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It’s time — high time — to take Fox News’s destructive role in America seriously



Chris Wallace is an exceptional interviewer, and Shepard Smith and Bret Baier are reality-based news anchors.


Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about the overall problem of Fox News, which started out with bad intentions in 1996 and has swiftly devolved into what often amounts to a propaganda network for a dishonest president and his allies.


The network, which attracts more viewers than its two major competitors, specializes in fearmongering and unrelenting alarmism. Remember “the caravan”?


At crucial times, it does not observe basic standards of journalistic practice: as with its eventually retracted, false reporting in 2017 on Seth Rich, which fueled conspiracy theories that Hillary Clinton had the former Democratic National Committee staffer killed because he was a source of campaign leaks.


Fox, you might recall, was a welcoming haven for “birtherism” — the racist lies about President Barack Obama’s birthplace. For years, it has constantly, unfairly and inaccurately bashed Hillary Clinton.


And its most high-profile personality, Sean Hannity, is not only a close confidant of President Trump but appeared with him onstage at a campaign rally last year.


Anyone who was paying the slightest bit of attention knew all of this long before Jane Mayer’s 11,000-word investigation in the New Yorker magazine was published a few days ago.


But because Mayer is so highly respected, and the piece so thorough, it made an impact. Within days, DNC Chairman Tom Perez announced that Fox wouldn’t be chosen as one of the hosts of the Democratic primary debates.


This was a mild, reasonable step that recognizes the reality that Fox News shouldn’t be treated as an honest broker of political news. It was not censorship as some bizarrely claimed, merely a decision not to enter into a business relationship.


Given First Amendment protections, Fox News can do pretty much what it wants on the air. It can shrug at Hannity’s excesses. It can allow Tucker Carson’s misleading rants on immigrants and crime. It can constantly undermine special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation of Trump.


But for mainstream journalists to suggest that there be no consequences or even recognition is willfully blind — and smacks of an unseemly inside-the-Beltway solidarity.


What Fox News has become is destructive. To state the obvious: Democracy, if it’s going to function, needs to be based on a shared set of facts, and the news media’s role is to seek out and deliver those facts.


Most news organizations take that seriously, though they may flounder badly at times. When they do, they generally try to correct themselves — that’s why you see editor’s notes, lengthy corrections, on-air acknowledgments, suspensions and even firings of errant news people.


Not at Fox News.


The rule at Fox is to stonewall outside inquiries, and to close ranks around its rainmakers.


And, of course, to double down on its mission, described aptly by my colleague Greg Sargent: “Fox News is fundamentally in the business of spreading disinformation, as opposed to conservative reportage.” And that disinformation “is plainly about deceiving millions into believing that core functionings of our government — whether law enforcement or congressional oversight — no longer have any legitimacy.”


But everyone ought to see it for what it is: Not a normal news organization with inevitable screw-ups, flaws and commercial interests, which sometimes fail to serve the public interest.


But a shameless propaganda outfit, which makes billions of dollars a year as it chips away at the core democratic values we ought to hold dear: truth, accountability and the rule of law.


Despite the skills of a few journalists who should have long ago left the network in protest, Fox News has become an American plague.


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1 hour ago, Mr. Sinister said:


I'd be shocked if Kushner isn't indicted by like September. Feels like something big is going to happen this summer (either Kush or Don Jr)

My thinking.


Don Jr is the one getting indicted soon since he lied to Congress. That will be his first one. That will probably happen before summer, imo.


I think that's gonna hold people over. January of 2020 is the beginning of the real election season. I can see Jared and Ivanka getting indicted then. After that, Weisenberg, the Enquirer, Eric, Baron, etc. I really think (and maybe hope) that Trump is sitting on an island by October. Each indictment and plea agreement refers to "individual-1." Trump will keep powering because he has no choice.

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25 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

What's funny is this isn't even new information about Fox. I am on the eve of turning 40 and I can remember documentaries on the nonsense of "Fox News" in my early 20's right as the Iraq War was getting ready for take off. 


I recall the first time I came across Fox news was a long time ago when I was still living in the UK and over in the US on a business trip. I was sat in a hotel room somewhere flicking through channels and came across Fox News. At around the same time in the UK there was a satirical TV comedy called "Drop the Dead Donkey" which I used to watch. It was a send up of a TV news room with over the top characters, ridiculous story lines etc etc. 


When I came across Fox News I genuinely thought for the first 10 minutes or so I was watching that this was an American version of "Drop the Dead Donkey" a satire on a right wing news station with ridiculous presenters and outlandish conspiracy theories. It slowly dawned on me this was an actual 'news' station.

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29 minutes ago, MartinC said:

When I came across Fox News I genuinely thought for the first 10 minutes or so I was watching that this was an American version of "Drop the Dead Donkey" a satire on a right wing news station with ridiculous presenters and outlandish conspiracy theories. It slowly dawned on me this was an actual 'news' station.


My first Fox News memory was Hannity......& Colmes.  Remember when Alan Colmes (RIP) was there to try and offer a different view.  What came off uncanny to me right away is that it seemed like Colmes was being used as a prop more than anything. He got about 1/4th of the time Hannity got to talk and it really felt like he was just there so they could say "see both sides"  Of course they ended up dropping Colmes from the show eventually. 

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Trump wants to turn our military basis into some kind of Mob protection racket scheme? I can just imagine how the conversation goes down-


"Listen here.  See. You don't want no trouble. See. You got to pay up and we'll look out for you. General Jimmy Thumbs and the boys will make sure you're untouchable. Yeah. Yeah."

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On 3/6/2019 at 1:01 PM, No Excuses said:


This is what’s happening in the real world.


In imaginary MAGA land, inhabited by the likes of @Force1958, Trump is winning!!! the trade wars. 


Hahahaha, I thought I had seen my name pop up in here.  Jumbo gave me the green light to come back to the Tailgate but have been busy renovating 2 bathrooms in the house.


I'm optimistic what will come of his talks with China leadership coming up, even though I saw where they're "wary of a quick deal from Trump".


I haven't caught up with all the posts since I was here last, but did you all think the move to walk away from the Kim deal was a good move or were you all not happy that Trump gave him an audience a 2nd time?

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15 minutes ago, Force1958 said:


Hahahaha, I thought I had seen my name pop up in here.  Jumbo gave me the green light to come back to the Tailgate but have been busy renovating 2 bathrooms in the house.


I'm optimistic what will come of his talks with China leadership coming up, even though I saw where they're "wary of a quick deal from Trump".


I haven't caught up with all the posts since I was here last, but did you all think the move to walk away from the Kim deal was a good move or were you all not happy that Trump gave him an audience a 2nd time?


His engagement with NK is probably the only area where I think he isn’t doing a **** job. 

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9 minutes ago, Force1958 said:


Hahahaha, I thought I had seen my name pop up in here.  Jumbo gave me the green light to come back to the Tailgate but have been busy renovating 2 bathrooms in the house.


I'm optimistic what will come of his talks with China leadership coming up, even though I saw where they're "wary of a quick deal from Trump".


I haven't caught up with all the posts since I was here last, but did you all think the move to walk away from the Kim deal was a good move or were you all not happy that Trump gave him an audience a 2nd time?

I wasn't happy that he agreed to meet with Kim without laying the groundwork for a summit that had any chance of success. The first time one could argue that Trump was trying to reset the playing board by actually speaking with Kim Jung Un directly. The meeting ended a failure with Trump giving up military exercises and a number other things in exchange for a vague promise that someday somewhere in the future North Korea may do something, but wouldn't allow any inspection so you can just take them at their word.


This time, we went and again got nothing. Trump got credit for not getting fleeced. That's a pretty low bar. In normal operations, diplomats spend months laying out a framework and arguing over what will happen so that by the time the leaders arrive everyone knows what is likely to happen (even though often it is not much) This second meeting with North Korea netted us nothing, nothing that even the White House could spin as a victory.


As for China, I suspect Trump is playing Chutes and Ladders while China is playing three-dimensional chess. He has been outmaneuvered regularly. For proof, see the largest trade deficit in US history. It'd be great if he came out with a win and China has been a terrible actor in terms of cyber crime and intellectual theft so Trump was not really wrong in identifying them as a problem that needs addressing. Can he do it? So far he has proven unable to even make deals with a Republican Congress. He has been unable to get his wall, repeal the ACA, or do anything but get a tax cut through.

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So...largest trade deficit in the history of the US.


Wanting to use the military as a mafia style protection racket.


Forcing clearances through for his family. 


Propping up Putin, Kim Jong un and other despots while turning out back on our European partners.


Yep..so much maga. 


If this is winning..I'd hate to see what loosing (intentionally spelled that way for the maga folk here) looks like. 😉

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21 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

Its official, Trump has tanked the economy


The job growth is minuscule. But 3.6 unemployment still is something rarely achieved. We've certainly seen worse economies. 


While I think Trump's juvenile "management style" has hurt the economy more than it's helped, (and the GOP's explosion of the deficit is inflating things), I'd say "tanked" is unfair. (Or at least premature).  



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4 minutes ago, Larry said:


The job growth is minuscule. But 3.6 unemployment still is something rarely achieved. We've certainly seen worse economies. 


While I think Trump's juvenile "management style" has hurt the economy more than it's helped, (and the GOP's explosion of the deficit is inflating things), I'd say "tanked" is unfair. (Or at least premature).  




I do wonder if a healthy economy (or the appareance of one) and running up a deficit are naturally linked. 


Economics isn't a strength for me, so I really have no idea.

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5 minutes ago, Larry said:


The job growth is minuscule. But 3.6 unemployment still is something rarely achieved. We've certainly seen worse economies. 


While I think Trump's juvenile "management style" has hurt the economy more than it's helped, (and the GOP's explosion of the deficit is inflating things), I'd say "tanked" is unfair. (Or at least premature).  



They expected 180,000 jobs and only saw 20,000. Thats not good anyway you slice it.


2 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


I do wonder if a healthy economy (or the appareance of one) and running up a deficit are naturally linked. 

It probably is.

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