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Election 2017 Thread

No Excuses

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Just now, stevemcqueen1 said:


Virginia tonight: first in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of our countrymen.  Let us be the beginning of a blue wave.


I can't believe this happened in an off year.  It's too good to be true.

Yeah, Dems never show up in an off year. Still holding breath.

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4 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:

Shame it took so much damage for people to wake the hell up, but I believe this is just the beginning of the long process of taking our beloved country back


One of the stories that's going to emerge from this is Millennials finally running for and winning public office in decent numbers.  It took Trump for us to get involved.  But it's past time for Millennials to step up and win office in state and local governments.  Then we start winning seats in congress and save the country from the absolute desiccation of conservative government.

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42 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Rachel covering Trump in S. Korea. Will go back and forth and stay here online. 


I can't quit you guys!  :cheers:

I find Rachel to be as bad as any of the FoxNews talking heads.  Can’t stand her.


cant stand them either...


i wish I wasn’t a moderate.  Then at least one side would be appealing....



47 minutes ago, StillUnknown said:


"he wasn't racist enough" is going to win out


they won't learn, may 2018 be as savage to them as tonight was 

I dunno.  I think they’ll double down, and sadly, I think it’ll work in different places. Hope not.  But until it actually happens I won’t believe it.

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1 minute ago, DogofWar1 said:

Dang, I did not expect an 8 point win by Northam.


Definitely could have seen 4 points and been pleasantly surprised, but 8 points is huge.  Decisive victory.


An 8 point win by a Democrat is a landslide for Virginia.  I never trusted the polls that had Northam ahead by double digits.  This is the best possible outcome we could have hoped for.


When the dust settles, I'll be really interested to see if that increased rural turnout was actually closet liberals who normally sit off year elections out but were so pissed off at Trump they had to go out and vote.  There are more Southern, white rural liberals out there than we realize, they just aren't politically activated.  I bet there are a ton that have never voted in an off year election before.  People who have never voted for anyone but Obama before.  But seeing Nazis and Klansmen march through your streets and beat up and murder people might get them off their couches.

1 minute ago, DogofWar1 said:

750 votes could be the difference between, say, medicaid expansion or not.  Legalization or not.


If that kind of tiny margin with a huge potential power swing doesn't get you excited to vote, probably nothing will.


Agreed.  But the trouble is reaching Left-leaning swing voters and getting them to understand those are the stakes.  And by swing-voters here, I mean people who swing in and out of the electorate, not swing between the parties.

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2 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Please, let the lesson that Rs “learn” be that they lost because they weren’t big enough assholes. 


They wont learn a lesson.


Evidenced by Facebook threads on the transgender victory over the anti-trans R.  A thread on inside Nova blew up with hate.  Quite sad.

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2 hours ago, DogofWar1 said:

Third county to watch closely as well, Loudoun.




Loudoun 100.0% Reporting T. McAuliffe Dem 49.7% 44,288
K. Cuccinelli GOP 45.3% 40,353
R. Sarvis Lib 5.0% 4,469



With 47K votes into Loudoun, Northam is winning 27K to 19K.  Would be another huge blow to Gillespie.  4K in Loudoun towards Northam would wipe out several smaller counties down south, instead of doing the opposite that Gillespie needs, that is, eating into Fairfax and other Dem strongholds.


In the end Northam won Loudoun by 23k votes with 69k versus 46k. So GIllespie got out the vote better than 2013, but the Dems did way better.

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5 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Please, let the lesson that Rs “learn” be that they lost because they weren’t big enough assholes. 


IF they go down that path long term, they'll be banking on suppressing votes and maybe actually rigging elections. Sensible conservatives need to get their house in order and return to the actual principles that may appeal to normal people, and not try to policy-**** them over.

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