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petey hodge

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About petey hodge

  • Birthday 04/24/1974

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  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
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  1. How many snaps did Jamin Davis (#52?) take in this game?
  2. Bears game is on CBS.... This is just weird as normally FOX carries NFC vs NFC games in the non-primetime slots... Not like the good ol days when Madden and Summerall would cover the Skins on CBS.
  3. Good call... let's put them in this adorable thread!
  4. this was a TRAP GAME.... aint gone lie
  5. Was there a Forbes sighting on the field today? I mostly saw Dirty Juice #25 getting burned all over the secondary
  6. Yeah, but.. who on our team can take out Lamb? We got torched by quick, little receivers today
  7. Man... that First quarter Zaccheus missed catch for a 1st Down (and resulting easy field goal) is starting to cost us...
  8. we shouldve went for it on that 4th and 6... what the heck is so great about pinning them on the 5 yard line.... only to watch them knife and gash us for TD drives?
  9. I'm really tired of Dirty Juice #25.... he's back in last season's form with all the DPI calls and getting burned...
  10. is Zaccheus out of y'alls doghouse yet? I'm still salty he dropped that first down that cost us points.....
  11. The key neutralizing D Henry is to run the score up and make the QB beat you. this is our Get-right Game. The Major Tuddies: many The turd birds: fewer
  12. Josh Doctson would have strained his eyes watching that video... OUT 6-8 weeks.
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