You've been intentionally fed very carefully cherry-picked (or outright false) "facts", to get you to swallow that lie.  

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On 10/31/2021 at 8:05 PM, RedskinsVa7 said:

Explain to me why USA is doing great right now? Say it.....

Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. 

What are you doing for it? Complaining on the internet sounds like something Democrats like to do…

On 10/31/2021 at 5:59 PM, RedskinsVa7 said:

but compared to what the United States is going through right now with the Biden Administration what is your difference? Cause the United States for the past four years was way better off then what we are in now until Covid hit.

Your question and your answer are both contained in your post. Covid hit. It came from China. Now we have to deal with it. Like grown ups.

Edited by CousinsCowgirl84
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11 hours ago, Simmsy said:

Thats what I've been trying tell the Trumpers as to why he lost the election. Asshole can lie just about anything away (cause the GOP lets him), but you can't lie away mass, diseased death. He tried, lord did he try, but you can't hide mountains of dead bodies. If Trump even had a quarter of a brain in his head, he would've handled the pandemic to protect the good economy Obama gave him. However, he's too stupid an lazy to even attempt to do that.


Well, to his "credit", that's what he tried to do.  


Trump (and his team) looked at Covid, and they saw that:  


1)  It's only hit a nursing home in Seattle, and NYC.  And both of those places, we can point at the locals, and claim it's a "Dem disease".  

2)  But, if we lock things down, it will hurt corporate profits.  And that might hurt your economy.  


So they decided that the nation's response to the disease was to try to pretend it wasn't a threat, and try to bully workers into getting back to work during a forest fire, and keep the corporations profiting from your labor.  

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On 10/31/2021 at 8:05 PM, RedskinsVa7 said:

Explain to me why USA is doing great right now? Say it.....

Another one, by Donald Trump’s own metric, the Dow is now at an historic high and just crossed 36,000 in the last day. It’s risen 10,000 since Biden was elected and has performed better under Biden than at a similar time following Trump’s election. 


“muh 401k”

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14 minutes ago, goskins10 said:


Is there a vote breakdown? Did a few republicans vote for her or was this all 50 dems (well sorta dems if you include Manchin and Sinema) and Kamala Harris making 51? 


Looks like only Murkowski voted 'Yea'...



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2 minutes ago, EmirOfShmo said:



Thanks!!   At least Manchin and SInema voted yea. They are still both pieces of ****. But at least they went the right way this time. 

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Something tell me Joey M And Krysten S are really try to run out the clock until January 23. Everyone knows the gop is more than likely to have full control in 23.


J & K are playing footsie. They agree to one thing but then will not agree to another thing. They will keep dragging this until January 23; when it will be too late.


After satisfying their corporate donors and the gop; they will be rewarded when they switch to the gop in 23.  

Edited by Rdskns2000
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