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  1. Daughter sent me this: accompanied by this: “Yes, I am not interested in the politics. I know both parties get nothing done and just rich ppl pretending to help. Im just for the women growth dynamic and would never vote for trump. **** that” so at least Ms. Harris brings in the: apparently disgruntled for no real reason, 25 yo female , never really voted before but **** all y’all demographic 👍 question: what is the significance of the singular lower case “i” w the red background?
  2. Tshile, let’s gooooooo! I’m sure they have room for that little skiff you keep yapping about. Break out the ol ES flag and fly it proudly astern as well……..recruit some new members;) e’rybody invited. Find the ones that don’t sink is going to be trick
  3. Screw all that crap. Did you go see Humpty Dumpty’s wall? Naples is a ****hole.
  4. Nickleback is not terrible. You’re just Canadianaphobics.
  5. There is not, will not and can’t be a post-attempt bump (at least that’s what “they” insisted) and, even if there was, polls don’t matter. did I do that right?
  6. You’re saying that with the conviction of hope but as nutty as 88 can be sometimes, he’s not out on a limb here: https://www.yahoo.com/news/attempt-trump-life-changes-everything-021346890.html “If history tells us anything, the events of Saturday will only increase his support. In the months after Mr Reagan was shot, the newly-elected Republican president saw a poll boost of eight points.” Granted, I took that quote at face value without fact checking but just a tad more recent than your 1912 reference.
  7. It’s not every one. ”I hate you. He made sizzling sounds” ok, haha I guess 🤷 Renegade’s next post: dog owners/cat owners. I get that **edit: I don’t get the dad/flashlight thing either but I’ll save the confused thing for your posts. 🍻
  8. Opinion from the cheap seats with admittedly very little depth: can he stop talking about how bad he needs a nap and to go to bed around 8? Start with that.
  9. Stripper sues Florida over new age restrictions for workers at adult entertainment businesses A 19-year-old and the club where she worked as a stripper have sued Florida’s attorney general and two local prosecutors to stop enforcement of a new state law prohibiting adult entertainment businesses from employing people who are under 21, claiming it violates their constitutional rights **but wait, there’s more: The new law also prohibits hiring cooks, DJs, waitresses and security guards who are older than 18 but younger than 21, or even use workers in that age group from third-party contractors hired to perform tasks like air-conditioning repairs or carpentry, according to the lawsuit https://www.yahoo.com/news/stripper-sues-florida-over-age-163749272.html
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