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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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Blackmail pictures of him doing what exactly?  So he's saying he knows Pence has done something bad or illegal?  Or is he just saying that's what he would do, blackmail somebody to get what he wants, 'cause now that's SOP for the MAGA crowd?


Isn't that what is speculated about how Trump got Lindsey Graham in his pocket?

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16 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Time for the rubber bullets and tear gas. 





I'd be OK with them using real bullets at this point on those anti-democratic, traitorous, seditious ****s.


When you breach barriers and endanger members of Congress, all bets are off.

Edited by China
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7 minutes ago, Llevron said:

never mind they are talking about it now. Trump got them going and then left and went home 


Not home.  To his temporary residence.  Trump doesn't have a home.  People in NY don't want him.  People by Mar-a-Lago don't want him.  Scotland doesn't want him.  I doubt his family really wants him, except insomuch as they can get money out of him.  They say home is where the heart is.  He has no heart, so he has no home.

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Just plain sad - to think how many people voted for the Trump and voted for the two GA Senate candidates.


One has to admire the Republican machine - they simply looked at the dictatorships and such through history - copied - brainwashed - started a cult - and we are now stuck with this nightmare.  We are here because of decades of degregation, manipulation, lies and a thirst for power.


Their weaponization of the word "socialism" is both sad, criminal and genius at the same time.  Trumpsters do not even know what the word actually means.


To add to TryTheBeal, I pray for the police today having to put up with them.



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1 minute ago, Fred Jones said:


One has to admire the Republican machine - they simply looked at the dictatorships and such through history - copied - brainwashed - started a cult - and we are now stuck with this nightmare.  We are here because of decades of degregation, manipulation, lies and a thirst for power.


Their weaponization of the word "socialism" is both sad, criminal and genius at the same time.  Trumpsters do not even know what the word actually means.







Let's be clear about something up front: Throughout American history, there have been smart senators and not-so-smart senators. This is just a feature of democracy — sometimes the people in their infinite wisdom are wooed by someone who doesn't really know what they're talking about but looks the part well enough and blam, they're a duly sworn member of the United States Senate.


Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, for all of their foibles, fall into the former camp. They're smart, dedicated men who have climbed their way up the political ladder to reach what's been called the world's greatest deliberative body. The problem isn't that they're not smart — it's that they are clearly convinced that everyone who supports them is deeply stupid.


Republicans can't overturn the Electoral College. They just hope you don't know that.

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4 minutes ago, bcl05 said:

Terrorists storming government buildings.   Waving the confederate/treasonous flag.   The GOP never deserves a single vote again from any American.  


Start shooting every one of them.  With real bullets.  If they don't like it, all they had to do was comply, right?  They want to have this dream of violently overthrowing the government, they need to be shown that the violent part won't be only them.  And start arresting the prominent figures, including Trump, for supporting sedition.

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