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FAREWELL to the NFL Dwayne Haskins QB Ohio State


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Just now, SweatSuit said:

 There were very few on this board who appreciated Alex’s play. Not a single one is clearly hyperbole to drive home a point but he’s not wrong at all. The majority did not appreciate Alex until now, to say otherwise is pure revisionist history.

I only speak for myself. I was very high on Smith.

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16 minutes ago, SweatSuit said:

He’s absolutely right. And it isn’t “somehow.” Sustaining drives even if not scoring points, winning the field position battle, putting your defense in favorable situations, intangibles and leadership, setting protections and keeping the offense in favorable down and distances are huge components of a winning formula. It’s not magic, he’s not lucky. You and many many others for whatever reason just can’t wrap your head around this concept. 

How can you say he’s wrong with a straight face? This board loathed Alex’s style of play and downplayed his contribution to winning games at every step of the way in 2018. It’s obvious the reason why, and it’s obvious why he’s seen in a different light today. It’s because the attention has shifted from hating Brucifer to loathing Dwayne. All because Dwayne embodies Dan’s terrible tendencies as an owner, which is now the focus of an impatient and angry fan base. I get the sentiment I do but don’t play revisionist history and act like this board or fan base appreciated Alex prior to his leg injury. That’s just disingenuous.

First of all, this is a different team than 2018.  The 2018 team was a mirage at one point and started returning to the mean prior to Alex’s injury.  The 2018 team got molly whopped when facing good competition that can throw it around the yard vs. a defense that had some moments but wasn’t very good. Alex Smith is just not the guy that’s going to answer by throwing it all over the field.


The 2020 team is different.  The play of the defensive line helps to mask the deficiencies elsewhere on the defense, thus keeping us in games, even against solid offenses.  This team is without a doubt buying into what Ron is selling.  They aren’t perfect by any stretch but have a defense to keep them in games, where Smith’s plodding style is beneficial.  But at the end of the day, this is still a 6-8 football team not destined to make noise in the playoffs.


The primary issue I have with your posts, which you are notorious for (yes, it’s clear as day who you are), is painting with a very broad brush about “this board” and “fan base” as if everyone has the same opinions.  There were folks here who bought into Alex Smith.  I was not one of them and I’m still not, but I take Alex 10/10 times when the other option is Dwayne Haskins.  Another uncool thing you do often is pretend you know what ‘everyone’ is thinking and the motives for their opinions.  Such as saying that everyone loathes Dwayne because of Dan.  No, folks dislike Dwayne because of Dwayne - it’s just fitting that Dwayne was a Dan pick.  If Dwayne was showing us something positive on and off the field, most wouldn’t care at all that he’s a Dan pick.


Literally go back and read the beginning pages of this thread.  It’s not all F Dwayne because Dan likes him at all.  These days it’s F Dwayne because there is no faith in his abilities and he screws up off the field to boot.  It’s really that simple.

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44 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

First of all, this is a different team than 2018.  The 2018 team was a mirage at one point and started returning to the mean prior to Alex’s injury.  The 2018 team got molly whopped when facing good competition that can throw it around the yard vs. a defense that had some moments but wasn’t very good. Alex Smith is just not the guy that’s going to answer by throwing it all over the field.

It was a team that was 6-3 (likely would have been 6-4 regardless of Alex’s injury) with a 2 game lead in the division. Call it a mirage all you want, but the team won more than it lost with Alex at the helm and that wasn’t good enough for many folks here. No one said he was Brees or that he could chuck it all over the yard, don’t move the goal posts here. He is who he was in 2018. He’s a safe, boring QB, who knows how to win football games and inspires his teammates to play for him. Same then as he is now, though he lost the added dynamic of using his legs. 



The 2020 team is different.  The play of the defensive line helps to mask the deficiencies elsewhere on the defense, thus keeping us in games, even against solid offenses.  This team is without a doubt buying into what Ron is selling.  They aren’t perfect by any stretch but have a defense to keep them in games, where Smith’s plodding style is beneficial.  But at the end of the day, this is still a 6-8 football team not destined to make noise in the playoffs.

Smith is 4-0 this year as a starter. Don’t act lien he's started all year and we are 6-8, which is the whole reason I’ve said Smith is a better option for the team than Dwayne at this point. Glad you mentioned Ron, it’s amazing what a good leader of men can do for a team. Not sure what the point is here though? We have a better defensive line? Of course we do, probably part of the reason Smith is 4-0 instead of 6-3 or 6-4 or whatever. 



The primary issue I have with your posts, which you are notorious for (yes, it’s clear as day who you are), is painting with a very broad brush about “this board” and “fan base” as if everyone has the same opinions.  There were folks here who bought into Alex Smith.  I was not one of them and I’m still not, but I take Alex 10/10 times when the other option is Dwayne Haskins.  Another uncool thing you do often is pretend you know what ‘everyone’ is thinking and the motives for their opinions.  Such as saying that everyone loathes Dwayne because of Dan.  No, folks dislike Dwayne because of Dwayne - it’s just fitting that Dwayne was a Dan pick.  If Dwayne was showing us something positive on and off the field, most wouldn’t care at all that he’s a Dan pick.

Look, if you want to pretend there was a large portion of the board who appreciated Alex in 2018 and what he brought to the table, go ahead. You’re right, there were some that stuck up for Alex. I was one of them. Many many others hated the guy cause he wasn’t Kirk and didn’t “sling it all over the yard.” No desire to rehash something you clearly don’t remember anyway. And you’re absolutely kidding yourself if the attitude toward Dwayne was the same if the narrative that came out of the building was that he’s Kyle Smith’s guy. 



Literally go back and read the beginning pages of this thread.  It’s not all F Dwayne because Dan likes him at all.  These days it’s F Dwayne because there is no faith in his abilities and he screws up off the field to boot.  It’s really that simple.

It’s a large part, he’s also done plenty to screw up since then. Again, Dwayne has brought plenty on himself, no argument from me. But it certainly plays a part in why he’s been totally dismissed after less than a full 16 games starting and why glimpses of potential get written off completely as flukes.

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5 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Can someone send this dude back where he belongs?  Or did he beg for forgiveness, that he’s turned a new leaf under a new screen name?


Its bluntly obvious considering I can’t recall the last time I read the name ‘Brucifer’ here.

Are you actually crying for help? 

What the heck did I do right now to make you cry out for help other than argue Dwayne isn’t the worst QB of all time and that Smith has always been a winner at the position? My goodness.

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1 hour ago, SoCalSkins said:

Even though win loss is not necessarily a QB stat, our record with and without Alex Smith is undeniable. Dude just wins. 


It's funny, because in a way Smith seems like the antithesis of Cousins.

When Cousins was here, he was often called something like a "Stat Machine" because he would crank out huge numbers, but just had trouble squeaking out actual wins.

He got criticized for that.

Now, Smith is the opposite, just barely putting up enough numbers just to win, but he wins consistently, even if it's not pretty.

And now he gets criticized for that.


It's extremely, extremely hard to find a QB, who not only wins consistently, but does it in glamourous fashion.

That's like Top 5 QB in the league, or perhaps even less.

So, of course if I had to choose between the other 2 basic options for a "type" of QB, then in a heartbeat I would take the QB that "wins ugly", over the one who "loses pretty"



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59 minutes ago, SweatSuit said:

Are you actually crying for help? 

What the heck did I do right now to make you cry out for help other than argue Dwayne isn’t the worst QB of all time and that Smith has always been a winner at the position? My goodness.

Wild that I pegged you immediately, just by how and what you post about, huh?


That says more about you than it does me.


Merry Christmas.

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51 minutes ago, Malapropismic Depository said:


It's extremely, extremely hard to find a QB, who not only wins consistently, but does it in glamourous fashion.



However, there’s a reason some folks here like the idea of getting a guy like Stafford.  Technically, he’s a loser in conversations about QB wins.  Lost A LOT of football games, while putting up good stats.  But he’s intriguing because he can make all the throws.  To the point, that you figure in the right situation, he could thrive and you’d feel like you have a chance against anybody.

Sorry to further derail the thread, so to tie it back to Haskins, he’s shown nothing to lead me to believe he could ever be a guy that can make all the throws.  Too often I see the argument that he’s raw, inexperienced, etc.  All true, but doesn’t really make a difference to me.  When you add in the immaturity, the juice doesn’t seem worth the squeeze.  I don’t expect him to be able to diagnose everything DC’s throw at him, but it’d be nice if he regularly hit passes that every other pro QB makes in their sleep.

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Let’s be real, guys.

Alex as QB reminds me of the drummer of Def Leppard.  
before the accident, the music got the job done... 

but after he lost his arm, the tempo went down.  Sure it was serviceable and commendable to have a one-armed drummer, but it wasn’t quite the same.


with Alex.  That’s what we’ve got.  Love him tho!


we need some real QBs next year

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6 hours ago, SweatSuit said:

 There were very few on this board who appreciated Alex’s play. Not a single one is clearly hyperbole to drive home a point but he’s not wrong at all. The majority did not appreciate Alex until now, to say otherwise is pure revisionist history.

I absolutely agree. I remember being in first in the east and everyone complaining except maybe 2 or 3 people. 

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3 hours ago, petey hodge said:

Let’s be real, guys.

Alex as QB reminds me of the drummer of Def Leppard.  
before the accident, the music got the job done... 

but after he lost his arm, the tempo went down.  Sure it was serviceable and commendable to have a one-armed drummer, but it wasn’t quite the same.


with Alex.  That’s what we’ve got.  Love him tho!


we need some real QBs next year

So what you’re saying is, He could have left us High ‘n’ Dry, but instead he gives us Hysteria?

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1 hour ago, mhd24 said:


Ugh, still doesn't throw with any anticipation.  Also, learn the PLAYBOOK!  Why does he still have the plays on his wrist?  Unless I'm mistaken, Alex doesn't have that.


Per Ron on Monday, it was to help him get out of huddle quicker. Also said some QBs in the league wear them as well.



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9 hours ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:


However, there’s a reason some folks here like the idea of getting a guy like Stafford.  Technically, he’s a loser in conversations about QB wins.  Lost A LOT of football games, while putting up good stats.  But he’s intriguing because he can make all the throws.  To the point, that you figure in the right situation, he could thrive and you’d feel like you have a chance against anybody.

Sorry to further derail the thread, so to tie it back to Haskins, he’s shown nothing to lead me to believe he could ever be a guy that can make all the throws.  Too often I see the argument that he’s raw, inexperienced, etc.  All true, but doesn’t really make a difference to me.  When you add in the immaturity, the juice doesn’t seem worth the squeeze.  I don’t expect him to be able to diagnose everything DC’s throw at him, but it’d be nice if he regularly hit passes that every other pro QB makes in their sleep.

Stafford is a good qb, that is oft-injured and has a tendency to throw his receivers into huge hits. While guys like megatron and golladay can go up and get it, it doesn’t mean you should throw into the coverages he forces. It took a toll on them. I’d still certainly like him here, but it’s something to take into consideration. 

The argument here that Haskins is not the guy because he can’t hit all the throws is premature. Last year he couldn’t hit the short dump offs to rbs. Now he can. I have doubts about some of the throws in his wheelhouse. But I wouldn’t bet against progression on some of his others. Alex came out throwing lasers to guys 4 yards away coming out of college. It was a huge problem in SF. It took years for him to correct that. Personally I think that most of Dwaynes issues are between the ears. Once he gains confidence you can see a huge difference in his play. 

Is Alex currently better than Dwayne. Yes. Is there a monumental difference statistically? No. Was he celebrated in 2018? No! Everyone complained about the trade compensation and the loss of Kirk. There were very few on board. I was one of them provided he was here to help support a future rookie ( like he did with Kap and Mahomes). If you don’t support and take a shot with a young qb, you will never develop them. The guy has made some mistakes, and has owned up to him. He is deservedly on the shortest of leashes. However, The clowning that happens on here about his ability is annoying. 

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22 hours ago, SoCalSkins said:

Sorry for your loss bro. 

I’m a home theater guy too. I have 200 inch 4K projector screen setup with a 7.2.4  in the living room

I just got an 86 inch lg tv for the bedroom with hdmi 2.1 for 120hz gaming on Xbox series x. Setting it up this coming week. I went with a atmos sound bar in there with a couple of wireless rears. 



I ****ing hate you! 🥳


That 200 inch living room setup sounds absolutely fantastic. Truly like being in a theater. I wanted a projector too dagnabit, but a good one would have totally wrecked my budget. 


Your fershmugin 86 inch bedroom tv dwarfs my living room theater’s “little” 65 incher—I guess a shrink would say I have screen size envy. lol


It’s funny how expectations have changed over the years. I still remember the days when a 30 inch crt was considered ostentatiously big lol.


BTW does the atmos sound bar really produce the illusion of overhead sound? I am considering one for my bedroom tv too (going with elevated wall atmos speakers for the actual home theater).




P.S. As for the loss of my wife  it comes and goes in waves. We are separated but never far from each other— if that doesn’t sound too hokey or delusional. 


Thanks for the humanity.

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10 hours ago, petey hodge said:

Let’s be real, guys.

Alex as QB reminds me of the drummer of Def Leppard.  
before the accident, the music got the job done... 

but after he lost his arm, the tempo went down.  Sure it was serviceable and commendable to have a one-armed drummer, but it wasn’t quite the same.


with Alex.  That’s what we’ve got.  Love him tho!




You're really Bringin on the Heartbreak, with that comparison

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8 hours ago, Skin'emAlive said:

Stafford is a good qb, that is oft-injured and has a tendency to throw his receivers into huge hits. While guys like megatron and golladay can go up and get it, it doesn’t mean you should throw into the coverages he forces. It took a toll on them. I’d still certainly like him here, but it’s something to take into consideration. 

The argument here that Haskins is not the guy because he can’t hit all the throws is premature. Last year he couldn’t hit the short dump offs to rbs. Now he can. I have doubts about some of the throws in his wheelhouse. But I wouldn’t bet against progression on some of his others. Alex came out throwing lasers to guys 4 yards away coming out of college. It was a huge problem in SF. It took years for him to correct that. Personally I think that most of Dwaynes issues are between the ears. Once he gains confidence you can see a huge difference in his play. 

Is Alex currently better than Dwayne. Yes. Is there a monumental difference statistically? No. Was he celebrated in 2018? No! Everyone complained about the trade compensation and the loss of Kirk. There were very few on board. I was one of them provided he was here to help support a future rookie ( like he did with Kap and Mahomes). If you don’t support and take a shot with a young qb, you will never develop them. The guy has made some mistakes, and has owned up to him. He is deservedly on the shortest of leashes. However, The clowning that happens on here about his ability is annoying. 

At least with Golladay, he kind of has to throw into tight quarters because Golladay is not very good at separating

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20 hours ago, SweatSuit said:

It’s a large part, he’s also done plenty to screw up since then. Again, Dwayne has brought plenty on himself, no argument from me. But it certainly plays a part in why he’s been totally dismissed after less than a full 16 games starting and why glimpses of potential get written off completely as flukes.

Sorry I couldn't disagree with you more on this point. Dan snyder is not a large part of why people are fed up with Dwayne, even a little bit. 

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