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Nazis showing up at places uninvited.

No Excuses

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7 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

BakedAlaska, a popular Nazi amongst crowd Pepe, got pepper sprayed yesterday.


His reaction afterwards is the kind of stuff that destroys reputations:


The video really proves what little ****es these Pepe Nazis are.



No idea who Pepe nazis are but that's hilarious.




That has to be a meme by now.

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People seem to forget that our Black citizens were used in human hunting "parties", falsely accused and hanged (Emmett Till, Forbidden Fruit, read the lyrics sometime), women raped and murdered, their right to vote suppressed (and still), a known racist appointed Attorney General, and I can go on all day.


Now we have a president whose own father was arrested during a KKK demonstration, whose rental policies were to deny housing based solely on their ethnicity and was fined by the Federal government for it, whose dog whistle language during his campaign and continuing to this very day is the language of white supremacy. 


If you deny this, then you are NO BETTER. There's no way to spin this.


And if this isn't how you see yourself and you do NOTHING to stop this, then you are part of the problem. There's no way to spin this either.

NAWALT  Not All Whites Are Like This


Edited by LadySkinsFan
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The response was strategic and did what they wanted. When you have Brit Hume asking why he and the VP won't say it. He's met with a septic tank explosion of "he did! He condemned all violence. You suck Brit!" 


He could give David Duke a reach-around and they'd deny he's ever met the guy. 

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You know, I'm not on social media so there's probably a lot of plans and so forth already underway, and I just don't know about them.


But at times like this, it sure would be great to have a big-ass, anti-racist march in the ol' hometown. Like, let's all get together in our millions and demonstrate, simply by our numbers, that America is better than this. Because I need to feel like it is.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Sinister said:

Cmon man, you know we're homies

Another typo?


By the way, just want to remind everybody that there's a tape of Trump out there using the N word a bunch of the set on the Apprentice. Also, here's an oldie but a goodie...


Edited by Sacks 'n' Stuff
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4 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

Another typo?


I didn't want to say anything. 

No doubt already posted by vis...


What a **** 



Keep devouring their souls. 

1 hour ago, Destino said:

No idea who Pepe nazis are


19 pages in, you'd think you know by now. Not to mention an entire presidential election. But i digress. 

Edited by BornaSkinsFan83
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1 hour ago, JCB said:

You know, I'm not on social media so there's probably a lot of plans and so forth already underway, and I just don't know about them.


But at times like this, it sure would be great to have a big-ass, anti-racist march in the ol' hometown. Like, let's all get together in our millions and demonstrate, simply by our numbers, that America is better than this. Because I need to feel like it is.


Wilmington DE, Stand in Solidarity with Charlottesville
Rockford Park, near tower
Wilmington, DE 19806

0 mi away
When: Sunday, August 13, 6:00 PM

We are standing in solidarity with Charlottesville. Join us. Several DE groups ( Indivisible, Women's March Huddles, etc. ) will be meeting by the Rockford tower from 6-7pm on Sunday August 13, 2017. Please bring signs, candles, and a compassionate attitude to join in solidarity.


I mean really, if someone can get somethin' goin' in Delawhere, a county masquerading as a state that a lot of people can't find on a map, they ought to have bigger, better ones going in real places

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35 minutes ago, BornaSkinsFan83 said:

19 pages in, you'd think you know by now. Not to mention an entire presidential election. But i digress. 

I googled it and I got badly drawn frogs dressed up as Nazi's and this guy:




:ols:  I'm guessing he's just a victim of unforeseeable circumstances and we're talking about the internet people that made the frog.  


But you digress.

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19 minutes ago, LD0506 said:

Ok, I can't post the video because of (understandably deserved) language, but this guy slays me........ he's got a quick one about Charlottesville that's good




"Standing out there hollering about supremacy while cosplaying as two separate regimes famous for getting the **** beat out of them.  Supremacy my ass!  That's the thing, these people are losers.  Losers that fetishize other losers."


Well said.  :ols:



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4 hours ago, skinsmarydu said:

My husband made the observation that (he believes) if the "protest" would have been one for BLM that the tanks would've been on standby a week beforehand.

Just sayin'.

I don't believe that.

But I feel as though I've lost any desire to argue otherwise.

This one was bad. It's changed the way I think about things. Still a bit unsure.


On npr today someone from an anti defamation Institute said this was the largest white nationalist gathering in decades.


I don't know if that's true, or how they measured it, but if it is true I think that's an important bullet point when trying to look at what is going on right now.

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6 hours ago, BornaSkinsFan83 said:


Disagree. You need to confront it every step of the way. All of us. Anywhere we see it. Family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, random guy, you see some Nazi **** you make their life uncomfortable. Step on their throats and don't let your foot up. This isn't 1920's Germany or 1950's Jim Crow. This is the digital age. You ignore it, it'll just continue to grow online, from the safe space of online anonymity. You need to keep it there and address it there but don't give it any room to breathe offline. 


And these clowns only know one language. That's power. It's obvious at this point that the government isn't good to assert its. So we as people need to assert ours. Any means necessary. The stakes are too high. 


And sorry if this is an inconvenience to comfortable living for the Go Mediums. Reality is a **** sometimes. Go hard or don't go at all. 



So, I disagree with your disagreement.  (Which is fine, we're allowed to disagree.)  


Let me be clear, I'm not suggesting in any way that we as a society ACCEPT this nonsense.  Absolutely not.  And I'm not white. I'm actually brown.  Of middle eastern descent, though my parents were from India.  But I LOOK like a middle easterner.  Which clearly means to all of these people I look like a terrorist.  So, the more they surface, the more that I fear for my safety. I'm also fearful for the safety of my friends, who are of all ethnicity, and inter-racial couples (interestingly, the majority of my brown friends have interracial marriages).


But you're not going to convince a racist, radical bigot that they shouldn't be a racist, radical bigot. You're not going to shame them into going away.  Also, part of the reason these assholes show up in full riot gear is that they WANT you to go after them.  When you do, they win.  So, I'm saying, don't give them the satisfaction.   So my overall point is, don't give up the high ground.


Also, in today's age of social media and instant news, the propaganda out there now is that the counter-protesters either are a) as responsible for the violence as the Nazi assholes, or b.) Black Lives Matters and other groups are just as bad.  Both are complete and total nonsense.  But if you show up and allow yourself to be drug into the mud, you allow the story to be told.  


So, there are other, much more effective, productive ways to show displeasure.  The best is to educate your family, children, and community why this is bad.  Also, be active in elections, so we don't end up with bigoted representatives.  


We're never going to stomp out bigots entirely from the world.  It won't happen.  But we can, by banding together and doing good, and VOTING good, push them to basically obscurity.


Sadly, the last election let them out of the cellar.  We have to push them back into the cellar where they can rot without light or women wanting their dicks for the rest of their lives.  (That was hysterical)


Oh, and when they cross the line and start something, you prosecute them into the gas chamber.  Or electric chair.  

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1 hour ago, GhostofSparta said:

Man, there is a disturbing lack of coverage of this event on most of the right wing sites I still sometimes frequent. No deflection, no excusing, no contextualizing, no moral equivocating, nothing. Just....nothing. That's ****ing creepy.

Carefully planning how to address it?


Maybe they were all there and haven't made it back to their laptops yet

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2 minutes ago, tshile said:

Carefully planning how to address it?


Maybe they were all there and haven't made it back to their laptops yet

The day after the late night healthcare debacle, that wasn't even remotely on the front of FoxNews.  I don't remember what it was, but the fiasco was below the fold.


EDIT: just to clarify my earlier point, when I say not to counter-protest and give the guys the satisfaction of reacting them, I don't mean not doing things like showing support by going to one of the solidarity vigils.  Those are a powerful message of peace.  


Words matter.  Actions matter.  Just don't fight a dumb drunk.  

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Among his base, I actually expect Trump's poll numbers to go up.


The White Nationalists, Racists, NeoNazi, Facists, Etc... crowd is a part of Trump's base. He probably wouldn't have won without them. Sad to know that there are that many people with those views, but you can no longer deny that.  Trump has allowed these people to step into the light.


Trump himself, only moral compass is about himself. Whatever benefits him; he is for it.  You don't embrace those people and don't condemn them, when they commit violence; if you don't at least sympathize with that sick point of view.  Trump won't condemn because he sympathizes with them.


It will not shock me at all, if we have an all out race war; during Trump's presidency.


It's time to expose everyone who gives any money to Trump's businesses.  People who stay at his hotels, golf at his golf courses, live at Trump Tower, etc...  Expose these people.


As I said earlier, expose every single person who came to this so called Alt. Right event.  Let the rest of the world know who they really are. 

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On 8/12/2017 at 5:43 PM, skinsfan_1215 said:

In the picture from the rear... I graduated high school with the guy in red and white sneakers who is being flipped over the car. His name is Marcus and he thankfully suffered only a broken ankle (which is clearly visible in the photo). There were a lot of my high school classmates there today. 


Update: he was there with his fiancé and her friend, the woman who was killed. 



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