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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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More than half of Republicans support Christian nationalism, according to a new survey


Long seen as a fringe viewpoint, Christian nationalism now has a foothold in American politics, particularly in the Republican Party — according to a new survey from the Public Religion Research Institute and the Brookings Institution.


Researchers found that more than half of Republicans believe the country should be a strictly Christian nation, either adhering to the ideals of Christian nationalism (21%) or sympathizing with those views (33%).


Robert P. Jones, the president and founder of the nonpartisan PRRI, has been surveying the religious world for many years now. Recently, Jones said his group decided to start asking specifically about Christian nationalism.


"It became clear to us that this term 'Christian nationalism' was being used really across the political spectrum," he said. "So not just on the right but on the left and that it was being written about more by the media."


Christian nationalism is a worldview that claims the U.S. is a Christian nation and that the country's laws should therefore be rooted in Christian values. This point of view has long been most prominent in white evangelical spaces but lately it's been getting lip service in Republican ones, too.


During an interview at a Turning Point USA event last August, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., said party leaders need to be more responsive to the base of the party, which she claimed is made up of Christian nationalists.


"We need to be the party of nationalism," she said. "I am a Christian and I say it proudly, we should be Christian nationalists."


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Keep remembering a poll that (PPP?) ran, during the NC primary, among likely NC primary voters. 


23% have a problem with banning Muslims from entering the US. 

47% have a problem with shutting down all mosques in the US. 

36% have a problem with creating a national database of Muslims. Although 53% think the religion should be legal. 

36% are glad the North won the Civil War. 




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DeSantis’s corporate donors under fire for ‘hypocrisy’ over Black History Month


Political activists in Florida have condemned the “hypocrisy” of large corporations that use Black History Month to denounce racism while donating hundreds of thousands dollars to the state’s rightwing governor, Ron DeSantis.


Amazon, AT&T, Comcast, Disney and Walmart are among the companies that publicly proclaim their commitment to anti-racist values, especially after the 2020 police murder of George Floyd, an African American man in Minneapolis.


But research by the Center for Political Accountability, a non-profit organisation that tracks corporate political spending, shows that these same businesses donated directly and indirectly to the 2022 re-election campaign of DeSantis, who has imposed limits on how race and racism can be taught in Florida schools.


“These corporations can say that they stand with the Black community but then also fund the governor and his work around dismantling Black history,” said Jasmine Burney-Clark, founder of Equal Ground, a progressive group based in Orlando, Florida. “It’s a huge level of hypocrisy.”


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Rick Scott is so pathetic, not just in the way he looks, either. Everyone and their mother knows how Scott feels about SS and MC, whenever he opens his mouth about not cutting it, we all know its bull****. So, everytime he comes back with the same, lame ass idea, it just comes off as completely out of touch with reality and society. No hiding it, its a terrible idea, yet he keeps trying to redress it and send the same **** back out. Even McConnell is sick of Scott and called him out on it...what a ****nub.

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8 hours ago, BRAVEONAWARPATH said:



Right wingers: People who talk about race are the real racists!

Also right wingers: White people invented everything! Go whites!


I should add that I find it quite fascinating to see an Indian guy pimping himself out to white supremacists. If memory serves, India had a bit of a problem regarding white supremacist colonialism for some time.

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Republicans can choose the judge who hears their lawsuits. DOJ wants to stop that.



The Justice Department hopes to neutralize Trump’s worst judge.


Last week, the Justice Department decided to confront one of the most pernicious and exploited glitches in America’s courts.

There are a handful of federal trial judges in Texas — Matthew Kacsmaryk, Drew Tipton, and Reed O’Connor are probably the best known among them — who have largely behaved as rubber stamps for whatever far-right cause shows up in their courtrooms. If you want a court order attempting to repeal Obamacare, or locking in Trump-era immigration policies, or attacking the right to birth control, these guys are happy to deliver.


Last Tuesday, the Justice Department finally decided that something must be done about this problem. It filed a motion in one of Kacsmaryk’s political cases, arguing that he must transfer the case to a location where it will be randomly assigned from a list of more than one judge. The Texas federal courts’ practice of allowing conservative litigants to choose their own judges, the motion argues, “undermines public confidence in the administration of justice.”



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Matt Gaetz pushed through the new rule that House Judiciary Committee meetings start with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Gaetz picked the first guest to lead the committee in the Pledge - a man who turns out is an accused murderer. 


Corey Beekman, formerly of Michigan, allegedly shot and killed 32-year-old William Buchanan at a home in northern Michigan in April 2019.   A 32-year-old woman was wounded in the attack. Two of the woman's children were unharmed in the incident.  Beekman moved to Gaetz's Florida district after the attack.


Matt Gaetz Honors Accused Murderer In First Judiciary Committee Meeting (yahoo.com)


Matt Gaetz Honors Accused Murderer In First Judiciary Committee Meeting | HuffPost Latest News



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