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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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While I still watch/hear a number of R conrgessfolks and pundits (mostly women by quite a margin) that I can live with, all I want for most of the Trumpworld players is a painful slow death that begins asap, so that doesn't leave much discussion safespace  for people who like what they see or even for those who seem most focused on flaws in the left.


Plenty of work to b done in that lefty mess, too, obliviously, just sayin' where I'm at. I have been more politically active again city/state wise, and even national, this last year-plus, and spend less time just "chatting" on politics. It's mostly result/goal-driven for me now. I have a lot of company these days and it seems to be moving along well. Arduous tasks ahead.


Not comfy with "how dem" this leaves me as opposed to being a vocal independent all my life as the dems have a ton of garbage to address, too. Although, my thinking being an independent separates me from typical right/left follies may be a distinction without a meaningful difference when you look at some of the nutjob losers that run under other-party tickets.  


But overall, esp. from Bush II onward, in terms of natural calamity i see the "bad parts" of the left these days as hurricane katrina and the "bad parts" of right these days as the meteor that led to a mass extinction event.

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On policy, the faction of the White House loyal to senior strategist Steve Bannon is convinced McMaster is trying to trick the president into the kind of nation building that Trump campaigned against. Meanwhile the White House chief of staff, Reince Priebus, is blocking McMaster on a key appointment.


This administration is determined to undermine anyone with a semblance of competence.

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watching spicer dump everything re: their flynn issues on "obama" is another amazing show for this gop **** circus...this admin has advanced "blatant" in its pettiness/malevolence/incompetence/dishonesty/corruption to stratospheric heights 

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I'm sure that this has already been posted.... but the George Will position  (please recall that GW is a cornerstone of American conservative intelligentsia ... and about as far from a Dem or a Lefty as you can find).    But he sure writes well.





Trump has a dangerous disability

By George F. Will Opinion writer May 3 

It is urgent for Americans to think and speak clearly about President Trump’s inability to do either. This seems to be not a mere disinclination but a disability. It is not merely the result of intellectual sloth but of an untrained mind bereft of information and married to stratospheric self-confidence.

<see more at link>


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45 minutes ago, Jumbo said:

watching spicer dump everything re: their flynn issues on "obama" is another amazing show for this gop **** circus...this admin has advanced "blatant" in its pettiness/malevolence/incompetence/dishonesty/corruption to stratospheric heights 


They are getting the hang of this politics thing?

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1 hour ago, Jumbo said:

watching spicer dump everything re: their flynn issues on "obama" is another amazing show for this gop **** circus...this admin has advanced "blatant" in its pettiness/malevolence/incompetence/dishonesty/corruption to stratospheric heights 

and they'd vote for him AGAIN, convinced that each lie is only called out as a plot to undermine His Trumpiness.

So crass in it's conviction of how stupid their base actually is. 

A person would have to be a complete masochist to support this. .. or just really as stupid as they bank on.





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1 hour ago, Jumbo said:

watching spicer dump everything re: their flynn issues on "obama" is another amazing show for this gop **** circus...this admin has advanced "blatant" in its pettiness/malevolence/incompetence/dishonesty/corruption to stratospheric heights 

Hey, if you can get away with it...

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"Over the coming weeks and months, agencies will undertake thorough interagency vetting to ensure we fulfill our commitment to hold perpetrators of human rights abuses and corruption accountable,” the letter said.


In advance of this meeting, human rights organizations have been working to prepare files on suspected gross human rights abusers from countries including China and Vietnam who they would like to see added to a list of foreign persons who are in effect banned from traveling to or doing business in the US.


When they sit down with the Trump administration officials from State and Treasury on Tuesday, the human rights groups will be looking for two things: Any indication from the Trump administration that they are serious about implementing the Global Magnitsky Act, and clarity on what is sufficient evidence for State and Treasury to add people to the list.


“Global Magnitsky is a key test case for [Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s] State Department: will it implement seriously existing law on human rights?” said Daniel Calingaert, Executive Vice President for Freedom House, which describes itself as "an independent watchdog organization dedicated to the expansion of freedom and democracy around the world."



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56 minutes ago, stevemcqueen1 said:

LOL.  Just take my word for it.


Republicans must think we're all so stupid because they spend most of their time interacting with their core constituencies.


those are the only ones GOP have to keep happy.    




... and those people are smoking some weird ass kool aide  

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If you could punch one political figure, one time, consequence free, who would it be? No serious injury or anything. Just a single relaxing therapeutic punch to the nose. Or, if you're a ****, you can yell at one or something. Who is it? 


Paul Ryan has been at the top of my list for quite awhile but it's starting to tighten up. Spicer is up there. Kushner, just because I think he would cry. And my folks congressman in Virginia there, Tom Garrett with his fat ****ing face and stupid beard. Think that's my top 4.

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