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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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On 5/31/2017 at 0:43 PM, BornaSkinsFan83 said:


Just wanted to point out that Planned Parenthood absolutely provides adoption services and pregnancy care. 


No they don't. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/pregnancy/considering-adoption

Just like cancer screenings, all they do is say go talk to one of these places on the approved list.


Anyway. The problem with the GOP is not evangelicals, as much as some of you folks hate them. The problem is that its run by a bunch of stubborn old white men who are more about economic self service. It could still hold onto social conservativism and move more moderate in things like economics. You're average GOP conservative would follow economically to the middle.

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At this point the solo purpose of its existence is to troll liberals. Literally the only thing that unifies the different factions of the party.


Great strategy if you are a bunch of useless vindicative turds. Horrible strategy if you actually care about governing. 


You wouldnt think this was a party in complete control of the federal government with how putrid their legislative record is so far.

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11 minutes ago, Zguy28 said:

No they don't. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/pregnancy/considering-adoption

Just like cancer screenings, all they do is say go talk to one of these places on the approved list.


Pointing out that that's not exactly what your link says.  (Although it's not completely untrue, either.)  


From your link: 





Who can I talk to about adoption?


Talking with your partner, someone in your family, a friend, a religious advisor, or a counselor can be helpful when you’re making a choice about an unplanned pregnancy. Lots of people lean on others to help them with their decision. It’s good to choose people who you know are supportive of you and won’t be judgmental.


An adoption agency can give you information and help you think through your decision. Many family planning clinics (including your local Planned Parenthood health center) have specially trained staff that can give you accurate information about all your options and other resources. The staff at your local Planned Parenthood can also refer you to adoption agencies or other resources in your area.


No one should pressure you into making any decision about your pregnancy, no matter what. At the end of the day, only you know what’s right for you.




And I'll point out that providing people with information, counseling, and referrals to appropriate agencies is adoption services.  


Although, I do try to read things like this with a skeptical eye, and there's things I note on that page that do make me skeptical.  I note that "specially trained staff that can give you information" can be a way of saying "our staff fave been carefully taught how to steer/influence/pressure/bully you into one particular action.  The phrase "specially trained staff that can give you accurate information" can refer to unbiased, neutral, licensed counselors.  Or it can refer to commissioned car salesmen or political lobbyists. 


No, they are (apparently) not an adoption agency.  




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4 hours ago, Zguy28 said:

No they don't. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/pregnancy/considering-adoption

Just like cancer screenings, all they do is say go talk to one of these places on the approved list.


They do preform cancer screening.  They don't preform mammograms (though they at least suggest that they do more than say go to one of these places), but they for example do pap smears, which is a way to test for cervical cancers.


Mammograms are only one kind of screening for one kind of cancer.  There's a big difference between, they don't do mammograms and they don't provide any cancer screening.


My GP doesn't do mammograms either, but he does do cancer screening.

Edited by PeterMP
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4 hours ago, Zguy28 said:

No they don't. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/pregnancy/considering-adoption

Just like cancer screenings, all they do is say go talk to one of these places on the approved list.


That's not true at all.  They provide resources for women to get to those places.  The provide counseling for those struggling with decisions.  They provide education on why they're important.


I ****ing hate the GOP attack on PP.  It's a fantastic organization.  One that the GOP should be embracing and pointing to as an example of how a non profit medical facility should operate.

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Many people felt Donald Trump would fix the Republican party and probably a third of the country thinks he just did by winning the election.


Had an opiphany of Trump actually draining the swamp; consisted of Rex Tillerson being his chief of staff. Someone i 100% from my couch would never ethically think should serve in government, but an example of the best America has to offer from the private sector.


Administratively, Trump's seeming incompetence is the one thing that tells me the guy is a fraud. I was assuming he'd have a really strong CoS and an army of lawyers, handlers, admin people to at least keep everything on the same page. 


But it seems like a ****show in there right now.

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  • 8 months later...

It's really tough to fix a problem if you aren't forced to acknowledge it. I suspect a lot of Republicans right now feel pretty smug and happy. They have the majorities. Their side is winning and doing what it wants. There are some who are pretty uncomfortable with what it turns out their party wants, but most are still supportive or are remaining good soldiers.

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14 hours ago, Renegade7 said:

: /  They're bad, but not concentration camp bad.  We get nowhere demonizing them to that level.


Ok, how is it demonizing them when an actual Holocaust denying Nazi apologist has filed and is running as a Republican, and the party just winces a bit at the "bad optics" but does little else? I find it dismissive and dishonest that they just write him off as someone that can't win there so it doesn't matter.

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Paths have endings, and many times they've been traveled.

Pretending they are not on that path is ignorance. Remember the Nazis didn't get "holocaust bad" until the very end. TYhey had about 20 years of ever increasing horrors until they ultimately went all out. 
The NRA puts out ads basically saying that killing people who want gun controls is not only inevitable, but something to look forward to.


Last time we were forced to destroy fascism, we executed the leaders at the end.



Edited by Bang
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Funny thing (to me anyway), I am pretty confident that Bang gets dismissed by many here as an over-the-top firebrand boat rocker. I read way more posts nitpicking minutiae in the hopes of discovering some magic cure than I do people trying to raise the alarm that things are already pretty ****ing bad and working hard to get worse.


IMO he's one of the few getting even close to seeing the big picture.

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The Republicans need to kick out these extremists.


Problem is that the John Birch Society has infiltrated the party through funding by the Koch brothers. Their father was one of the JBS founders. The JBS used to be a far right outlier group reviled by the Republican Party, now they are entrenched. 


This fringe group, along with the usage of the far religious right zealots and then the so-called Freedom Caucus, has turned the party into what it is today.


This is the Republicans idea of the Big Tent.

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3 hours ago, twa said:

if things were very bad they would have removed him already.

I don't know..   for one, the cliché liberal is always trying to reason or compromise with the unreasonable and uncompromising. They can't help it, they feel that to be human, they must act human, and their opponent wants nothing to do with it except to use their flowery good nature and optimism against them.

In that regard, i think they are toothless when it comes to getting down to the dirty work like that. They hope for reason to win the day, and in real life it doesn't very often. They can't help but hope for cooperation that they will never get.

The GOP..  honestly, i am no longer able to guess what "very bad" is to them anymore. 


Now, granted, in terms of actual fascism, they haven't accomplished much to set it in place firmly.. but many of the ideas floated out are rooted firmly within it's parameters. It seems pretty obvious that the Russians have meddled in our election process,, any of the other stuff Mueller is trying to prove in regards to that, i know we won't agree on.. but that they DID meddle,, i don't think we disagree on that.

And frankly, for a person of my age,, it is an incredibly scary thing to see the blasé approach the GOP has towards it. The Russians are not our friends, and never have been. In my entire lifetime, they have wanted to crush this nation and destroy it.

The GOP so desperately do not want it to point to Trump that they are actively obscuring things that could be very dangerous to this country. (and frankly, Donald Trump is NOBODY to save at the risk of the boat even rocking a little bit. He's a despicable individual, but it truly appears as if his supporters and his adopted party will go to nearly any length to protect him.


I don 't think any of us can know what length that will go, but for this American, it's already WAY too far.



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3 hours ago, LD0506 said:

Funny thing (to me anyway), I am pretty confident that Bang gets dismissed by many here as an over-the-top firebrand boat rocker. I read way more posts nitpicking minutiae in the hopes of discovering some magic cure than I do people trying to raise the alarm that things are already pretty ****ing bad and working hard to get worse.


IMO he's one of the few getting even close to seeing the big picture.

it is ****ing bad.

I truly believe this country is almost ready to go to war with itself again.  And these dear leaders and their filthy propaganda are pushing very hard for it to happen, and have been for over 20 years. I keep referring to history, and Godwin can go **** himself. If you know it, you see it.


I used to have long drawn out discussions here..  but truly in the last couple of years, most of the GOPers aren't worth discussing this with. as the base gets more and more rapidly boiled down .. those that are left are beyond trying to reason. The insanity is quickly becoming more and more exposed.



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19 hours ago, Renegade7 said:

: /  They're bad, but not concentration camp bad.  We get nowhere demonizing them to that level.


I have to assume you don't know who they are talking about. Dude is literally a Nazi. He literally thinks Jews are what's wrong with the world. That is not hyperbole that is exactly what he is saying. 

Edited by Llevron
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Or possibly even worse, a weasly lil Nazi-wannabe poser that thinks being a Nazi is a step up. He may be right and that in itself ought to give you some idea of just exactly how far down the food chain he is.


But as long as he's got that R............... gonna be interesting to see how many votes he garners

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11 minutes ago, Llevron said:


I have to assume you don't know who they are talking about. Dude is literally a Nazi. He literally thinks Jews are what's wring with the world. That is not hyperbole that is exactly what he is saying. 

Yep, not too much grey area on Nazis. No kinder gentler Nazi-Lite option.

Their desired goals are well documented. I'd have zero problem if a platoon of soldiers assaulted his house and shot him. As far as I'm concerned a Nazi in this country is an invader, a hostile enemy we had to defeat in the past.

Since when have we ever stopped the war against Nazism and what it stands for? 



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5 minutes ago, Bang said:

Yep, not too much grey area on Nazis. No kinder gentler Nazi-Lite option.

Their desired goals are well documented. I'd have zero problem if a platoon of soldiers assaulted his house and shot him. As far as I'm concerned a Nazi in this country is an invader, a hostile enemy we had to defeat in the past.

Since when have we ever stopped the war against Nazism and what it stands for? 




There you go again............


I am this close to sharing my opinions on declaring Fox News a terrorist organization and having Predator drones shoot Hellfires through the windows...........

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30 minutes ago, Llevron said:


I have to assume you don't know who they are talking about. Dude is literally a Nazi. He literally thinks Jews are what's wrong with the world. That is not hyperbole that is exactly what he is saying. 

You're talking about one guy vs when I came in here the conversation was about the entire party and everyone who associates with it.  That's going too far, but I'll be back to explain why later.  That's not the first time that individual tried to get on the ballot, he's been even kicked off before.

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