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Thank you Josh Doctson..Thank You!!


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23 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

I got no problem taking a few years to develop a 3rd rounder.  Not a 1st.  In the 1st, you better come out and perform.

I don't agree. The true measure of a draft pick is if the team that drafts them wants to extend them. It doesn't matter what round they were drafted, just that the team wants to keep them after 3-5 years of seeing them in the team colours.


If a team ever tries to fill a hole on the roster with a rookie that's typically why they have holes in their roster. No plan to develop players and are relying on their scouts, or that years draft class to bail them out. 

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This comment should prob go in the conspiracy theory thread but eh while I'm here...that catch by Doctson was completely ligit...100% a catch,but with as bad as the NFL has it out for us(oh and you can see it with the non calls...the no personal foul on the eagle player that cheap shots Scherff from behind..the no personal foul helmet to helmet on chancellor on quick..the bull **** call on the fumble that wasn't a fumble returned for a Td in week one, I can go on)I'm surprised they didn't call it a non catch some how.

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12 hours ago, Taylorcooley1 said:

This comment should prob go in the conspiracy theory thread but eh while I'm here...that catch by Doctson was completely ligit...100% a catch,but with as bad as the NFL has it out for us(oh and you can see it with the non calls...the no personal foul on the eagle player that cheap shots Scherff from behind..the no personal foul helmet to helmet on chancellor on quick..the bull **** call on the fumble that wasn't a fumble returned for a Td in week one, I can go on)I'm surprised they didn't call it a non catch some how.


In a hard fought game like that, that ref would've been torn apart limb by limb :ols:

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On 11/5/2017 at 8:54 PM, TheGreatBuzz said:

I got no problem taking a few years to develop a 3rd rounder.  Not a 1st.  In the 1st, you better come out and perform.

When you are talking about a hit rate of around 40-50% of first rounders even start and only about 30% even make something out of themselves in the NFL. I don't care if a first rounder takes 1-5 years to develop as long as they come through, then I am ecstatic.

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I think he'll be fine, I thought the sky was the limit with him and I still do. I will say I am surprised that he still has the handcuffs on. I understand he didn't practice last year but to only be proficient at one position is baffling. Why wouldnt we school him on every position when its basically study time for over a year?  I gotta get it off my chest but something seems off with him, they don't want/let/ or encourage him to talk to the media. Why? Scared of what he might say? He doesn't want to do it? Maybe it's just not knowing anything or hearing his perspective, that has me feeling uneasy. Maybe he's just a kid, idk, I think he can be special, and I hope the spotlight shines soon for him like I think it could. HTTR..

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8 hours ago, COWBOY-KILLA- said:

 I gotta get it off my chest but something seems off with him, they don't want/let/ or encourage him to talk to the media. Why? Scared of what he might say? He doesn't want to do it? Maybe it's just not knowing anything or hearing his perspective, that has me feeling uneasy. Maybe he's just a kid, idk, I think he can be special, and I hope the spotlight shines soon for him like I think it could. HTTR..

You weren't alone on this, as I have felt the same way about him.  I've never been able to point a finger at what exactly it is, but it just seems odd for last years first round pick at receiver to be primarily a ghost minus a touchdown every now and then.  Not just on the field, but off it.  But I think we got a glimpse at him following the big catch against Seattle, he appeared animated and jacked on the sideline following it as well as leaving the field on Sunday.  Sometimes we forget these players are still kids and not all cut from the same cloth.  Cooley said that he appeared to play with more desire as a blocker this past week.  Perhaps he's just getting his feet under him and that catch will propel him.  We desperately need it for the second half of the season.

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9 hours ago, COWBOY-KILLA- said:

I think he'll be fine, I thought the sky was the limit with him and I still do. I will say I am surprised that he still has the handcuffs on. I understand he didn't practice last year but to only be proficient at one position is baffling. Why wouldnt we school him on every position when its basically study time for over a year?  I gotta get it off my chest but something seems off with him, they don't want/let/ or encourage him to talk to the media. Why? Scared of what he might say? He doesn't want to do it? Maybe it's just not knowing anything or hearing his perspective, that has me feeling uneasy. Maybe he's just a kid, idk, I think he can be special, and I hope the spotlight shines soon for him like I think it could. HTTR..


I heard him in an interview recently on 980, forgetting where, maybe Czaben?  He came off well.  A year ago I stayed at the team hotel and saw some of the players roaming about.  Granted its a small sample but Doctson seemed close with Crowder.  He was hanging with him.  I noticed that dynamic too in training camp.  Both guys are on the quiet side. 


Doctson doesn't have the typical loud or diva personality for a receiver.  I gather the dude is just shy.  It's ironic in a way that the Redskins are full of guys like that on offense:  Reed, Doctson, Crowder, Grant, Thompson.   Doctson though in spurts has shown a little moxie -- he was going Superbowl bust in an off season interview with Finlay and he was an animated dude at the end of the game in Seattle. 


I'd say looking at the next off season IMO we can use a boisterous guy on offense.  I think they might bring a little attitude like Swearinger brought to the defense.  I don't mind the more laid back/nice guy attitudes we got in the receiver corp.  But I think ironically a Garcon type personality (feisty, tough, loud on the field) or D. Jax (arrogant-star power) might add some needed spice to that unit. 

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@Skinsinparadise @BatteredFanSyndrome


Just a last thought after reading up top, it’s not that I want him to be exuberant, diva-ish, or some outsized personality. I just want to know that he’s present and on point. I get the sense he’s aloof or unaware. The bomb he caught at the beginning of the year he looked unaware where he was on the field and was awkward crossing the goal line ditto this past week in Seattle. And ditto on some of his other catches. He rounds his routes off without precision, and when in motion or setting up at the line of scrimmage I get a lally gag feeling from him, like his head is in the clouds. Not getting to the line and getting set to Rip a precise route.  Maybe this will all come with time and comfort. Otherwise I think the kid has great hands and has all the measurables. I hope it’s not something bigger and that the kid becomes a star!

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Ive been an outspoken critic of Doctson to this point.  However that catch Sunday I am convinced is one only a select few whove ever played the game could make.  I dont know how you catch a ball that close to the ground and it not touch or even move.  Amazing skill.  I was POSITIVE when it happened that it would ccome back on review.. they always do.  But damn if that replay didnt show it was a catch.  I was so shocked it didnt even sink in that we were about to win the game

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He has seemed brittle and I've been really down on him considering he is a first round pick but I've also seen the "potential".  I hope he pans out.  He seems like a good guy, and while frustrated with him at times, I wish him all the best.

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On 11/8/2017 at 8:28 PM, COWBOY-KILLA- said:

@Skinsinparadise @BatteredFanSyndrome


Just a last thought after reading up top, it’s not that I want him to be exuberant, diva-ish, or some outsized personality. I just want to know that he’s present and on point. I get the sense he’s aloof or unaware. The bomb he caught at the beginning of the year he looked unaware where he was on the field and was awkward crossing the goal line ditto this past week in Seattle. And ditto on some of his other catches. He rounds his routes off without precision, and when in motion or setting up at the line of scrimmage I get a lally gag feeling from him, like his head is in the clouds. Not getting to the line and getting set to Rip a precise route.  Maybe this will all come with time and comfort. Otherwise I think the kid has great hands and has all the measurables. I hope it’s not something bigger and that the kid becomes a star!


I think you can only judge him on the field . I think he lacks a little in confidence on a personal level but he has faith in himself but he kind of needs those around him to believe in him too to flourish  . He is quiet and maybe a little bit distant and that can appear as being aloof - but i think aloof is too harsh - aloof is arrogance, and that he doesnt want to learn or earn it  - and there is one thing that is clear is Doctson does not have that trait, he is quiet, introverted but intelligent and very alert.


I think you only have to look back at the last game where he made the bail out catch that I think was going to Pryor but Cousins miss judged it ... and i still love the Moss play where he plucked the ball out of David Amersons Hands in the game against the Raiders . 


I think it was hard for him to be out injured in his rookie season hurt him in terms of development - being an injured player on a roster is a little akin to being a ghost you are on the team you are in the meetings but you are not involved in the comrade of the highs and lows that only come from playing . Missing a year was never going to hurt his talent but maybe his  self belief took a hit . 


And some times it is easy to overlook the quiet guy. These Diva WRs always want the ball always talk about it and in meeting rooms will be sure to tell everyone why they are awesome and why they should get the looks regardless of it their talent demands it or not . As the saying so goes the noisy wheel gets the grease . 


The quiet guy makes his impression on the field . It is catches like he had on Sunday that get him attention and trust - and most of all proves to Doctson who he is - He is Josh Doctson damnit . The world is going to learn that from watching him ON the field and not through sound bites, or interviews or antics with a kicking net ....and i kind of like that ... 

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On 11/8/2017 at 3:28 PM, COWBOY-KILLA- said:

@Skinsinparadise @BatteredFanSyndrome


Just a last thought after reading up top, it’s not that I want him to be exuberant, diva-ish, or some outsized personality. I just want to know that he’s present and on point. I get the sense he’s aloof or unaware. The bomb he caught at the beginning of the year he looked unaware where he was on the field and was awkward crossing the goal line ditto this past week in Seattle. And ditto on some of his other catches. He rounds his routes off without precision, and when in motion or setting up at the line of scrimmage I get a lally gag feeling from him, like his head is in the clouds. Not getting to the line and getting set to Rip a precise route.  Maybe this will all come with time and comfort. Otherwise I think the kid has great hands and has all the measurables. I hope it’s not something bigger and that the kid becomes a star!


Ark Monk would like a word with you. 


Seriously, Josh is still in his rookie year for the most part. Both Jay and Kirk talked about how hard he is working to get better and it's showing. He is getting open and making some amazing catches. His knock coming out of college was he rounded his routes off. That's a practice and coaching thing which he is very hard at working on and getting better. He is tall so it may look like he is not running hard but that's a perception thing. 


This entire thing about him being lazy or uninterested in football comes from one statement Cooley made over a year and half ago that he admitted was not accurate. Yet people keep wanting to give him that label. 


With all due respect I think you are seeing what you want to see.  

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@goskins10 @bedlamVR


Guys, words on this internet thing sometimes get lost in Translation.. I’m probably one of his biggest fans here, I’m def not anti Doc. Huge fan and believer.


Just some of his quirks I’ve seen through the television, which admittedly means nada. Aloof in the cool and distant form not anything else. 


All this will be moot once Kirk begins to really trust him and give him the 8-10 targets  I’ve been calling for since about week 2. I’ve stated I felt he could contribute 60-75 catches and 900-1100 yds with 8+ TDs before the season, so I’m a believer in him. Don’t let my pseudo psycho evaluation from afar mislead you, love the kid... It was just a feeling I’ve had after seeing him in action. I believe in Josh and hope he gets there ASAP.

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