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Election 2018 Thread (An Adult Finally Has the Gavel)


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3 hours ago, skinsmarydu said:

No ****. Our drivers test here is in 8 languages. Last time I checked, street signs are written in one.?

And the last time I was in traffic court, the judge made sure everyone that needed one had an interpreter. 

(I'm not in the anti-immigrant camp, but a driver's license is a privilege for a citizen. )


Not sure if this is a serious post ...


A driver’s license is not a privilege for a citizen. There are millions of legal aliens (temporary and permanent residents) who hold driving licenses.


And what has language got to do with it? It’s about inclusion to make any government document available in the languages that customers need.


My Greek isn’t especially strong but I can’t say the language or their different alphabet was an impediment to driving there on vacations.



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50 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


Being a NoVa liberal, literally, here is the email it got from my employer:



We provided two hours of paid leave to encourage people to vote. Our CEO offered to personally drive any person who needed it to their polling place.

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I'm on Maryland's Eastern Shore (Drumpf country). Usually it takes me fewer than 5 minutes to vote even during presidential years. It took me 40 minutes as there was a line at my small polling place. Also, the people are usually older folks this time it was lots of younger folks. 


I have no idea what this means. I have no idea what is going on in the good ol'USA anymore. I'll get a better idea later tonight. Crossing my fingers.


Dr. Joe

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Where I live (Sacramento, CA) there is pretty much a polling place tucked into every single neighborhood, whether it is a library, a school, apartment complex lobby. I finally voted early via mail this time, but most of the time I could get to my polling place with no issues and get in & out relatively quick.   That is how it should (not is) be for everyone, give or take, depending on size/population of the city. 

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1 minute ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:

So, America, what kind of drunk do you want me to be tonight? The choice is yours.


I'm gonna be angry either way. If the good guys lose, or if the margin of victory isn't big enough. I mean Corey ****ing Stewart the white supremacist attorney from Minnesota versus a guy who has been governor, foreign missionary and much more.

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Voter suppression is high on Republicans list. All you need is look how many polling places and machines are located in black and brown population centers, and the long lines of people waiting to vote. Since I have mostly lived in majority white population centers, I haven't had to wait long to vote.


Look at Dodge City, polling place placed well out of town and a mile from the bus stop. 

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6 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

Where I live (Sacramento, CA) there is pretty much a polling place tucked into every single neighborhood, whether it is a library, a school, apartment complex lobby. I finally voted early via mail this time, but most of the time I could get to my polling place with no issues and get in & out relatively quick.   That is how it should (not is) be for everyone, give or take, depending on size/population of the city. 


Guess some states want people to vote.

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3 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


Guess some states want people to vote.


True story. Not to bring up the slimeball John Edwards, but he was really onto something with the "two America's" stuff.  Voting convenience seems to be another one of those issues where a lot of folks in my situation can't or simply refuse to sympathize with people who don't have the privilege to live counties, cities, & states that actually try to make it easier to vote.  


The suppression tactics in certain parts of the country seem rather easy to spot whether they are flat out on the surface or a little more subtle.  To deny these tactics are going on is just willful ignorance. 

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13 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

Where I live (Sacramento, CA) there is pretty much a polling place tucked into every single neighborhood, whether it is a library, a school, apartment complex lobby. I finally voted early via mail this time, but most of the time I could get to my polling place with no issues and get in & out relatively quick.   That is how it should (not is) be for everyone, give or take, depending on size/population of the city.  


California ranked as the third least costly place to vote.  Oregon ranked first.  The West coast has it's **** together on this issue.

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4 minutes ago, Corcaigh said:


I'm gonna be angry either way. If the good guys lose, or if the margin of victory isn't big enough. I mean Corey ****ing Stewart the white supremacist attorney from Minnesota versus a guy who has been governor, foreign missionary and much more.


Frankly, if the Dems take the house, it's not going to improve things much. 


Yeah, they can probably make Mueller un-firable. (By making his investigation a House investigation. Which the GOP will them point at as proof that it's not only a partisan investigation, but was one all along).


But if the only thing a Dem House accomplishes is several competing investigations, then they'll deserve the anger they'll get from the voters. 


Maybe block some of the GOPs legislative agenda. But how much of their agenda has gone through Congress, anyway?  Other than two big deficit increases, what else has gone through Congress?  


Kavanaugh and similar things don't go through the House. 


And that's before we get into the fact that the GOP already has plans in place to screw the country in between Election Day and the new congress being sworn in. 

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1 hour ago, stevemcqueen1 said:

You can take a look at the map to see where states rank.  https://newsroom.niu.edu/2018/09/25/new-study-scrutinizes-time-and-effort-it-takes-to-vote-in-each-state/


Note the rankings of the Republican strongholds in the South.


I think their rankings are faulty and biased towards same day registration and no ID.


it ain't hard at all to vote/register here, we even let felons vote after time served 

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1 minute ago, Larry said:


Frankly, if the Dems take the house, it's not going to improve things much. 



Yeah ... but I'm thinking of voter turnout as a litmus test for the country. If a significant number of citizens love the direction that Trump and the GoP is taking it with two years of data, perhaps I'm in the wrong place.

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