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The Vaccine Thread

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29 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

Personally, I've been continuous mask wearing for 22 months now. Probably why California has been ahead of the curve % infection wise for awhile now. I've also seen the effect it had on preventing the flu last year. How can that not be seen as a major achievement?

Because muh freedumbs bruh!

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25 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


I consider it to be a pretty big inconvenience because it causes my glasses to fog up.  But I still wear it in places that are required or if the place requests it.  

Several nights back my dog got sprayed by a skunk (her third time).  I put on rubber gloves to bathe her and after she shook a mix of vinegar, skunk stank and dish soap into my face a couple of times, I put on a mask and work glasses.  The glasses immediately fogged up and the dog kept running away.  
I was stumbling around blind, stinking and soaking wet at midnight in 40 degree temp.  It must have been quite a sight. 

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2 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


I consider it to be a pretty big inconvenience because it causes my glasses to fog up.  But I still wear it in places that are required or if the place requests it.  


But you wear a mask right? You are not pouting and stomping your feet, beating up teachers, screaming about personal rights and other ignorant things. Do I like wearing a mask? No. Sometimes if I have it on for a long time it can get hard to breath. But I do it. 


So when I say "big deal" you are not the person I am talking about. I get that's it's not convenient. I was very happy today they lifted the mask mandate in Atlanta so our offices followed suit immediately.  But all the belly aching, whining and general acting like a baby screaming about personal freedoms makes no ****ing sense to me at all.


People have real problems while these idiots complain about wearing as mask and disrupt others lives over it. Did you see the idiot anti-maskers go into a bakery just to **** with the owner? And that ass hat in the store next to the bakery comes out and then does nothing!! Coward! 

Edited by goskins10
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Unvaccinated Texans 45x more likely to test positive for COVID, 40x more likely to die, according to new health department study


Unvaccinated Texans died from COVID-19 at 40 times the rate of vaccinated Texans and were 45 times more likely to test positive for the disease in 2021, according to a new study from the Texas Department of State Health Services.


DSHS reviewed vaccination, death and tests records from Jan. 15 to Oct. 1 to come up with the figures.


“We have millions and millions of records that we had to go through for this analysis,” said Dr. Jennifer Shuford, DSHS’s chief epidemiologist.


According to the review, 7.7% of deaths and 3% of positive cases in the January - October time frame were in fully-vaccinated Texans.


“We know that there's all these bad outcomes for actually getting COVID-19, but the complications from the vaccine are very few and impact very few people,” Shuford said. “What we hope is that people across Texas will understand the threat of COVID-19.”


Vaccination rates have been lowest in those who are the youngest, but the younger Texans have seen the biggest benefits from being vaccinated.


There were 339 unvaccinated deaths in Texans 18-29 years old and less than 5 full vaccinated deaths in that age group, making unvaccinated Texans in that age group 99 times more likely to die from the disease.


Click on the link for the full article

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My kids get vaxxed this Friday. Almost there. Wondering if we allow them to not mask up anymore.


Western PA has pretty much given up on masking. I still mask at work, I’m one of three that still do. I mostly do it because my kids aren’t vaxxed. I know likelihood is small, but still. I’m not hassled by masking. Especially in meetings when I know only half of my coworkers are vaxxed.

Edited by Elessar78
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BROTHEL in Austria provides Covid-19 vaccinations for customers - and offers free entry to 'sauna club' to anyone who gets jabbed


A brothel in Austria has provided Covid-19 vaccinations for customers - and offered free entry to a 'sauna club' for anyone who agrees to have the jab. 


Funpalast brothel in Vienna offers clients a 30-minute session in the sexual 'sauna club' with the 'lady of their choice' if they get the vaccine at the on-site clinic.


The brothel said the project, which started on November 1, is part of a drive to increase revenue after a fall in the number of clients because of low vaccination rates.

Only around 65 per cent of Austrians are fully vaccinated and those who have not had the jab are barred from restaurants, hotels, hairdressing salons and large public events. 


The rules, which were announced on Friday night, are a response to a rapidly rising infection rate which yesterday stood at 635 new cases per 100,000 residents over the past seven days - over three times the level in neighboring Germany.




Click on the link for the full story

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11 hours ago, goskins10 said:

Hope to go today for the booster. They say it's walk in at this point. Will see if that's true. 


Did anyone see this already? Singapore will start charging the unvaccinated by choice people in the hospital full charges for thier treatment and services. I think its a great idea myself. I realize many will not have the money to pay but it may convince some to get vaccinated to keep from losing thier money. 




"Singapore will no longer cover the medical costs of COVID-19 patients who are eligible to get vaccinated against the virus but choose not to, the country’s Health Ministry says. “We will begin charging COVID-19 patients who are unvaccinated by choice,” starting Dec. 8, the ministry said in a statement Monday. Those who are not eligible for the shots will be exempt from the rule, it said, including children under 12 and people with certain medical conditions." 



I dunno. Part of me would cheer it. But I can see a slippery slope, too. 

Do we start charging people who don't control their obesity?  Diabetes?  

Yes, getting a vaccine is easier than losing 200 lbs. They're not identical. But there's parallels, too. 

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1 minute ago, Larry said:

I dunno. Part of me would cheer it. But I can see a slippery slope, too. 

Do we start charging people who don't control their obesity?  Diabetes?  

Yes, getting a vaccine is easier than losing 200 lbs. They're not identical. But there's parallels, too. 

This is done by private insurance already for individuals who participate in high risk activities, such as smoking. 

I would bet insurance companies will start upping premiums next year without proof of vaccination. Especially if the government stops covering most care for COVID hospitalizations. 

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9 minutes ago, Larry said:

I dunno. Part of me would cheer it. But I can see a slippery slope, too. 

Do we start charging people who don't control their obesity?  Diabetes?  

Yes, getting a vaccine is easier than losing 200 lbs. They're not identical. But there's parallels, too. 


Vaccines are needed to help keep yourself and others from getting and passing on a deadly disease, period. If they are too ****ing stupid to get the vaccine, a proven method of greatly reducing the risk of getting infected and ending up in a hospital and/or transmitting to other, needlessly overcrowding hospitals, then they should pay for those consequences.  


Obesity does not get other people sick. So no, there is no slippery slope. Nothing about one person being obese can give you a deadly virus. Also, people do not create needless overcrowding in hospitals due simply to being obese. 

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1 hour ago, Califan007 said:



Only when obesity and diabetes become contagious.

The subject was whether health insurance should cover the medical bills for the unvaccinated. 

Not for (potentially) spreading. But for getting sick. 

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6 hours ago, Larry said:

The subject was whether health insurance should cover the medical bills for the unvaccinated. 

Not for (potentially) spreading. But for getting sick. 

In my view, it costs a ton to be sick. 

It's a free vax.  Costs nothing to try to stay healthy.

Not even a debate. 

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17 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


I consider it to be a pretty big inconvenience because it causes my glasses to fog up.


Use a mask that keeps a space in front of your nose and mouth, kind of a vertical duckbill, and a nice form fit wire around the nose.  I wear glasses and use this kind of mask, never had a fogging problem.

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19 hours ago, TryTheBeal! said:

 I can’t with this guy.



Dude sounded like a ****ing moron when he explained his refusal to get vaccinated. It drives me nuts when people say "I'm a critical thinker. I did a lot of research and made a decision to not get vaccinated."


Well, not all research is created equal, dip-ass. Where did you get your "research"? Your Facebook feed? Twitter? Infowars? For some reason I have doubts that it was respected medical journals.


And then he went full throttle stupid and started talking about being "cancelled by the woke mob." Is he angling for a job at Fox News or OAN after he retires?

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