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Space: 'Mad' Flat-Earther to Launch Himself 5,000 Feet Up on a Homemade Steam Rocket Sunday


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8 hours ago, Dan T. said:

I will say that except for the parachute popping out at the beginning, the launch was a thing of beauty.  The splendor of the liftoff and the graceful arc across the sky mixed with the immediate horror knowing the ultimate ending made for a weird juxtaposition of emotions.  You could admire him soaring off to the horizon and curse the fate that awaited him just seconds away.


Flat earth or no.

ugh. I didn’t watch the video. Didn’t want to. Till I read this. 

so awful. Such a dumb reason to die. Just ugh 

3 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:



Come on man his ends was to get trending on social media.

I don’t consider riding on a rocket you made to get trending on social media any smarter than thinking the earth is flat


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On 2/26/2020 at 8:38 PM, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

Then why do they call it rocket science 🤨

Actually, the term is “rocket surgery”.


I ran across this just now and had to post it. I guess ole Mike didn’t die in vain after all because he leaves behind a cadre of the super smart to carry on his legacy.


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