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Space: 'Mad' Flat-Earther to Launch Himself 5,000 Feet Up on a Homemade Steam Rocket Sunday


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30 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

I really don't get the angst towards the flat earth crowd.  Like, ok man, if you really believe that...well, I'll just leave you alone. 



I have a problem with it because cult level stupidity can be dangerous.  They are on par with anti-vaxxers and climate change deniers, whose actions can cause harm to others.  I'm not OK with saying, ignore them they're just harmless stupid people, because they aren't necessarily harmless.

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18 minutes ago, China said:

I have a problem with it because cult level stupidity can be dangerous.  They are on par with anti-vaxxers and climate change deniers, whose actions can cause harm to others.  I'm not OK with saying, ignore them they're just harmless stupid people, because they aren't necessarily harmless.

Anti-vaxxers cause real society wide problems.  Climate change deniers are pushing us towards crisis.  I get that, but what harm are flat earthers causing though? 



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1 minute ago, China said:


I have a problem with it because cult level stupidity can be dangerous.  They are on par with anti-vaxxers and climate change deniers, whose actions can cause harm to others.  I'm not OK with saying, ignore them they're just harmless stupid people, because they aren't necessarily harmless.


Like Trumpers? :) 


I guess you're right, but anti vaxxers actually have something to do with health.  Climate change affects us all.  Doesn't hurt me or help me if someone's a flat earther.  

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2 hours ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

I agree with him, there is no different between science and science fiction except science fiction is science that scientists fantasize about turning into theory.


Do you understand the difference between understanding how a television works and believing in miniature worlds existing inside the screen on your wall?

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18 minutes ago, Destino said:

Anti-vaxxers cause real society wide problems.  Climate change deniers are pushing us towards crisis.  I get that, but what harm are flat earthers causing though? 




11 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


Like Trumpers? :) 


I guess you're right, but anti vaxxers actually have something to do with health.  Climate change affects us all.  Doesn't hurt me or help me if someone's a flat earther.  


I don't have direct evidence but I imagine a Venn Diagram of these 3 groups has quite a lot of overlap.



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1 hour ago, Destino said:

Anti-vaxxers cause real society wide problems.  Climate change deniers are pushing us towards crisis.  I get that, but what harm are flat earthers causing though? 



An intentional attack on scientific fact to discredit it without making an serious attempt to prove they themselves are right is the disinformation age in a nutshell.  Flat-Earthers arent a symptom in this case, they are a catalyst. 


Wasnt it recently FBI changed how they felt about conspiracy theorist in terms of them as a threat?  Not to mention a lot of flat-eathers are coming at it from the perspective of believing science is attacking religion and/or are also antivaxers because they dont trust science.  If we dont agree in the facts, we've seen the damage that is doing to our democracy, especially in regards to policy decisions. 


Did you know one of the reasons that Ebola is getting out if control in DRC is because of people not trusting doctors and some going so far as saying they dont believe Ebola is even real?  Denying science for the sake of denying science is a threat to our society.  Remember when some people thought part of the problem of society was lack of access to information? Well that's wrong, it was lack of critical thinking, because now theres jus as much infinite access to facts as there is to unequivocal BS.

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1 hour ago, Destino said:

 what harm are flat earthers causing though?


If they keep it to themselves, only to themselves. But by supporting wilful stupidity over reason you end up with idiots in charge.


Actual science research is defunded and progress is lost because knowledge is no longer important.

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4 hours ago, Corcaigh said:


Do you understand the difference between understanding how a television works and believing in miniature worlds existing inside the screen on your wall?

No. I got no ****ing clue how a TV works... and the miniature worlds man has created are just the mini-matrix. 


Science fiction is scientists’ pornography. A significant portion of the scientific progress man has made has been based on science fiction.


This guy is an satirical artist. Almost a hero.

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2 hours ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

A significant portion of the scientific progress man has made has been based on science fiction.


As a science fiction fan for over 50 years, that's more laughable than your political opinions.  


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1 hour ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:


I am not suprised you’re wrong about this...




I'm not surprised that you provided a post that doesn't support your point. 


Show me the technology that's been based on science fiction. 


You know. The claim you actually made. 


Not "so and so once wrote a story that has a couple of lines in it that kinda resembles something that an actual inventor actually invented". 


I'm on my phone, so I'll refrain from typing the story I've read by Arthur Clarke in which, when people try to credit him for "inventing the communication satellite", he relates that he once predicted that Everest would never be climbed (because the martians living on top of it wouldn't allow it), six weeks after it was climbed. 

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Invention is not science.  Science is the discovery of the workings of the world.  Those discoveries can then be used by engineers to put them to practical use.  Said engineers may be influenced by science fiction and try to emulate the functionality of said science fiction device, but the actual scientific foundations are a separate matter.

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8 hours ago, Larry said:


I'm not surprised that you provided a post that doesn't support your point. 


Show me the technology that's been based on science fiction. 


You know. The claim you actually made. 


Not "so and so once wrote a story that has a couple of lines in it that kinda resembles something that an actual inventor actually invented". 



If you want make inane arguments about word choice, feel free. Based on and inspired by are equals.

6 hours ago, PokerPacker said:

Invention is not science.  Science is the discovery of the workings of the world.  Those discoveries can then be used by engineers to put them to practical use. 


I agree that invention is not science, but scientific progress is partially measured by technological advancement, IE invention.  The “engineers” are often “discovering the workings of the world” by “inventing” things. Your view of science is very corporate.



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