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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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1 minute ago, Hersh said:


I can't even image both the POTUS and VPOTUS both going down. 


The fun part there is that I imagine, if both are implicated, that the GOP doesn't have a prayer of keeping the House in 2018. Third in the line of succession is the Speaker of the House. Right now Paul Ryan. After the 2018 elections? Possibly someone with a D behind their name. 


So if you a republican congressman do you rush impeachment before the election to get Ryan to take over as POTUS? Even though your election chances are toast if impeachment is ongoing right before the election.

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29 minutes ago, visionary said:

It didn't turn on Trump. The article says Junior is an idiot who was easily tricked with the end result being a bad look that hampers Trump's ability to do work while liberals froth at the mouth with talk of treason.

Edited by Sacks 'n' Stuff
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Did Hannity ask him why his story changed so many times or did they scrap that one in dress rehearsal?


Also, Jr has a lawyer right? Is this the worst lawyer in history or does he just not listen to him? I'm no law expert but from my observations, most council would tell their client, you are not going to go on ****ing Hannity and talk about this tonight. Right?

Edited by Sacks 'n' Stuff
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Remembering a story (I'll try to shorten it a lot) that supposedly, when Gorbachov took over Russia, one of his briefers told him that Kruschev had left a safe behind, to be given to his successor. He opened it, and found a sheet of paper, and three envelopes. The letter explained that Kruschev wanted to leave his successor with some parting advice, under the assumption that somewhere down the road, he would face difficult decisions. He should open an envelope when things appear hopeless. 


After some time, the war in Afghanistan appears hopeless. Gorbachov, in desperation, opens the first envelope, and reads "blame your predecessor". He does so, the people rally around him, and he weathers the storm. 


And then, there's a revolt in Poland and Germany. The second envelope reads "Blame your subordinates". He does so, the people rally around him, and he weathers the storm. 


And then, Chernyobel. He opens the final envelope, and reads "write three letters". 

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6 hours ago, skinsfan_1215 said:


The fun part there is that I imagine, if both are implicated, that the GOP doesn't have a prayer of keeping the House in 2018. Third in the line of succession is the Speaker of the House. Right now Paul Ryan. After the 2018 elections? Possibly someone with a D behind their name. 


So if you a republican congressman do you rush impeachment before the election to get Ryan to take over as POTUS? Even though your election chances are toast if impeachment is ongoing right before the election.

You are assuming that Red States care about treason.


Everyone who paid the least bit of attention knew that Trump was a crook and a con artist. They knew he ripped off his business partners and contractors, defrauded customers, and was a POS. They rallied for him and voted for him in droves. From day 1, he led the Republican Primaries and they never wavered.


Why do you think Red States will change their tune? Treason? Incompetence and an inability to push their agenda? Corruption? I doubt it matters to them. They by and large live in states that have been suffering and they constantly vote against self-interest having been programmed that the Dems are the root of all their problems. I don't think that changes. I think Conservatives continue to vote for Republicans en masse even if they know they are supporting traitors, criminals, grifters, and people in the pocket of foreign interests.

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8 hours ago, visionary said:


Krauthammer is an old school Neo-Con but he knows his stuff. I'm glad to see that he's not shoveling Trump's BS for him on this. 


We said all along that there were too many coincidences, too many paid Russian agents, too much direct and indirect Russian involvement for this all to be coincidence. 

Now we know that two of Trump's most senior advisors took a meeting where they believed they would receive information about Clinton from the Russian government who was actively working to get Trump elected...oh and Trump Jr was there too.

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Justice Department investigators suspect that Kushner led digital operation was feeding information to Russian government. Information that may have been used by Russia to target fake news via social media bots in specific swing voting districts.



Sneaking suspicion that this will really be one of the major issues coming to light in the coming days and weeks.

Edited by No Excuses
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10 hours ago, Hersh said:

This is going to end with Pence pardoning Trump Jr and Kushner. 


oh of course


but getting someone in the presidency that is at least capable of not being a national embarrassment is good enough for me. anything past that is extra to me.

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23 minutes ago, tshile said:


oh of course


but getting someone in the presidency that is at least capable of not being a national embarrassment is good enough for me. anything past that is extra to me.


What a bar that's been set. 


"He didn't drool on himself!" 


"Make room on Rushmore baby!!" 

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What makes you think Pence isn't knee deep in this? What makes you think the muck isn't over his head and he's drowning in it.


Seems to have been involved in a lot of the vetting meetings and whatnot. I don't think Pence is an innocent bystander in the least. If he was, I think the Republican Congress would have acted. They'd get their guy and get their stuff done. Their hesitation makes me think that they know that once one goes all the dominoes fall. More than likely... if Trump falls he'll take them down with him. He's the kind of guy who'd love to burn the bridge, salt the earth, and defecate on what's left.

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1 hour ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

Krauthammer is an old school Neo-Con but he knows his stuff. I'm glad to see that he's not shoveling Trump's BS for him on this. 


We said all along that there were too many coincidences, too many paid Russian agents, too much direct and indirect Russian involvement for this all to be coincidence. 

Now we know that two of Trump's most senior advisors took a meeting where they believed they would receive information about Clinton from the Russian government who was actively working to get Trump elected...oh and Trump Jr was there too.


That's what's annoyed me the most. The denial. The wilful ignorance. It looked like a duck, it quacked like a duck, it flew like a duck, it tasted like a duck...guys I think it's a duck.


"Where's the body?!? Where's the body?!? It might've been a puppy!!!" 



Btw, the word for today... 




>A kakistocracy (English pronunciation: /kækɪsˈtɑkɹəsi/) is a state or country run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. The word was coined as early as 1600s. It was also used by English author Thomas Love Pea**** in 1829.


New one for me. Most fitting I think. 

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1 minute ago, Llevron said:

Im surprised we dont have anyone in here defending this yet. Its been, like, two days already. 


twa was here back when this first hit.  He's at Waffle House recovering from a raging hangover.  He'll be here shortly.

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2 minutes ago, Llevron said:

Im surprised we dont have anyone in here defending this yet. Its been, like, two days already. 

I posted the story yesterday that the pro-Trump media is in a state of confusion, with their defenses contradicting one one another. That needs to get cleared up first. 

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6 minutes ago, Dan T. said:


twa was here back when this first hit.  He's at Waffle House recovering from a raging hangover.  He'll be here shortly.


I'm waiting for the Ruskies to drop the other campaign did the same thing.


Patience is a virtue.


dang it, now I got a craving for scattered and smothered

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