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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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The death rate is vastly unreported most experts think. 

At this point I don’t see how they can safely open schools, much less have something like sports. 

Just the latest embarrassment for our country. 

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we do SEEM to be advancing rapidly with vaccine possibilities and while the odds are still long that such will be some sort of quick panacea, such vaccines if approved and advances in treatment protocols from experience are our great hopes, next to a huge upswing in individuals of all demographics following the cdc basics


without that help it's already looking pretty grim but it's also sad to picture that even if we're lucky enough in those areas to swing things around, the braindead trumpsters will simply go "see, we told you it would work out and all that freedom-hating prevention stuff was a waste of time by all the indoctrinated lefties just like we said'... which, no matter what,  is an ongoing mindset that's going to keep working against better choices in all such matters...better as in quality of life from not even contracting the damn disease (or the next one) and of course life and death itself



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@goskins10 I’d say your co-worker is correct. Bolsonaro is definitely worse than Trump vis-a-vis the Virus, and that is saying something. Whole swaths of underserviced areas/populations down there are at risk to being eliminated by the virus. Mass graves level event. A while ago they had stopped counting deaths, they are very similar but I think he takes the cake on racist, homophobic, psychopathic leaders. It’s a close race.

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2 hours ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

Brazil’s dip**** President has it.


2 hours ago, goskins10 said:


The company I work for has manufacturing in Brazil. One of my team members is from there and lives there and I know many people from there through work (I have been to Brazil several times for business) And she has been comparing Bolsonaro to Trump. I have been telling her trump is worse but she is not buying it. 


No one is wishing death on another but I doubt she or any of my other friends in Brazil will feel sorry for him. Let's see how it goes. WIll this change his approach? Doubt it but you never know. 



Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro tests positive for Covid-19 after months of dismissing the seriousness of the virus


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has tested positive for Covid-19, following months of downplaying the virus.


Bolsonaro himself announced the result, speaking on Brazilian TV channels Tuesday. "Everyone knew that it would reach a considerable part of the population sooner or later. It was positive for me," he said, referring to the Covid-19 test he took Monday.

"On Sunday, I wasn't feeling very well. On Monday, it got worse when I started feeling tired and some muscle pain. I also had a 38-degree [Celsius] fever. Given those symptoms, the presidential doctor said there was suspicion of Covid-19," Bolsonaro said, adding that he then went to hospital where scans of his lungs "came back clean."

Earlier on Tuesday, Bolsonaro told CNN affiliate CNN Brasil that he had been treated with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as he awaited the result of his fourth Covid-19 test in four months. Hydroxychloroquine, though enthusiastically boosted by both Bolsonaro and US President Donald Trump, has not been proven as an effective treatment for Covid-19.


Bolsonaro nevertheless credited the controversial antimalarial drug for his well-being on Tuesday. "I am feeling very well. I believe that the way they administered the hydroxychloroquine on, the effect was immediate," he said.

He also acknowledged the life-threatening risk posed by a virus that he has in the past dismissed as a "little flu." "We know the fatality of the virus for those of a certain age, like me, above 65, as well as for those with comorbidities, diseases, other issues. In those cases the virus could be decisive and lead to death -- everyone knew that."


Click on the link for the full article

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I'm hoping one of the mRNA vaccines ends up working the best. No actual virus in your body, it would prove a vaccine technology that could be deployed way faster for future diseases and I think less of the ZOMG vaccine conspiracy theorists would be afraid since it's just a piece of genetic code.


Also keep an eye out for EIDD-2801, probably our best shot at an effective, affordable treatment in 2020. Antibody therapies can help but are not realistic as a penecillin-like treatment for everyone who gets ill.

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19 minutes ago, China said:


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has tested positive for Covid-19, following months of downplaying the virus.


Bolsonaro himself announced the result, speaking on Brazilian TV channels Tuesday. "Everyone knew that it would reach a considerable part of the population sooner or later. It was positive for me," he said, referring to the Covid-19 test he took Monday.


He also acknowledged the life-threatening risk posed by a virus that he has in the past dismissed as a "little flu." "We know the fatality of the virus for those of a certain age, like me, above 65, as well as for those with comorbidities, diseases, other issues. In those cases the virus could be decisive and lead to death -- everyone knew that."


Click on the link for the full article



Well I guess that is the answer. Still an idiot. I may have to concede to my friend that her president is actually a bigger idiot than ours - that's a statement i never thought i could make. 

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I am reposting this from a highschool friend of mine:

So the Dr. isn’t sending her kids back to school and explains why. Now we need a national plan to help families without this level of privilege also stay safe.

Copied and pasted

Below is a Facebook post from a doctor at Duke. She works on the Covid unit. She wrote this as a way to express her feelings about schools opening based on the experience she has had first hand with Covid and from the perspective of a parent with two young children.
Her post
7/2: SCHOOL. There has been much discussion and debate about what school will look like next year. Today, Wake county announced that they will have kids in a rotation of 1 week in person/ 2 weeks remote. I expect Chapel hill will shortly follow suit,
Or have some similar hybrid plan. I keep getting asked this question repeatedly from friends — “well, you are a COVID Doctor. What do YOU think about sending your kids back to school”. My answer is my own, deeply personal, and not reflective of my employer. And I recognize and appreciate that many of my colleagues in the same position as me have different views. BUT. Since so many keep asking me, here is my answer, as both a parent and a frontline covid doctor. Do with it as you choose:
My family is electing to remote school next year. The reasons for this are multi-factorial:
-this disease scares the **** out of me. After 4 months caring for covid patients, we certainly know a lot more. But a lot of it isn’t reassuring. Covid is now known to cause lung, heart, kidney, brain, and clotting system complications. And that’s just what we know about the immediate effects. We have no idea — NONE — what the longer term effects might be. I am not willling to risk the health and vitality of my kids to find out what those long term side effects might be
-morbidity vs mortality. I’ve talked about this in prior posts. Yes, very few children actually die of covid. BUT many young people still get very very sick. Intubated. Put on ecmo. Pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome. Kawasaki-like illness with coronary artery aneurysms. These are serious issues with long term effects. Just because covid doesnt kill you; it doesn’t mean you will ever be quite the same either.
-the teachers and staff. My god, how can we ask this of them? After cautiously sheltering in place for months, we are now asking them to basically jump into the lions den and interact with hundreds of children with thousands of household contacts. The more exposure you have, the more risk you have. Trust me, we WILL see teachers and bus drivers and cafeteria workers and other staff — and their family members— who get sick and die.
-I want to continue having my parents involved in my kids life. If we strictly isolate, I feel safe doing so. But If the kids go back to school and interact with dozens of kids from dozens of homes, the risk to my parents increases exponentially.
-I do strongly believe that since we CAN keep our kids home without significant detrimental effects, we SHOULD. There are so, so many people in our community whose lives and careers and finances will be devastated by having to do remote learning. We will not be. We can do so for a year without undue harm to my kids or our careers or our finances. I choose to keep my kids home so that families who absolutely cannot do so have just a little bit more safety at school.
I acknowledge that we are EXTREMELY privileged for me to only work part-time clinically and am able to do my non-clinical work remotely and help home school. And my parents live here and are willing and fully engaged to help us home school during the weeks I absolutely have to be in the hospital.
This seems like a goddamn nightmare for any family with a single parent, two working parents who cannot work from home, families with out extended family support, and families with ESL, kids with IEPs, exceptional children, etc etc.
I have zero answers as to how to make it better. Zero. I don’t want kids falling behind disproportionally because their parents cannot afford to home school or hire tutors. I also don’t want to see kids sick from covid and dead teachers.
Any plan than is less than 100% not in-person seems doomed to only worsen and exacerbate the achievement gap between the haves/have nots.
But — Any plan that involves more in person time also puts kids and teachers more at risk. And these teachers quite frankly do not get paid enough to risk their and their families lives.
I have no answer. It is impossible.

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1 minute ago, Sticksboi05 said:

I'm hoping one of the mRNA vaccines ends up working the best. No actual virus in your body, it would prove a vaccine technology that could be deployed way faster for future diseases and I think less of the ZOMG vaccine conspiracy theorists would be afraid since it's just a piece of genetic code.


Also keep an eye out for EIDD-2801, probably our best shot at an effective, affordable treatment in 2020. Antibody therapies can help but are not realistic as a penecillin-like treatment for everyone who gets ill.


How will we know that these vaccines are for real? That the trump administration didn't get people to falsify results? And yes, I do think he is that evil!

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Im questioning how much a vaccine is really going to help. (assuming it works) 


1. People won't take it.


2. People won't be able to pay for it.


Don't see how we're going to fix those 2 problems.

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It’s my understanding that a vaccine may not last for long as people seem to be quickly losing antibodies for Covid. I’ve read that herd immunity is impossible.


Nor saying we shouldn’t try, but I fear that Covid is rather to just become a “thing”.

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49 minutes ago, Springfield said:

It’s my understanding that a vaccine may not last for long as people seem to be quickly losing antibodies for Covid. I’ve read that herd immunity is impossible.


Nor saying we shouldn’t try, but I fear that Covid is rather to just become a “thing”.

Not having detectable antibodies doesn’t mean loss of immunity. 

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1 hour ago, JCB said:

It's breathtaking that his cabinet won't vote to 25th Amendment his ass, this is just mindlessly callous and destructive.

Most of his cabinet is in an "acting" capacity, very few are Senate confirmed...I also think he's evil & the the GOP let this happen so he couldn't be removed & they could grift some more before he either dies or gets voted out. 

They sold their reputations, might as well get dat stack. 

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