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Trump Administration Covid Tracker (formerly the Trump got the 'Rona thread)


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27 minutes ago, Destino said:

Why give them the benefit of the doubt and fault ignorance?  Judge them by their choices:  They’re on the side of the plague.  

At every step these cultists have jumped to policies and behaviors that spread covid.  They opposed shut down.  When the shutdowns seemed to be working they took to the street to end them.  They’re coming up with fake documents and even fighting store employees to not wear them.  We’ve seen countless videos of them attempting to force their way into indoor areas where they’re not wanted.  They’re mocking people that take precautions and celebrating risky behavior.  When stimulus checks proved effective in keeping everyone home, they stopped them.   

Now that Trump has assumed his final form as a plague rat, they’re calling him a hero for breaking out of isolation, removing his mask, and entering a building full of staff.  They’re celebrating his actions to infect others.  

The “solution” these diseased fleas favor is herd immunity, which is another way of saying infect everyone.  They very literally want Covid to infect the entire US population and frame this nightmare scenario as a solution.  

Team Trump, is Team Covid.




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11 minutes ago, TheDoyler23 said:


People sitting in traffic rage out and blame the traffic. But as a matter of stacking up on the road, they ARE the traffic.


When you are taking actions to spread the disease, you are the disease.


Imagine this video with Stallone as Biden and the "psycho" as Trump:



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30 minutes ago, Destino said:

Why give them the benefit of the doubt and fault ignorance?  Judge them by their choices:  They’re on the side of the plague.  


Would also like to add promotion of bat**** crazy "cures" that were not supported by data to your excellent rundown of Team Plague and its activities this year.


I almost wish Trump was treated with Hydroxycholorquine and oleander extract. He did not deserve the fruits of labor of work he dissed and mocked for months.

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1 hour ago, spjunkies said:


You know damn well the red hat sunglasses-wearing jackasses would line up to do whatever their leader wants.

What's really amusing about all this vaccine talk is that I still remember when Trump was anti vax. Telling people how you can get the autism from vaccines. That he knew a lady, who took her kid into the doctors office....

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10 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

Donny hopes to give a prime time speech tonight.

This shouldn't happen without giving Biden equal time. More, this shouldn't happen with medical transparency. Heck, I'd even settle for Trump being only allowed to talk under oath about his taxes

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Just now, Elessar78 said:

What's the deal with the latest Claudia Conway tiktok. Someone catch me up. She lied about her mom having COVID?


Thats what her mom said in the TikToc....but then tweeted shortly that she had it....sooooooooo

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4 minutes ago, Elessar78 said:

What's the deal with the latest Claudia Conway tiktok. Someone catch me up. She lied about her mom having COVID?




Kellyanne definitely has Covid.  Claudia said Kellyanne lied about it, which Kellyanne denied. 


Here comes an amazing sentence:  So sad that a former senior advisor to the President of the United States doesn't have a reputation for honesty now that she's locked into a very public she-said-she-said with a 15 year old on TikTok.  

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33 minutes ago, Elessar78 said:

Watch The Social Dilemma on Netflix.

I saw it, and also recommend it, but it was mostly info I had already read.  I did like how they timed how long you looked at everything though.  Makes you feel like a lab rat.

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1 minute ago, Burgold said:

Trump was invited by NBC to have a town hall, too.

There's a difference between a town hall Q&A and a unfiltered campaign speech.

If The Great Gaspy wants to huff and puff on live tv, let him.  He’s been using government time, and dime, to campaign all year.  His campaign is low on money and trailing by more and more everyday.  

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