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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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There is no real shutdown.  A true shutdown means you literally shut down every single function the government does. 

That means, no planes will be flying since Air Traffic  Control would be closed.

Post office would be close, no SS, Welfare, etc.. checks being delivered.

No pay to the military, etc...


A real government shutdown means everything is shut down; including all essential services.  That will never happen.

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18 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

They should have been doing this during the primaries, and not given him airtime. 


Instead they did just the opposite....ever wonder why?

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12 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

Honestly, if they took his twitter away from him he'd probably resign.  I suspect his tweeting and rallies are the only things keeping the job "fun" enough for him to bother to stay.

Then we have to make it less fun each day.


If isn't clear to everyone now; then they are an idiot.  Donald Trump had no intention of becoming President or even wanted to be. President.  He ran only so that, he could leverage that into making more money for himself.  Thing is, he tapped into something and road that all the way to the White House.  I bet you to this day, Trump doesn't understand what he tapped into during the 2016 election cycle.  Some people around him do, but I doubt he personally does.


If they guy gets more bored and frustrated with the job; maybe he just quit. Seriously doubt he passes anything of significance?  He can propose all he wants; he isn't getting it.  The GOP is a fractured with competing interests.  Trump is going to find it hard, if not impossible to get anything he wants done.


I'm sticking with my early 2019 prediction of his term ending.

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20 hours ago, No Excuses said:

Why he has to double down on his stupidity, who knows. Lying sack of ****.


It's stil hard to believe that HE will go down in history as a US President. Almost turns our storied history into a massive joke.

Almost? Nah. One thing you've gotta give Dump is that he's all in on everything he does. He won't rest until he's made this country the most bigly joke EVAR!!!

19 hours ago, twa said:


https://books.google.com/books?id=1GhZl6KhM4cC&pg=PA123&dq=andrew+jackson+%2Bslavery&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiSu-mbiNDTAhVoz1QKHdtdBTIQ6AEINDAD#v=onepage&q=andrew jackson %2Bslavery&f=false


he certainly worked to prevent civil war, though his actions might have made it more likely.

Lotta folk saw it coming, Jackson clearly doubted the motives of many abolitionists


 you do know the South threatened secession in his day?....as well as asserting states could nullify federal law.



So now we know what Bannon has been reassigned to doing. ???

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Missing Casey Kasem...The hits just keep coming!  Hubby & I got into a "disagreement" last night. 

This is not a joke.  The fortitude of the human race has got to come alive and know this dude cannot do this job. 

If he had "billions and billions of dollars", he'd have no problem proving it. 

If he had a "terrific" plan to replace the ACA, he'd have gotten it passed.

If he could build a wall and "make Mexico pay for it", he'd do it. 

If he could defeat ISIS "very easily", he'd have done it.


But "grab 'em by the ****!"...He's done that.  Checkmark it.








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Figures that he'd be directly involved in such a petty, narcissistic endeavor as tracking down who retweeted the crowd pictures. Not like the POTUS (a brand new one at that) has anything more important to do. With every single thing he does Trump proves more and more that the only thing that matters is him. Honestly not sure if he even cares about this country one way or the other. If someone announced that we were going to be invaded tomorrow his first question would be how their media portrays him and then he would decide how to react.

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