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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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2 minutes ago, tshile said:


the whole who is he going to pick and the media cycle that revolves around it bores me. I’m into the actual picks it’s just the seemingly never ending amounts of time it consumes during the lead up  in the news when the reality is they don’t have anything newsworthy on the subject. 

I mean realistically is there anything from the past few months about Biden’s vp pick that you could consider news worth consuming up until this afternoon?  Not to me. Not thrilled to see it for cabinet positions. 

I understand why now may be different but I also can’t help but wonder if it’s even worth it.  I’d rather see Biden and Harris running around talking about what they specifically want to do. 


Yea, I don't really care if he does the cabinet picks before the election.  It's somewhat fun to speculate, but it doesn't really matter to me.  I doubt he will.  I'd like to see Biden and Harris be the focus from here on out.  

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it seems to be getting positive buzz, which i didn't assume to be a given with a harris choice...wasn't sure the progressive slice would be really all that happy...i'm one of those who's also been hoping for awhile that biden might thoughtfully leak/ announce a few candidates for cabinet positions he's considering


i had been thinking at least do some at the convention for sure...but would love to see him do some between now and then...might be a  good way to gin up enthusiasm given the lack of in-person campaign events available to do so...keep the social media forums and press coverage humming positively with good selections for candidates in key roles

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I can't understand why the GOP is so out of touch. A lot of GOPers (peons, no one famous) seem to think that picking Harris will lose Biden the election. I don't understand how they can see someone qualified being chosen as a bad idea. I guess they did pick Trump, but haven't they learned anything from that? I would love for the roles to be reversed from 2016: conservatives positive they're going to win and then come out extreme losers in the end. Apparently, the GOP thought Romney was going to win all the way up to his concession speech on election night.

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Katie Porter would be awesome in that Senate seat.


The Kamala Harris pick was probably strictly by the numbers.  Young people don't vote, they simply don't turn out.  Picking someone the younger portion of the party liked was risky because it did not guarantee young people would actually turn out to vote.  Harris might not enthuse the young ones, but it probably further establishes Biden's appeal to the demographics that are proven voters for Democrats.


If Biden wants to throw a hail mary attempt at the youth vote, come out for full national legalization of marijuana.  I don't think he'd lose any voters because of it, and it might just get a ton of 1 issue youth voters to the polls.

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Regarding Mindy Kaling’s well wishes, I get it. I do. She see’s Harris as more Indian than Black. However, this is probably not the time to run with that since it’s actually a negative among some black voters. I even saw it said by an Uncle Toms for Tя☭mp group that she’s not “really” black. I’ll admit that Kaling’s reaction makes me feel some kind of way given the Indian culture’s well known dislike of the darker skinned.


10 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

Re: [Obama as POTUS from the Western US Tweet]

Everybody knows Kenya is EAST of the US. 😂😂

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