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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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Remember that I posted that Texas closed 750 polling places in minority communities since 2012. Voter suppression is heavy here. I voted in a majority white place that's closest to my house even though my complex is limited income and very mixed. 


We must fight voter suppression vigorously.

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30 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


It's crazy, Biden is hit left and right for gaffes and short circuits, yet Warren is bad candidate because she has a plan for everything?  All we keep hearing about is the safest choice to beat Trump. Not who would make the best president. 


That was Warren hands down, one of the biggest reasons I voted for Bernie instead is because folks wouldnt give her a chance.  Bernie was right, this wasnt the time for a female candidate because of how people felt about Trump.


It jus makes no sense, it's so easy to say Hillary was a bad candidate, but worse then Trump?  What, that she wasnt likea le enough or visit the midwest enough while the other candidate is bragging about grabbing women by the p****y?  I dont think it's as simple as not wanting a female candidate. But I'm not buying theres nothing to see here. It should never be a bad time to elect a female president, its 2020 FFS, not 1920.




I'm not a politician, so I don't need to pull any punches, plus I know I'm in good company here:


Many Americans are uneducated, bigoted fools that, growing up, received bad information from friends and unsupervised media consumption because their parents weren't around. And if they were around, they were probably misinformed, bigoted alcoholics themselves who would have damaged them further. Our country has layers and layerers of racist, patriarchal and anti-intellectual nonsense in its foundations. Trump unearthed all of it. 


We live in a country full of working class joes that can't see a future for themselves as they battle from check to check. They go to work, come home and drink or smoke themselves to sleep. The most successful democratic candidates realize that their party was founded on people like these and tap into them for their benefit. Bernie knows that he can't get by without them and his "revolution" is given substance by the sweat of the proletariat. They don't have what they need and they're pissed off. Angry, uneducated. Useful idiots.


Where does Warren fit into that? She doesn't. She's an accomplished, well-spoken white woman and when people see her, they bristle. The things she says sound condescending because they don't understand them. Her credentials make them angry because they seem frivolous. And now she's got a nickname, thanks to Trump. We, in this thread, have been taught not to judge people by simplistic labels, but most voters have not. She's screwed. 


But most college graduates, the people who make up her base, won't tell you that, not out loud. They'll focus on the positive feedback she receives in their clique and scratch their heads, refusing to openly acknowledge at the risk of sounding pretentious that the average voter just doesn't "get" her. The truth is that they can't and won't. None of this is to say that Warren isn't a wonderful candidate for president, she just isn't a viable one in this country. 


There are many reasons why I decided to pursue teaching positions in high school over college, but one of the big ones is that many college students don't really want to learn anything — they've already got it all figured out. There are severe systemic problems and an anti-intellectual streak in this country that begins at the individual level at a very young age and is compounded when working class teenagers are asked to indebt themselves to the state in exchange for the abstract commodity of knowledge. And it is here that candidates like Warren lose their viability. 


For the greater good, let's hope Team Biden comes up with a catchy nickname for Trump. It's more important at this point than his policies. 

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31 minutes ago, stevemcqueen1 said:

I'm 34 and you know what the Democratic Party means to me?  Weakness.  Uselessness.  Perpetual losing.  I can't remember a single significant political victory the party has achieved in my lifetime.  16 years of presidency that accomplished nothing, and indeed oversaw the hollowing out of the standard of living of the working class, the ladder being pulled up on my generation, the accelerated degradation of the environment, and the run away rightward plunge of the country.  Republicans lose big elections and still win every political battle.  Every significant progressive social or cultural change the country experienced came from the bottom up, and happened in spite of Democratic leadership, not because of it.  These are all serious problems for the party.


Democrats have only controlled both the Presidency and Congress for four years.  Often when they try to make these big sweeping changes, they get voted out, fast.


Even a candidate like Sanders or Warren were to win the presidency, if the Republicans maintain control of the Senate, the big changes they wants, aren't happening.


And I don't agree Democrats have done nothing when they've been in power.  What about ACA/Obamacare?  As flawed as it was, it has likely paved the way for universal coverage, whatever form it may end up taking.   And a Republican Congress along with a Republican President, was unable to get rid of it.  Seems like a political victory for me.   And what about Obergefell vs. Hodges?  Although decided by the Supreme Court, 4 out of 5 of those justices, appointed by Democratic presidents with Democratic majorities in the Senate.  And the swing vote (Kennedy) probably only happened because Reagan couldn't get Robert Bork, who almost certainly would have voted against it, past a Democratic Senate. 



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52 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

Not to surprising to see the bros blaming Warren for Bernie getting beat today. 


They are who we thought they were.

Are they entirely wrong?  For weeks we’ve talked about how Pete, Amy, and Biden we’re splitting votes.  Warren and Bernie were splitting votes as well.  Well Pete and Amy miraculously dropped out on the eve of Super Tuesday but Warren soldiered on.  The candidate we’d expect to get a boost based on that, did.  

Im not against politicians playing politics, because that’s what they are, but this looks like the Democratic Party leadership played a role in the timing here.  I’d wager Amy and Pete got calls by important folks and urged to drop out.


And I say this as a person that is definitely not a Bernie bro.  I don’t believe Americans can have European socialist government benefits without European level tax rates.  “The rich will pay for it” sounds as believable to me as a Mexico paying for Trumps boondoggle wall.

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7 minutes ago, Destino said:

Are they entirely wrong?  For weeks we’ve talked about how Pete, Amy, and Biden we’re splitting votes.  Warren and Bernie were splitting votes as well.  Well Pete and Amy miraculously dropped out on the eve of Super Tuesday but Warren soldiered on.  The candidate we’d expect to get a boost based on that, did.  

Im not against politicians playing politics, because that’s what they are, but this looks like the Democratic Party leadership played a role in the timing here.  I’d wager Amy and Pete got calls by important folks and urged to drop out.


And I say this as a person that is definitely not a Bernie bro.  I don’t believe Americans can have European socialist government benefits without European level tax rates.  “The rich will pay for it” sounds as believable to me as a Mexico paying for Trumps boondoggle wall.

Bloomberg hurts Biden far worse than Warren hurts Sanders

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8 minutes ago, DCSaints_fan said:

Bloomberg hurts Biden far worse than Warren hurts Sanders

Depends on the state, but that does seem to be true. 

Though Bloomberg and Warren being viable in places hurts both Biden and Bernie and also helps them.







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I can't believe the Democrats can't find someone who is intriguing, passionate, articulate, and charismatic enough to gain the proper votes and traction to take out Trump. It's a sad state of affairs.


I realize I'm getting way ahead of myself, but Biden is such a boring stick in the mud candidate, and I think he's gonna win. I don't think he can beat Trump. If it weren't for Biden riding Obama's legacy as VP, he'd be a nobody.


Plus he is senile. I really doubt his ability to run this country and create change.

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A lot of you need to check your Bernie rhetoric, it doesn't make any sense to me. I don't know where you're getting this number of 80% of Bernie supporters are trying to burn down the establishment and attack people. I've talked to a lo of Sander's supporters and they're perfectly normal, I follow him and others online and I haven't seen anything vitriolic (not saying it doesn't exist, but its not nearly as prevalent as many of you think). Hell, all of the Bernie people I've talked to are willing to vote blue even if he doesn't get the nomination. You know, like we did in 2016. 


However, I've met plenty of Biden supporters (my roommate, a HS govt teacher) that have said if Bernie gets the nom, they'll vote third party or not vote at all. My roommate voted for Stein last time and even after seeing the results, is more than happy to sit out again. It doesn't make any sense to me and I don't see why Biden supporters think they're such goody two shoes compared to ANYONE's supporters.

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15 minutes ago, Simmsy said:

A lot of you need to check your Bernie rhetoric, it doesn't make any sense to me. I don't know where you're getting this number of 80% of Bernie supporters are trying to burn down the establishment and attack people. I've talked to a lo of Sander's supporters and they're perfectly normal, I follow him and others online and I haven't seen anything vitriolic (not saying it doesn't exist, but its not nearly as prevalent as many of you think). Hell, all of the Bernie people I've talked to are willing to vote blue even if he doesn't get the nomination. You know, like we did in 2016. 


However, I've met plenty of Biden supporters (my roommate, a HS govt teacher) that have said if Bernie gets the nom, they'll vote third party or not vote at all. My roommate voted for Stein last time and even after seeing the results, is more than happy to sit out again. It doesn't make any sense to me and I don't see why Biden supporters think they're such goody two shoes compared to ANYONE's supporters.

Not my experience at all, but ok.  Also you can't deny the very visible behavior of a lot of Bernie surrogates, even if you may want to.  

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5 hours ago, Renegade7 said:


It's crazy, Biden is hit left and right for gaffes and short circuits, yet Warren is bad candidate because she has a plan for everything?  All we keep hearing about is the safest choice to beat Trump. Not who would make the best president. 


That was Warren hands down, one of the biggest reasons I voted for Bernie instead is because folks wouldnt give her a chance.  Bernie was right, this wasnt the time for a female candidate because of how people felt about Trump.


It jus makes no sense, it's so easy to say Hillary was a bad candidate, but worse then Trump?  What, that she wasnt likea le enough or visit the midwest enough while the other candidate is bragging about grabbing women by the p****y?  I dont think it's as simple as not wanting a female candidate. But I'm not buying theres nothing to see here. It should never be a bad time to elect a female president, its 2020 FFS, not 1920.


I'm sorry, but the evidence is just clear.  Even the mean/median of the Democratic electorate is not as left as Warren and Sanders.


Why is that so hard to understand?


I thought I'd like Warren based on the very little I knew about her before things really got going, but she's staked out a far left position on policies.  (and I voted for Hillary and hoped a non-Biden moderate would break through in this primary).


And Bernie's hard core supporters weren't leaving him for anybody, a man or a woman (and that's pretty normal in politics).  Warren gave herself a very narrow lane to win this nomination.  She had to win over the left wing of the Democratic party that wasn't already connected to Sanders.  And there just aren't enough of those voters out there.

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Any maybe I’m in the minority.


In 2016, I did NOT vote for Hillary but I would have voted for Bernie in the general.


In 2020, I voted for Biden and will vote Biden OR Bernie in the general.


Maybe I’m a unicorn.  I’ve learned in my life that if I think I’m unique then there’s obviously MANY more like me.


I don’t think that Biden is any more of a loser vote than Sanders against Trump.

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I personally dont know a single Sanders supporter outside of this website and even then thats like 3 people. I dont spend any time whatsoever on twitter and FB where I assume most of the mean Burnie Bros are observed. I really cant comment on it. 

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3 minutes ago, Llevron said:

I personally dont know a single Sanders supporter outside of this website and even then thats like 3 people. I dont spend any time whatsoever on twitter and FB where I assume most of the mean Burnie Bros are observed. I really cant comment on it. 

The ones I know through Facebook, which are either friends, family or acquaintances I’ve met before, aren’t mean.  They seem very confident in their choice though... and fairly critical of the opponents.

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I think what this election proves (once again) is that voters do not want plans or ideas. They vote primarily for comfort food or noise/fire. 2016 did as well. Trump was all fire and no plans. 


Warren probably is too liberal for most of America, but I really appreciated her approach of putting forth solutions. She seemed, by far, the smartest, most dedicated, political wonk in the race. I think she would have been the best President as far as problem solvers go. I won't go so far as to say she could cross lines,and bring sanity back to the problem of partisanship, I think she'd try, but I think the Republican Party is a locked and barricaded door. 



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33 minutes ago, Springfield said:

Head over to Reddit.  Go to r/politics.  See how reddit likes Bernie.

Reddit is not a voter base.


But @visionary is right it's not like they dont exist because someone cant see them.


But I dont agree the conversation is being kept honest about what his base actually is anymore.


To help keep conversation honest on my part, there are multiple subreddits, heres an example (I dont endorse everything posted, it's the internet, i dont how anyone can):




What i dont understand is there is a consistent theme of people saying stuff they ain't got no business saying before Bernie ran in 2016. It's fair to point out the campaign isnt doing enough to address this reality, but they were already there waiting for something else to go off about.

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I can say one thing for sure, it looks like Bernie's unprecedented youth movement didnt go as planned. Less young people being reported voting than in 2016. Im sure there are other factors involved besides just general apathy, but anyone counting on that voter block going forward is kidding themselves. Its really not a thing. 

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