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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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11 minutes ago, mistertim said:

 If someone announced that we were going to be invaded tomorrow his first question would be how their media portrays him and then he would decide how to react.

 To be fair, I think he'd first ask if his properties would be safe from the targets...then media attention.

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Translating "America First" into diplomatic policy, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Wednesday declared the United States can't always afford to condition its foreign relationships and national security efforts on countries adopting U.S. values like human rights. 



Tillerson has snuffed out Reagan's Beacon on a Hill. No longer will we be an inspiration for other nations. I guess it's part and parcel of courting dictators while offending and distancing ourselves from our traditional allies.

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The international humiliation rolls on. Foreign leaders are actively looking to gush over the * as a way to curry favor. Who needs policy? Diplomats? A clue? Nope, all that **** goes out the window, just book a room in his hotel and tell him how yuge his hands look.


Of course the local internal humiliation keeps pace. Spicer and Mulvaney lying about the wall, no one cares. Gutting health care to divert monies into their own pocket, no one cares. Federal govt efforts to shill for Ivanka's book, no one cares, etc, etc, and so on.


The clock is definitely ticking, we are traveling down a road that gets darker by the day, this will not end well.



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2 hours ago, Burgold said:



Tillerson has snuffed out Reagan's Beacon on a Hill. No longer will we be an inspiration for other nations. I guess it's part and parcel of courting dictators while offending and distancing ourselves from our traditional allies.


Can you not inspire rather than impose?

I like imposing my will by removing choice personally.

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Maybe I'm spinning into speculation.  But my feelings on removing human rights as a factor in our nation's foreign police leads to some other considerations.  Seems to me, there are two possible ways of looking at our new, Trump, foreign policy, when it comes to things likje, say, foreign aid and trade policy:  


1)  instead of basing foreign aid on human rights, we will hand it out to everybody, without regard to who we're handing it to, and with no strings attached.  


2)  Instead of basing foreign aid on human rights, we will instead base it on some other value, which we think is more important.  


Now, since I suspect we can all agree that Option 1 isn't on the table, it makes me wonder which value we think is more important than promoting human rights.  

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Trump has a dangerous disability


This seems to be not a mere disinclination but a disability. It is not merely the result of intellectual sloth but of an untrained mind bereft of information and married to stratospheric self-confidence.

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