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Nazis showing up at places uninvited.

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keep seeing politicians saying that he needs to clearly denounce white supremacy. he tried, sincerity on this issue is not achievable for him. how many swings does he get


we know whats in his heart, if he puts out a different statement tomorrow it would be a placation and nothing more


i dont give a **** what the orange tyrant has to say, i want to know what are you doing to minimize his power in the immediate and removing him from office

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"...opinions that the president has long expressed in private." Pretty clear


Losing Trump deniers following you on social media... that's Winning! I like winners. 


Jodie Foster :wub:


Does the official charcoal drawing competition happen at the official ES tailgate? I might like to livestream that


Total shocker. Even some Trump deniers don't really like Nazis. Too soon! For others, he said some words once. Let's move on.


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1 hour ago, AJ* said:


I have acquaintances who are proud Trump supporters and love to post about him often. They've been conspicuously silent the last few days. And these are people who would perform gold medal mental gymnastics to defend Trump on anything. I guess they finally reached that limit,

Announced to my family on Facebook today that anyone who continues to support Trump is dead to me forever. That I'm not going to share space with anyone who sympathizes with people who want to exterminate me and my girlfriend. Family or not. That's what I mean about confronting it anywhere and everywhere. 


This guy gets it... 



And I'm posting this just because I love it. Also shows why this war is winnable



In other news Kurt Eichenwald is officially a **** 



Legitimately sad. I really respect his reporting. 



And lastly, on the personal front, I just got back from a #weareCharlottesville march down on the Mall. The highlight of the event had to me rolling my ankle after stepping off the sidewalk onto the grass where a hole was concealed. Then, in front of literally everyone, in an attempt to not fall on my ass, I made a 180° dive to nearby bench...where I came up a yard short, fell on my ass, she had every single female rush to my aide screaming if I was ok as I hung my head in shame and my gf laughed at me. And I didn't even get paid for the performance. You are welcome #weareCharlottesville. Just doing my part. 


Other than that though, it was nice. Few hundred people. Was more Charlottesville and UVA focused and healing that community (wtf is a Wahoo anyway?) rather than battling the Nazi's but I'm more than happy to give my time and lend my support (and my comedy stylings.) 


One thing that struck me and really always strikes me when I go to these things, is the diversity. I think that's a strength that far surpasses anything the alt right can put up. And it really drives home the point that our side is truly the side of the vpeople. The side that loves humans while they are the side that hates humans. They can win an election where the majority of the people don't vote. They can't win a war where every human is involved. 


And if you don't think it's a war, go to any conservative-filled twitter thread right now that's discussing today's press conference and tell me what you see. Not Nazi filed but conservative filled. This is going to get ugly. 

Edited by BornaSkinsFan83
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1 hour ago, Springfield said:

The "alt-left" is made up.  The alt-right is a term, invented by those who consider themselves alt-right and generally includes nationalists, nazi's and other miscreant sects.


Alt-left is a term that Trump just made up to give the impression that the opposition to white nationalists are their equivalent.  This isn't close to the truth.


This is the same as Trump proliferating the term fake news at the same as he was spreading false information himself.


Its the ol' "accuse my partner of cheating on me when I'm actually cheating on her" trick.


Theyve been trying to force through the alt left term for a some months now without much success. It was created to give cover to the alt right. Just as it was used today for exactly that reason. Anybody who uses it is a mark, a shill or an idiot. 


Personally, for the most part, I've stopped using the term alt right. I just say Nazi now. Not neo-Nazi either. Just Nazi. I feel it's accurate enough and gets straight to the point.


**** word games. That's another favorite tactic that the right is forever trying to play; to muddy the water, to gas light and to get people stuck wasting time arguing dictionary definitions. Refuse to play along. 

31 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

I didn't see anything bad there.


America isn't over. 


And sorry but I'm tired and I already kinda have a headache. I really have no desire to play the 9 circles of defeatism game tonight. I still love you though. Hopefully this edit catches you in time. 

Edited by BornaSkinsFan83
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7 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

YEah, if you were a Trump supporter or speak kindly of Trump on here or still think he was the better candidate or still say "but the emails," then please let me know so I can ignore your posts from here to infinity. You are a pox on society and an enemy to America.


Still better than Hillary.

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4 hours ago, twa said:


Still better than Hillary.

There it is. Unfathomable why you play this game. By your own words you didn't watch his press conference, I'm guessing it's because if you did then you'd have to speak against him. You claim to have told your representatives to replace him and yet you still believe that having a man who chooses to equate opposition to Nazism with the Nazism itself is still a better option than Hillary. At this point I don't know if this is just an act you're playing for our benefit, or if you truly are that twisted in your mind. Either way, your options are not good.


Make no mistake, Trump's comments yesterday are no gaffe. He came to the defense of Nazis because they had permits. This is the man that the Religious Right is claiming as their's. Maybe they toowould have chosen Saul. Gladly, we aren't obligated to respect Trump like David did Saul, because God did not annoint Trump. And to be quite honest if God did then He's not my God.


Opposing Nazism and racism is the easiest thing on the planet to do, because it is one of the most obvious moral choices. That you would still choose a man who's moral compass is so obviously damaged is unreal. You might as well put on the white polos and red hats.

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Trump has found the GOP's morality sweet spot. It's one step from the very bottom. Gotta be careful not to go any higher or you might offend the nazis. As long as he doesn't say he's glad that the counter-protestor died, everyone else will convince themselves that he's not a total piece of ****.

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7 hours ago, tshile said:

Obama tweeted the mendela quote about teaching love vs learning hate.


Apparently it quickly became the most popular tweet in twitter history (likes + retweets)


I bet that ruffles trumpchickens feathers


Now, that's the dude who won by an abundance of real votes.  I want my President back.

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8 hours ago, twa said:


Proclaiming him better than Hillary and awaiting his implosion is hardly shilling for him.


For me, Trump proving himself to be a Nazi sympathizer and apologist is a deal breaker. I would hope it would be for every American. I listened and watched his news conference five times yesterday. To me, it's inescapable. He's defending and making excuses for Nazis. He's drawing false equivalencies to shield them.


For the most part, I've considered him uninformed and self-serving. He is so much worse than that. I don't use the word Nazi readily. I have on this board and in real life chastised people repeatedly for falsely labeling or making ridiculous comparisons of G W Bush, Obama or others to Hitler. I would continue to argue that Trump is no Hitler, but he is a sympathizer. If you listen to him and his passion in trying to defend these people especially in comparison to his sullen passionless "read" condemnation and conjoin that with everything we know about him the idea becomes inescapable.


So no... Trump is not better than Hillary Clinton. I'm not sure it is possible to find a person more morally unfit to be President.

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